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Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:37 pm
by August
A hard-core materialist neurosurgeon has an NDE, and completely changes his opinion on mind/body and dualism. Fascinating interview. ... xperience/

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:17 pm
by DannyM

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:28 pm
by B. W.
Very interesting...

The wormhole view - strange faces and noises and then a very beautiful angel of light explaining - don't etc and etc... then back to that wormhole view again seeing roots and strange animal like things...

Reminds me of similar venues I saw during my own experience but I was not in a coma as this chap was.

Very interesting to me and thank you for posting this!

That wormhole view, noises he heard in that part, and animalistic things he saw as well shows to me where he really was and how the demonic seeks to deceive people into thinking all is well, don’t worry, lovey dovey all the time…

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:18 am
by August
BW, I was hoping you would weigh in here.

Couple of observations and questions:

I also read a bit on his own website where there is some more detail. He now seems to lean towards a sort of New Age spirituality, is that also your impression? Did you also experience the hyper reality he speaks about?

Lastly, sorry for asking this, and I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but how do you know that you are right and he is being deceived? How are you judging that? How is your experience more valid than his?

It seems to me that when he speaks of some sources of light etc that it may have been what we speak of as God. However, the fact that he came out of it not as a theist can be one proof that you are right.

I also recommend to people that they read the book "The Spiritual Brain" by O'Leary and Beauregard to get more perspective on neurological topics.

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:12 am
by B. W.
August wrote:BW, I was hoping you would weigh in here.

Couple of observations and questions:

I also read a bit on his own website where there is some more detail. He now seems to lean towards a sort of New Age spirituality, is that also your impression? Did you also experience the hyper reality he speaks about?

Lastly, sorry for asking this, and I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but how do you know that you are right and he is being deceived? How are you judging that? How is your experience more valid than his?

It seems to me that when he speaks of some sources of light etc that it may have been what we speak of as God. However, the fact that he came out of it not as a theist can be one proof that you are right.

I also recommend to people that they read the book "The Spiritual Brain" by O'Leary and Beauregard to get more perspective on neurological topics.
Good questions August,

First, how do I know I am right and others like this person are wrong?

After much searching into what happened to me afterwards, only the bible had the right answers and only could answer several things reading what happened.

One- after one dies they face judgment as Eccl 3:14

Eccl 3:15 NKJV, Eccl 3:16 NKJV, Eccl 3:17 NKJV, Eccl 3:18 NKJV and Hebrews 9:27

What from does this judgment consist of? Is it like our human system or would it be other worldly to us? Fact is, it is unlike what we think or conceive of as justice. It is God’s love exposing and revealing the real person to them. For many God shows what it is like with him first before showing the conviction from how one actually lived mortal that opposed – exploited-twists such love for one’s own gain so silent and smooth too.

This is often remembered as a life review or scenes of heavenly bliss of various types. This type of judgment can occur while arriving and at the throne (as was my case) or in hell’s cubes/rooms/cells (Ezekiel 32:23-qeber: A grave, a sepulcher, cell, i.e. Proverbs 7:27 heder: chamber, a parlor, a room). It is unlike anything you can imagine as judgment.

This judgment is thorough – it explains mysteries about God and the universe so that no stone is left unturned. It eventually compares what you did in life, how you lived, thought, to what is revealed. You cannot stand after seeing how you would corrupt the holiness of God to your own advantage. That is how God’s love judges the unsaved. Isaiah 26:10 is true for there is only one land of uprightness and only one way to get there.

Other reason I know that I am right are found in these verses 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 1:7. The spiritual beings the doctor encountered did not, as far as I have read his account, not confess who Jesus is but instead shed forth an all is well, all is love, message fitting this principle found in 2 Co 11:14, 15

And then there is Mark 12:25 principle – what do angels really look like? Sure they can appear as human beings but their real from is neither male nor female. The Doctor, saw a female spirit being, hmmm???? Who taught what?

