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If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romney...

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:48 pm
Should we as devout honest Christians choose NOT to vote? I mean it's just for the presidential election of course. Because if it between those two, it's hard to even find the lesser of the two evils in this one.

I mean to choose between a marxist who throws Israel and hard working non environmentalist Christians under the bus and a MORMON, someone who believes God used to be one of them and that one day they too, can be a god of their own little planet.

I mean, what would you all do? This is the perfect nightmare for a Christian voter isn't it? Quite honestly God (our God not the Mormon god) wouldn't be happy with either one, so just as alittle foresight into the near future, if the election does come down to these two, should Christians bail out of it?

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:33 pm
by RickD
Should we as devout honest Christians choose NOT to vote? I mean it's just for the presidential election of course. Because if it between those two, it's hard to even find the lesser of the two evils in this one.
That's up to each person's conscience.
I mean, what would you all do? This is the perfect nightmare for a Christian voter isn't it? Quite honestly God (our God not the Mormon god) wouldn't be happy with either one, so just as alittle foresight into the near future, if the election does come down to these two, should Christians bail out of it?
I would be careful with trying to speak for God in this kind of stuff.
Romans 13:1
Any leader, whether he is just, or unjust, can be used by God, to do His will.
But, after saying that, I can certainly sympathize with your frustration. I haven't voted for president, in twenty years. I finally registered to vote again, because I found a candidate, that I believe can actually help our country.

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:20 pm
by Silvertusk
At least you have someboby that is closer to possibly having some Christian type belief than we have in UK. Unless someone else crops up - my next vote is going to be a spoiled ballot

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:57 pm
by Canuckster1127
Romans 13 was written contemporarily referring to Roman Emperors collectively was believed to be a God and who used that status to kill innocent Christians and Paul himself eventually.

As to characterizing a choice in a democracy as between a Marxist or a Mormon, I think the hyperbole is far too strong, but that's the fun of a democracy in being able to demonize those who are not like us.

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:44 pm
by Proinsias
How does it work over the pond? By the race between two candidates do you mean there are only two choices on the ballot paper or that there are only two candidates with a chance of winning? Try to vote for someone you have some sort of faith in, no matter how small their chance is,if that's not an option then spoil your ballot.

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:46 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Whom to choose? Obama or Romney?

Thank God I'm NOT American!


Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:17 am
by RickD
Romans 13 was written contemporarily referring to Roman Emperors collectively was believed to be a God and who used that status to kill innocent Christians and Paul himself eventually.
Not all that different from the modern U.S., where innocent unborn humans are killed, in the name of someone's god.
As to characterizing a choice in a democracy as between a Marxist or a Mormon, I think the hyperbole is far too strong, but that's the fun of a democracy in being able to demonize those who are not like us.
Where is the description not accurate, Bart? Isn't Romney a Mormon? Doesn't Obama have marxist beliefs?

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:03 am
by DannyM
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Whom to choose? Obama or Romney?

Thank God I'm NOT American!
I understand. But imagine having three such wise men as Cameron, Clegg and Miliband representing the major parties of your country...I think I'd rather be American!

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:18 pm
by Silvertusk
DannyM wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Whom to choose? Obama or Romney?

Thank God I'm NOT American!
I understand. But imagine having three such wise men as Cameron, Clegg and Miliband representing the major parties of your country...I think I'd rather be American!


Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:51 pm
by Murray
I'm still hoping for maybe cain or the Grinch. Not a big fan of the Grinch but he's better than Romney...

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:41 pm
by Canuckster1127
Romney is a Mormon. How does that impact his ability to lead a secular state?

Obama is not Marxist. That's simply an absurd attribution to make whether you disagree with him politically or not.

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:58 pm
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:Romney is a Mormon. How does that impact his ability to lead a secular state?

Obama is not Marxist. That's simply an absurd attribution to make whether you disagree with him politically or not.
I see what you mean about Romney. I don't think being a Mormon, necessarily means he can't be a good president. I just don't like Romney as a candidate, because of what he did in Massachusetts.

"Obama is not Marxist". I agree with you, that that is an absurd attribution to make. Because he is Marxist. :pound:

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:42 pm
by Canuckster1127
RickD wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Romney is a Mormon. How does that impact his ability to lead a secular state?

Obama is not Marxist. That's simply an absurd attribution to make whether you disagree with him politically or not.
I see what you mean about Romney. I don't think being a Mormon, necessarily means he can't be a good president. I just don't like Romney as a candidate, because of what he did in Massachusetts.

"Obama is not Marxist". I agree with you, that that is an absurd attribution to make. Because he is Marxist. :pound:
No. He is not. Most Americans however, use the terms derisively as if it is some form of identifying how far left someone goes on the scale of American Politics. The difference between Republicans and Democrats in the US is about the difference between Bud and Bud Lite. It pales between the scope of ideology that is present in most other countries with different parties. To put it another way, the only differences between parties in the US is that Corporations own one party and rents the other with the option to buy.

Americans by and large don't even know the difference between Socialism and Communism. The fact is, they're mortal enemies. One of the most beloved anti-communist books, Animal Farm by George Orwell, was written by a socialist who makes Obama look like Ronald Reagan.

I know you're joking (at least I think you are.) Believe me. If you take the time to read Marx's Communist Manifesto and examine the roots of Hegelian dialecticalism behind it and at extrapolate it out in to the economic and political implications, there's nobody in the American mainstream policial scene that even comes close to Marxist. There's not really that many socialists either and what socialists there are, are just as opposed to real Marxism as the most ardent capitalist (and there's very few pure capitalists in the US for that matter too.)

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:15 pm
by Murray
Socialist is more accurate....

Marxist is a it too extreme a description. However he seems to like the idea of what the Russians did to the rich during the Bolshevik revolution, where they took everything from the rich, and gave it all to the government to redistribute throughout.

Capitalism must have 3 classes, Obama does not understand that... Those who succeed in the free market deserve it in a sense, that is what drives motivation. Communism fails because their is no motivation to work harder, and socialism fails because eventually you run out of other people's money.

However, what I do think is we should tax the crap out of willed fortunes (over 1 million) so that we do not have these idiots that earned nothing sitting on fat couch(Anne Nicole Smith like people)

same thing with divorce fortunes... tax tax tax those things.

Punishing success does not drive a free market, some rich pay almost 35% income already, what more do you want? And if you tax the rich, they will 1) avoid the tax increase 2) take their business else ware -china- (occurred under jimmy carter) 3) will cause the definition of rich to keep going down because they cannot squeeze enough out of the current standard of rich (occurred under jimmy carter) and will eventually end up taxing the middle class.

Re: If the 2012 presidential race is between Obama and Romne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:05 pm
by Canuckster1127
Capitalism does require 3 classes. It's not blasphemy however when the rich are demonstraby getting richer and being provided with tax breaks in the name of creating jobs that are not being created, and the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is shrinking, to step back and ask if there's something wrong with that picture and the tax policy that is creating it, without being accused of "class-warfare" and being a socialist. I don't agree with a lot of things Obama promotes, but I do agree with him and many others when the observation that the status quo is not working.