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God's Will For Careers

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:10 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Hey everyone...

I've been doing a lot of reflection lately on my life and where I want to be in the future, and I keep getting stuck in the same place it feels like. I recently graduated with a Computer Science degree and currently hold a position designing support software for aircraft. Its not a bad job by any means. The pay is great, the job is interesting, the people are fun to work with, and the hours and demands are reasonable.

There was a point between attending college and going to work for this company that I took another job with another software company to help pay the bills. I had extremely ridiculous hours and demands there- close to 70 hour minimum work weeks doing work I didn't like or understand with people who weren't friendly. I quit the moment the other offer came in (it was a six-month temporary contract anyway). In the time I worked that job, I feel I was a little tramautized (still have nightmares ocassionally about it and I've never dreamed of work before). But I think during it God revealed something to me: that I may want to reconsider my career.

That thought has been growing even in my current position. I know I won't stay with the company forever, but I don't know how to tell what God's Will is for my career. I'm not even sure that's a question God is particularly concerned with (my moral and spiritual well-being are likely more prioritized). But I wanted to get some opinions of people here about this topic. I love teaching people, and would love to teach apologetics and Christian history, and have even at times thought about becoming a Pastor someday (though I know I would need a TON of work before being ready for that). My biggest passion is writing and playing music. I would love to run a small business either writing software or making products locally. My problem isn't that nothing interests me; its that God has allowed me to have too many interests! (At least, for this decision to be easy).

So I guess what I'm asking is: Has anyone else had this issue? Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

Re: God's Will For Careers

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:23 pm
by inlovewiththe44
Good question, Marcus. I'll be praying that it will be revealed to you :) I would offer advice, but I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm wondering if God wants me to be a nurse, which is what I'm studying to be right now, or if he wants me to do something else.

God bless.

Re: God's Will For Careers

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:51 am
by Canuckster1127
Hi Marcus,

I know where you're coming from. I'm in my second career now as I approach 50 years of age and I work now in a similar environment to what you describe.

It may sound glib, but what I've found is that, to this point anyway, I've not found a perfect job and I've accepted that I never will. I do however have a job with a firm that allows me to change clients regularly and take on new tasks and challenges. Right now, I'm working at the US Postal Service HQ in Washington DC as a contractor/consultant ... talk about a challenge!

I do better with change and new challenges. I like doing analysis and writing. So, when I look at a job or project now, I try to find one that focuses on my strengths and interests and if I can find one that is about 60% what I like and about 40% things that are dull for me, then I figure that's a good balance and I'm content with that.

Maybe that will help. If not, you can ask for your money back .... ;)


Re: God's Will For Careers

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:48 pm
by Short1
I definitely get where you're coming from. I'm at college for music education right now, but I can't help but wonder if I should transfer to a nearby Christian college for Music Ministry and a Biblical minor.

The problem is that I might not be challenged musically at the other school, but here I feel like my faith is dead. I'm not sure if God wants me teaching in the secular world or not. Am I supposed to be a light in the secular world, or do the most I can from a church position?
I know I'd be a great band director.. I just can't figure out if I should stay put or move so I can focus on Christ. It's hard to do where I'm at.

Re: God's Will For Careers

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:20 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Thanks for the responses!

I think for now I'm going to concentrate on the areas of my life that need the most work - like spending more time in my walk with God, controlling my eating, spending, exercise, and gaming habits. I feel like God is giving me the perfect opportunity with the fairly regular schedule I have to develop discipline. I'm not sure if that means later on I'll be doing something else, but I know there's not much I -can- do without self-discipline, so I'm certainly not moving backward.

Re: God's Will For Careers

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:19 am
by Short1
I've had two decisions recently where I've sat completely agonizing about what to do and second guessing myself.

For my career, I decided to transfer to a Christian college and switch to music ministry and get a Biblical minor. Even though it's not as wide open as music ed. would be, it better fits the picture of a God centered life I'm seeking. I want to teach music at church.. playing organ and teaching choirs.. I want to teach young people the raw, intellectual faith in God. I want to live in a tiny house ( and make sure I'm not attached to materials and focus on giving and volunteering and living for others. I'm so thankful for this fire God has given me to go and live my life for Him. I'm very thankful for the wisdom He's granted me.. I would not have faith unless He reached out and gave it to me.

I read a couple sections from a book called "Just Do Something" and I would definitely recommend it based on what I read. It made perfect sense when describing my situation..having terrible trouble discerning what God's will is and getting so upset over what I'm figuring out. The book offered a great solution by saying that God won't necessarily whisper in our ear and tell us what His will is. He gave us wisdom to make decisions.

"Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit"-yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." James 4:13-15

This is a good verse depicting God's sovereignty. If God wills something to happen in your life, it will! If not, He will take it away. God is completely sovereign in our lives and so we need to simply trust that we will end up in a good place.

What is our safest bet?
"For this is the will of God, your sanctification" 1 Thessalonians 4:3

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As long as we pursue what is most holy and makes us more like Christ, we are following the will of God. Trust His sovereignty and do what most exemplifies Christ in you.

I hope that helps.. it made so much sense for my situation. It sounds a little weird to just go about our ways without a specific plan, but trust God! He knows us so well that His plans are sovereign above our free will. Live for God and you live His will.

God Bless