However, the doctor admits to the wormhole view and seeing roots and such. This cues me personally into where his judgment occurred, within one of the cells of illusion. Please also note, that if it is not your time to go – your soul required of you as Jesus revealed (Luke 12:20c), a person can return. Often it is for the purpose of coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. However, the experience can deceive them and be used by the enemy to entrap others.

If any reader is one such person who had an experience, I will ask you personally – how are you exploiting Christ Love – God’s love – how are you twisting it to fit appeals to your emotions and intellect? Look again at what happened –how were you being judged? What message do you bring back? All is well, don’t worry? If it sounds too good to be true, then it is – so how are you twisting God’s own love for personal benefit to escape who and what you are really like? You encountered the first part of judgment and allowed to return. Look again at your experience. Does it cost you to reject Jesus Christ and what he did in exchange for another way?

Why would God allow this type of happening to occur and permit such to return and report a false gospel? The answer is simple and follows these principles found in 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10, 11 and Eccl 3:18 explain why. Will one chose to remain beast like or come to Christ for change.

From what I can gather and understand in the bible prophecy about the nation of Israel, it points to the fact that these times we live are closer to the end of the beginning than it was yesterday or years ago. So lying wonders will be more known; however, if you are wise you'll discern how these lying wonders take advantage/exploit/misuse of God’s love, goodness, and mercy. Instead, look to Christ alone, not at the wonders.

What greater ways and wonders than new age spirituality and the modern feel good gospel? Yes God test the heart so for any reading you can do as Jesus’ says in Luke 21:36 - chose the broad way that leads to destruction that the majority follow or choose the straight and narrow as Jesus said Matthew 7:13.

So who do you trust more – that Doctor chap or Jesus Christ who is truly the greater physician?

Eccl 3:18

So any reading this, measure my testimony against his – who do I exalt? What do I? In that, you’ll discern truth. Jesus said that he is the only way, the truth and the light all must enter by him.

Therefore, whom do you trust and why???

As for the other question regarding a hyper reality experience – yes for those inside a cube do experience this. A person does have all explained to him and many profound truths. Much of this is forgotten upon one’s return for good reason as people do corrupt the good things of God and twists them to their suit their own emotional likes and dislikes. Again, exploiting the love of God for one’s own gain is revealed....

I commend the Doctor for his accomplishments but a PHD and all is only a human measure of credibility for gullibility. After all what does 1 Co 1:27, 28, 29, 30, 31c say?

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:23 am
by August
Thanks BW, well explained.

Have you interacted with other people that had NDE's? I see that he said that he didn't want to interact with others initially as he did not want to taint his memories. What I am curious about is whether anyone else have had a similar experience to yours that you know of. There are quite a few that are relatively close to his.

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:47 am
by B. W.
August wrote:Thanks BW, well explained.

Have you interacted with other people that had NDE's? I see that he said that he didn't want to interact with others initially as he did not want to taint his memories. What I am curious about is whether anyone else have had a similar experience to yours that you know of. There are quite a few that are relatively close to his.
Yes - I have...

One was an older gentleman whose NDE happened as a young child - he drowned after falling through Ice. He saw Jesus and heaven but so far as I know, has not committed to Christ. sadly his adult mindset twisted the experience into a new age-ish - all is well message. There are many like this. You have to trust in the Lord’s sovereignty for such people. Do your part and He will do his either with you or without your influence in their lives. Adults who had NDE’s as young kids and hold to that New Age-ish feel good point of view need our prayers and supplications. They saw something and experienced something profound but their adult minds twist the truth so often.

There is more I could say on God's sovereignty as that is something very clearly explained that I recall and in that we must trust becuase he does know what he is doing but we - not so much or not at all,

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:23 pm
by Gman
August wrote:A hard-core materialist neurosurgeon has an NDE, and completely changes his opinion on mind/body and dualism. Fascinating interview. ... xperience/
Nice work August... ;)

No there is no God.. :roll:

Re: Neurosurgeon NDE Interview

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:47 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
I'm about to pull up a mug of tea, a blanket and hunker down for this lovely gem. Thank you for posting the link!