Up until this interview, I hadn't heard of Dustin nor Sye. But, I bet if we checked, they hold to a YEC belief.
Heaven forbid.
Rick, I know you have your reasons for rejecting YEC. And I know there are some folks in the YEC camp that you loath, and with good reasons. However, one should never codemn a position for the reasons you state. Essentially you are saying that OEC better fits the atheists assumptions about the world, and thus that is the only reasonable position to meet an atheist or address their objections.
Jlay, I'm referring to their yec views only in how it reflects upon their interaction in this podcast. What I was trying to say to Danny, was that a common theme I've been hearing about is that atheists aren't open to discussions with people who hold to a 6,000 year old earth. In their minds, if a Christian claims the bible says the earth is 6,000 years old, then the bible is wrong. Every other claim the bible makes, is now suspect, because it is wrong about a young earth. Now, you and I know the bible doesn't give any age for the earth. But, atheists only go by what they hear Christians say, because, I would guess most atheists don't read the bible for themselves. As I've said before, I don't have a problem with Christians believing in a young earth,
until those Christians claim it's the only valid interpretation, and witness to unbelievers with that belief.
I'm not saying that OEC is the only reasonable position to meet an athiest or address their objections. Jlay, I've been on this board long enough for you to realize that's not what I believe. My point was that if an atheist knows something is wrong in his mind(belief in a 6,000 year old earth), then they hear a Christian defend YEC as the only valid biblical interpretation, then the athiest can't get past that, in order to be open about the rest of scripture.
because Ross isn't saddled with an unbelievable YEC worldview
Certainly there are plenty of intelligent people who hold to a YEC worldview.
Jlay, I looked at how I wrote :"because Ross isn't saddled with an unbelievable YEC worldview", and it didn't come out the way I meant it to. What I meant was that the YEC worldview is unbelievable to the atheists. So they see associate YEC with Christians and the bible, shutting off further dialogue in many cases, because the atheist can't get past YEC equaling the bible. Of course there are intelligent people who hold to a YEC worldview. There are also many intelligent atheists who may be open to the gospel, if it weren't for Christians who are
dogmatic about things that are non-essentials to Christianity.
There may be valid reasons for holding an OEC position. However, conforming to the wisdom of the world is NOT the reason.
I agree, and you know me well enough to know that jlay. The "wisdom of the world" promotes Naturalistic Evolution. You and I both know that the type of OEC that I believe, is not Naturalistic Evolution. Both naturalistic evolutionists, and progressive creationists interpret scientific evidence as showing an ancient earth. That doesn't mean that progressive creationists conform to the wisdom of the world. I know you know that old earth/progressive creationism does not equal naturalistic evolution.
My biggest concern with a dogmatic young earth belief is that it leaves many intelligent unbelievers in a position to choose between what nature tells them, and what they believe the bible tells them. Dogmatic YEC, shuts off many unbelievers from being receptive to the gospel.