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If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futurama?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:07 am
by eric246
I've been thinking about this. There are millions of species, yet we are the only one capable of (or evolved , if you will) the ability to be self-aware and moral. Why, if there are millions of species capable of the same evolutionary ability, and we all started out at a similar time, is our world not like that of Futurama? There would be multiple self-aware, human-like species, all capable of communicating with each-other, gaining knowledge, and co-existing, even though their bodies are different. It never really made sense to me why we would be the only ones. Some might say that we killed them off and were the primary, dominant species, but that doesn't make much sense to me either. What if dinosaurs became self-aware and had stronger minds? They easily would've killed us off, or any other giant, strong species. I know I'm basing all this off a TV show, but I think it's something to think about. Thoughts?

Re: If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futura

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:22 am
by Silvertusk
eric246 wrote:I've been thinking about this. There are millions of species, yet we are the only one capable of (or evolved , if you will) the ability to be self-aware and moral. Why, if there are millions of species capable of the same evolutionary ability, and we all started out at a similar time, is our world not like that of Futurama? There would be multiple self-aware, human-like species, all capable of communicating with each-other, gaining knowledge, and co-existing, even though their bodies are different. It never really made sense to me why we would be the only ones. Some might say that we killed them off and were the primary, dominant species, but that doesn't make much sense to me either. What if dinosaurs became self-aware and had stronger minds? They easily would've killed us off, or any other giant, strong species. I know I'm basing all this off a TV show, but I think it's something to think about. Thoughts?

Interesting question. If evolution is true (and I don't care either way) then the reason we are the only advanced species is because God breathed his spirit into us giving us that advantage. This is what I believe anyway...if evolution is irrefutable.

With the dinosaurs we were lucky that meteorite wiped them out several million years ago. Them and their evil dictatorship regimes. :ewink:

Re: If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futura

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:14 pm
by Ivellious
Not really...There are several problems with your question.

First of all, evolution is not an "ability." A species does not have some power that makes it evolve when the species feels like it. Evolution is a process that an individual or group of individuals has no real control over. It's natural, hence the term "natural selection."

Also, to say that we all started at the same time is confusing. Technically evolution does state that all organisms come from a single common ancestor, a bacteria. From there, different species diverged and created a sort of tree of life, with different species branching off of existent ones. Evolution doesn't create identical changes at the same time intervals for each species...The different varieties of mutations have given rise to different types of organisms.

Also, no scientist has ever claimed that evolution brought other human-like species into the world and we "killed them off." Yes, natural selection can be influenced by dominant species driving others to extinction because of their superiority, but aside from documented cases of humans killing off certain species through hunting, that's a ridiculous idea.

Well, you see, dinosaurs were long gone well before humans or primates or even mammals as a whole existed. Large dinosaurs thrived because their size and strength gave them advantages. Also, climate change essentially wiped out the dinosaurs, so regardless of their intellect, their oversized reptilian bodies were toast in cold weather climates. Yes, it is feasible that had a larger species such as an elephant (which might be far more intelligent and self-aware than you realize) developed the same type of intellect as we have now, they could very well have driven our primitive ancestors to extinction from sheer dominance of their natural environments. However, that is not the case, and this is how evolution (and human interference) has left the Earth now. Feel free to question as you may, I love discussion, even when others disagree with me.

Re: If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futura

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:32 am
by StMonicaGuideMe
Ivellious wrote: Feel free to question as you may, I love discussion, even when others disagree with me.
This is refreshing. I'm sure you've interacted with many non-Christians who only come here to bash us, assuming we're all ignorant, brainwashed fools with no semblance of "reality". So, good for you for being open-minded enough to converse with us.

On another note, I am still studying evolutionary theory, specifically at this moment evolutionary psychology, so I don't believe I am (at this moment) qualified to respond at this time. This is not to say I won't discuss it at another point in time, I simply wanted to say welcome and to thank you for presenting your argument in a civilized manner.

Re: If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futura

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:03 am
by Ivellious
I agree that there are numerous idiots on both sides of every argument, especially when religion is involved. There are plenty of ignorant people Ive spoken with who push evolution and anti-christian/religious views without any serious reason or qualification, and by the same token there are plenty of christians/religious people who are similarly ignorant and closed-minded. I might disagree with many people on this site, but I can appreciate open discussion as long as it really is open.

I really hate the people who will just answer with "evolution is dumb" or "you need to find GOD" or whatever. Those arguments are dumb and a waste of time, honestly. I actually came here after posting some stuff on a supposedly free and open discussion page on christianity and so on only to be blocked and have my posts deleted, presumably because people were ignorant and didn't actually want to discuss, but rather just keep their blinders on and avoid anything to the contrary.

I will admit that I have little understanding of evolutionary psychology, though I understand it takes the concept of natural selection and evolution and applies to the development of the human mind and emotions and so forth. Intriguing idea, really, though again I can't really comment on something I am not educated in.

Re: If evolution is true, shouldn't our world be like Futura

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:42 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Well, if you haven't already noticed, as long as you are respectful of others view points, you won't find any of your comments blocked and actually, you are encouraged to openly disagree with any of us at any point so we can discuss things. Being open to discussion means being open to have your viewpoints change, so we hope you may offer us your most deepest contentions about Christianity and we can try to answer them for you.

You also "sound" very much like someone I used to interact with on another board. Perhaps we have crossed paths?