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Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:26 pm
by Mariolee
Something has been bothering me about certain mission trips to evangelize, and it's more of a moral dilemma and would love to hear your guys' opinions on it. Well, the other day a friend of mine told me about how other countries will completely shut you down if you say you are going to evangelize.

Apparently his church went on a Tsunami Relief mission trip primarily to spread the word of Jesus by helping out, and he told me they were "trained" into what to say and how to say it. He told me that they would say that they are simply going on a Tsunami Relief trip, giving the passport-checkers or whatever the impression that they would do nothing else aside from that.

He justified this by saying, "Well, we weren't really lying!" But I thought it was really deceitful and manipulative of them, and yeah lots of people were saved, but just because one has good intentions doesn't mean one is allowed to use any means necessary to see them through, right?

I mean, if we compromise one of our core beliefs in order to spread the Word of God, is it morally acceptable? Aren't we being complete hypocrites, and is there honestly no other way? I don't believe God would ever put us in a position where we would have to sin in order to do what He commands or desires. I'm bringing this up because this isn't the first time I've heard of churches doing this, and I'd love to get a second opinion on this.

Re: Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:57 pm
by neo-x
I don't know Mariolee.

I mean, I think we should tell the truth always. But there are certain places where I would happily lie.

don't mind the hard language, just for illustration.
e.g A sick psychopath enters your home at night, kills your father in front of you, cuz he is the only man in the house and he came to defend you. Now the guy asks you, "is there anyone else in the home?" you know your baby girl of 6 is sleeping in the farthest room at the end. would you tell him the truth? would you even think that this guy has the authority to over you? In principle, he doesn't but In the present circumstance he does and can kill your daughter. Do you think telling the truth is something you should do?

another one, you are hiding a jew family in your home. You are a German, living in Nazi Germany, the SS comes to investigate you, you think you can get away with it. You are confident. Would you straight tell them the truth, because the Govt. expects you to do so, but would you consider it the right thing to do?

my point, if people start oppressing you to the point where you can't object to a certain preference of theirs, that cancels out yours, would you still obey? Had Moses parents done that, what do you think would be the result? Moses mother basically cheated the Govt. didn't she, she hid her child from them for three months, do you think it was manipulative of her? Yet the bible says in Heb 11, it was with her faith that she hid Moses. Or didn't the prostitute, Rahab, in the book of Joshua, hid spies in her home in order to accommodate them, yet the Bible says it was her faith, that saved her.

So, no I wouldn't say we should lie to full fill our gains, but when the situation demands at a point where it is beyond justice, morals, ethics, liberty and freedom, then I do not think I am obliged. God is not blind, I may not have done the best thing, yeah but then, the best thing was a danger to many. If God still wants to punish me for that, I am all up for it. But it was God himself who gave me the sense to see the injustice around me. To tell, that the world will always hate me for being a Christian and believing in a God.

If I am not allowed to speak my faith, then that is a wrong thing to begin with, that is a block to my human and basic rights? If I then do it secretly, I shouldn't be held responsible, the early church went out like that, secretly convening together.

I am not saying we are permitted to sin, but if you can outsmart them, then do it.

Re: Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:08 am
by RickD
I agree with neo on this. Especially the nazi illustration. This is the only problem I have:
He justified this by saying, "Well, we weren't really lying!"
Why would he have to tell you he wasn't lying. Couldn't he just have said that he felt his lying was justified in this case?

Re: Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:18 am
by Widge
RickD wrote:I agree with neo on this. Especially the nazi illustration. This is the only problem I have:
He justified this by saying, "Well, we weren't really lying!"
Why would he have to tell you he wasn't lying. Couldn't he just have said that he felt his lying was justified in this case?
People who lie to evangalize are insulting God. Same with churches who worship but ignore the poor and widow

Re: Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:20 am
by neo-x
RickD on Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:08 pm

I agree with neo on this. Especially the nazi illustration. This is the only problem I have:
He justified this by saying, "Well, we weren't really lying!"

Why would he have to tell you he wasn't lying. Couldn't he just have said that he felt his lying was justified in this case?

Re: Lying or Deceiving to Evangelize

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:42 pm
by Murray
Widge wrote:
People who lie to evangalize are insulting God. Same with churches who worship but ignore the poor and widow

can't say I've ever heard of a large church not helping the poor.....