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Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:08 am
by B. W.
I am posting this here in order to check and see if the connections Rob Bell has with Ken Wilber and Perennial Philosophy... are valid or not

I know some people admire Rob Bell but are the objections to him valid or not.

There does appear a connection to Ken Wilber, Thomas Berry, and Perennial Philosophy - is this true or not?

Here is a link to one of those websites that object to Rob Bell so be forwarned if you are a supporter of Rob Bell.

This thread is not here to bash Rob Bell but to look at how Perennial Philosophy influneces Christainity from within. My interest in this came from a Ravi Zacharias' TV show I watched...

And from this TV show Resisting the Green Dragon

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:37 am
by domokunrox
I didn't even need to read very much of it to pretty much see the wrong. Its has pan theism all over it, so maybe I should put the content in that thread I started and share that here.

My eyes literally rolled when I read quasi buddist, and I almost predicted what was about to be said. It was very close. Anyhow, these ideas are just flat out silly. Here is the problem. It seems like nobody wants to claim there is only one way because that that would be arrogant and "narrow minded". Yet, thinking like this doesn't make them arrogant and narrow minded?

It is totally wrong, but I totally understand why the Spanish inquisition did their atrocities. Totally wrong, but THIS is exactly what they were predicting was going to happen and here it is.

It just makes evangelism easier for the simple minded, and that much harder for people who have bigger influences in our societies.

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:14 am
by B. W.
domokunrox wrote:I didn't even need to read very much of it to pretty much see the wrong. Its has pan theism all over it, so maybe I should put the content in that thread I started and share that here.

My eyes literally rolled when I read quasi buddist, and I almost predicted what was about to be said. It was very close. Anyhow, these ideas are just flat out silly. Here is the problem. It seems like nobody wants to claim there is only one way because that that would be arrogant and "narrow minded". Yet, thinking like this doesn't make them arrogant and narrow minded?

It is totally wrong, but I totally understand why the Spanish inquisition did their atrocities. Totally wrong, but THIS is exactly what they were predicting was going to happen and here it is.

It just makes evangelism easier for the simple minded, and that much harder for people who have bigger influences in our societies.

Yes and you see its influnce in the Christian Church and so many people fail to take a stand against this invasion and its wacky doctrines.

The worthship of the earth is as old as the hills and always was a debased religious system. Maybe this debasment of society is from that type of pan theism...

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:51 am
by DannyM
B. W. wrote:I am posting this here in order to check and see if the connections Rob Bell has with Ken Wilber and Perennial Philosophy... are valid or not

I know some people admire Rob Bell but are the objections to him valid or not.

There does appear a connection to Ken Wilber, Thomas Berry, and Perennial Philosophy - is this true or not?

Here is a link to one of those websites that object to Rob Bell so be forwarned if you are a supporter of Rob Bell.

This thread is not here to bash Rob Bell but to look at how Perennial Philosophy influneces Christainity from within. My interest in this came from a Ravi Zacharias' TV show I watched...

And from this TV show Resisting the Green Dragon
Bryan, is this Rob Bell the Universalist?

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:06 pm
by B. W.
DannyM wrote:
B. W. wrote:I am posting this here in order to check and see if the connections Rob Bell has with Ken Wilber and Perennial Philosophy... are valid or not

I know some people admire Rob Bell but are the objections to him valid or not.

There does appear a connection to Ken Wilber, Thomas Berry, and Perennial Philosophy - is this true or not?

Here is a link to one of those websites that object to Rob Bell so be forwarned if you are a supporter of Rob Bell.

This thread is not here to bash Rob Bell but to look at how Perennial Philosophy influneces Christainity from within. My interest in this came from a Ravi Zacharias' TV show I watched...

And from this TV show Resisting the Green Dragon
Bryan, is this Rob Bell the Universalist?
Yes that is the person, but I am not sure if he has become one or not. What concerns me is the circles and wells he draws from. The bible does say - love not the things of the world's (system)...

It seems, in my opinion only here, that there is a new Gospel of Popularity out now that get's its moral acceptence from being acceptable by public opinion and not by what Christ said or taught. The mantra is a blending of all religions into a universal oneness solidified by earth worship.

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:44 pm
by domokunrox
B. W. wrote:Yes that is the person, but I am not sure if he has become one or not. What concerns me is the circles and wells he draws from. The bible does say - love not the things of the world's (system)...

