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What's your occupation?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:56 pm
by spartanII
I've already done 2 years of college, basic classes, i'm still unsure of what i want to do, praying helps me think of what i'm good at and what i'm interested in but i'm unsure of what i should do in the long run, video games are really cool, and video game design seems cool but a childish thing to persue. What is your occupation, what are some jobs you could recommend to me? I'm kind of interested in the medical field.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:22 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Praying is a great start, Spartan! :D

I agree; video games are cool and fun, but definitely a time consumer and with all the garbage out there now-a-days, is a potential path to some horrific stuff. I used to play a lot during college but oy, what a waste of time.

What about the medical field interests you? The ability to help others?

I went to university for a BA and now I work in public relations :)

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:24 pm
by spartanII
StMonicaGuideMe wrote:Praying is a great start, Spartan! :D

I agree; video games are cool and fun, but definitely a time consumer and with all the garbage out there now-a-days, is a potential path to some horrific stuff. I used to play a lot during college but oy, what a waste of time.

What about the medical field interests you? The ability to help others?

I went to university for a BA and now I work in public relations :)
what's public relations mean and what do you do day to day? And I'm not sure, anything not blood related

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:36 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
LOL! I would be like you if I chose the medical field. Couldn't handle blood, either, though I'm sure many doctors and nurses generally cant at first. My cousin, who's now a doctor, lost 25lbs when they started working on cadavers! :P

If you're not into blood or the potential for it on a regular basis, perhaps being a chiropractor or something along those lines?

There are a few definitions for public relations. It can be the practice of managing communication between an organization/company and the public or it can be a combination of that and promoting a "healthy" image of an organization/company to the public.
Remember that huge Exxon Mobile oil spill? (was it Exxon? lol!) The people who came forward and issued all the press releases on behalf of the company, who spoke to the media and the public, those are "public relations consultants". The tricky part with this type of job is being able to discern how MORAL your job will be. I would not work for a company that promotes abortion through its donation channels, for example.
But, if you work for a non-government organization or a registered charity, you can do a lot of good.

Does that make sense?

edit: Sorry, forgot to answer what I do day to day. So for example, I work for an environmental group. They're small so there's a lot of autonomy which I like. Their mandate is simple and moral and I consider myself one of the stewards of God's creation :mrgreen: and not just "another tree hugger hippy". I write press releases, organize media events, make statements on behalf of the group on all our social media and websites, answer questions, respond to public inquiry, handle cable interviews, etc. It's fun and very fulfilling when it's a cause you believe in.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:41 pm
by Murray
Enlisting as a cav scout in the army for 3 years, then I Plan to attend the citadel military college earn a degree in history and Theology, and become a commissioned officer as a chaplain


Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:44 pm
by Murray
And the best way to get a free education in the medical field, along with numerous benefits, and an extremely good looking resume is to pursue a medical education through the military. Air force probably has the best medical core, and many of it's medics leave to become doctors in the civilian field.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:53 pm
by Rob
I am a lead technician in the technical support department of Midwestern telecommunications company.
I'm also a musician.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:23 pm
by Philip
St.Monica said,
Couldn't handle blood
Yep, that's me as well. If it's dead, I can handle it, live bleeding people, not so much (ironic my Avatar is known for cutting heads off, eh?). Also, I'm a communications and marketing guy. Tried to avoid all mathematics in college, but STILL had to take college algebra and lots of logic to get a journalism degree (logic, yeah, that makes sense. But algebra? Still don't understand that one).

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:25 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Right now I'm a Software Engineer/Technologist for GE Aviation. I work on model-based software that has been a lot of fun to work on over the past year or so. I graduated with a Computer Science degree this past summer, so I'm just starting off in my career.

The odd part is that I feel like my calling is somewhere else - though I'm not sure where. I feel like working for a smaller company - or being self-employed - is where I'm headed. I'm also trying to figure out exactly where I can use my massive interests in music composition, piano and guitar playing, Christian history, and apologetics.

Overall... I spend more time trying to figure out what I should be doing than focusing on what I am doing at the moment. Not sure if this is my fault or God's :(

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:33 am
by 1over137
I have a Master degree in physics (theoretical physics). Now I am finishing my PhD. Thesis is written. Currently waiting for the referees reports. I decided to change the field and now I am looking for a job as a programmer. Self-educating myself at home, doing some small projects till I get a job.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:01 am
by Byblos
1over137 wrote:I have a Master degree in physics (theoretical physics). Now I am finishing my PhD. Thesis is written. Currently waiting for the referees reports. I decided to change the field and now I am looking for a job as a programmer. Self-educating myself at home, doing some small projects till I get a job.
What is your thesis on, if I may ask.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:52 am
by 1over137
Byblos wrote:
1over137 wrote:I have a Master degree in physics (theoretical physics). Now I am finishing my PhD. Thesis is written. Currently waiting for the referees reports. I decided to change the field and now I am looking for a job as a programmer. Self-educating myself at home, doing some small projects till I get a job.
What is your thesis on, if I may ask.
Supersymmetry, sfermion decays.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:09 am
by Byblos
1over137 wrote:
Byblos wrote:
1over137 wrote:I have a Master degree in physics (theoretical physics). Now I am finishing my PhD. Thesis is written. Currently waiting for the referees reports. I decided to change the field and now I am looking for a job as a programmer. Self-educating myself at home, doing some small projects till I get a job.
What is your thesis on, if I may ask.
Supersymmetry, sfermion decays.
Thanks (I can pretend to understand what that means but I'm afraid you'll call me on it 8) ). All I know about supersymmetry is that it has something to do with quantum mechanics and gravity, that's about it.

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:31 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I work as a storeman/sales/service for a company that supplies chemical transfer systems for the petro industrial, agricultural and defence.
I spend a lot of time building and repairing pumps, Aviation nozzles etc....

Re: What's your occupation?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:25 am
by neo-x
I love to design and I am a graphics designer, doing print work, but I have done web and 3d as well. I actually look forward to work in 3d animation, probably in animated and cgi based movies (not sure about the movies part though :D ). Though I don't have a degree for that and I am self learned all the way, which kind of makes it hard for me at times, as people prefer people with a degree. But for my current job I am all good, I work for a chain of hotels and do all their design work. If not this, I would have been a lawyer y*-:) (I almost landed in law school BUT pulled out at the last moment)