It seems, in my opinion only here, that there is a new Gospel of Popularity out now that get's its moral acceptence from being acceptable by public opinion and not by what Christ said or taught. The mantra is a blending of all religions into a universal oneness solidified by earth worship.
To add to this, I know someone very close to my family who used to be a Christian, but now holds this view of religious pluralism (pan theism) where they tell christians "you cannot contain what is by its very essence uncontainable", and "how do you know that you have encapsulated God wholly and purely?" thinking that they make any logical sense. They also refuse to engage in apologetics. Gee, I wonder why? They only know how to use the "Its all just faith just the same as yours" defensive argument.

I actually wanted to single this out about Zen Buddism for everyone to see EXACTLY why this is dangerous and why its hugely popular now in the west.

They believe and I quote, "People pursuing enlightenment can see beyond the confinements of logic"

Yes, you read that right! In other words, its ok to be illogical you're just pursuing happiness and you're really just on the right path so long as you keep going because you certainly are right when you broke out of the confinements of logic.

Needless to say, I shake my head at this. Its VERY hard to continue the dialog without directly saying their ideas are stupid on that merit alone, and they have the nerve to say its the same as Christianity? Get out of here. Obviously everyone here can read my frustration. I was going back and forth with this person who kept insisting that the Christian God is defined as "infinite" and thus cannot be written and fully understood as written in the bible so we can't rely on it. I actually started working on a logical argument for why infinity doesn't exist. its still very rough and maybe needs some work.

If infinity exists, infinite regress exists as well
Infinite regress entails all things are impossible to explain
Most things could be explained
Therefore, infinity does not exist

There are people out there who combined these eastern ideas with out of date proven wrong experimental math concepts from Plato's academy, and put it in a blender after you take from your own personalized shopping list from Christianity, and you get a perfect blend of ignorance, bliss, not an atheist, won't defend my ideas, and I don't need to make sense to you because I am right.

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:06 pm
by RickD
Did you guys read Rob's book:Love Wins? Bart has a review on his website:

Bart seems pretty clear, that rob isn't a universalist.
That's just an observation from me. I know nothing about Rob Bell, myself.

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:11 pm
by B. W.
RickD wrote:Did you guys read Rob's book:Love Wins? Bart has a review on his website:

Bart seems pretty clear, that rob isn't a universalist.
That's just an observation from me. I know nothing about Rob Bell, myself.
Yes, I am aware and read Bart's review as well as looked over the book. In Love Wins, I could not find anything in it suggesting he believed Christian universalism but I did find that it could be used by readers to move to that view point. What concerns me is not so much about Rob Bell but rather how Christians are being led towards a type of Perennial Philosophy that promptes this: a mix of all religions is okay as there is some good in all so all are good but all the negative stuff in all religions must be removed in order to make a new acceptable world religious system gel.

On another totally different note, I find it interesting how this form of religion blending paints a positive support of the STATE as sole arbiter to dole out all aspects of social justice, economic justice, and ecological justice. Then next, how perennial philosophy leads to a breakdown of good morals and promotes unhealthy sexual and amoral induced lifestyles. The ancient pagan world’s worship of the earth and seasons were quite debased and perverted as the historical record shows. Is this the direction of the world?

Why would well meaning Christians support a Christianized version of perennialism? Do they think they can keep it on a morally straight and narrow path? There is a reason why the bible teaches believers that we are not to love this world (system) or the things in the world (system). You cannot have an offenseless Christianity that just gets along with the latest popular philosophy, public opinion, other religions, and latest pop-psychology. If so, then was Stephen’s death in Acts chapters 6-8 a mistake? did he proclaim the wrong message?

Lollipop Christianity comforts modern day Laodiceans very well...

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:42 am
by DannyM
RickD wrote:Did you guys read Rob's book:Love Wins? Bart has a review on his website:

Bart seems pretty clear, that rob isn't a universalist.
That's just an observation from me. I know nothing about Rob Bell, myself.
Rob Bell is apparently, shall we say, hard to pin down! But if he is not a Universalist, then someone had better tell the band of UK Universalists who hang on his every word...

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:10 am
by domokunrox
[flash] ... ata_player [/flash]

I wanted to share this with you all. It'd a good one. A bit old school, but he's fun.

Re: Perennial Philosophy Influneces within Christainity

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:48 am
by RickD
Ecumenism, and perennialism seem to be leading towards one religion. A religion that completely makes meaningless the cross of Christ.