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Why Are There Even Atheists?

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:27 pm
by Anonymous
I have to ask, why are there even atheists? I understand that they take practically ONE religion, Christianity, and try to make every piece of it seem false. Do atheists even read the Bible very thouroughly, take it piece by piece, break it down, analyze it, and so on? It doesn't seem so. As far as I'm concerned they only like things from a scientific viewpoint which is a no brainer for atheists. If atheits are SOOOOOO SMART, why havn't they explainded why an eyeball works the way it does, I mean it can focus on distances clearly without readjusting but cameras have to adjust. I think what a lot of atheists claim to have is a bunch of B.S. We have a Bible that explains things in HUMAN terms NOT Godly terms, we are incapable of understanding that much. If we could, we would be God. Anthony Flew renounced his atheism BECAUSE he found that there HAS TO BE INTELLEGENT DESIGN on this earth. He carefully studied evolution and intellegent design, put it side by side, and came to the conclusion the I.D. wins. All science is, is understanding more of HOW the world works that the Bible doesn't explain and doesn't need to. If you are an atheist reading this, explain to me HOW, WHAT, WHY, miracles happen to people for a reason. Sure, the body can do weird and wild things like hallucinations and what not, but WHY are people SUDDENLY like a snap healed of something that is incurable? WHAT cause it? Why? I don't beleive in true atheists. I look at atheists and see that they may seem to have a good life but do they REALLY? My brother is one and his life is difficult and is lousey even though he makes it looks like there is something great about being an atheist. There isn't. What is so wrong with FAITH? The Bible does not force us to have Christianity as a religion, it gives us the choice to not believe or believe. Now why would this be presented in the Bible? Maybe because as our lives progress we have an ultimate diccission to make before death. What happens if an atheist dies and sees God for himself, he will be screwed and knew he was wrong. Atheists, me being a Christian, it is my advice that you should follow the Bible and see for yourself how fulfilling your life can be like counless other people have gone through. Even if the Bible was a fake which I doubt, wouldn't it be better to live a fulfilling life rather than a bitter one? I mean, atheists can have tons of money and still want more, doesn't it seem like there just has to be more to life than this, I think so. As the Bible PROMISES, we will be rewarded for our earthy efforts if you are a Christian, and if you're not, you're ...!

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:31 pm
by Deborah
No they don't. If they bother to read the bible, they don't truly understand it, they don't even try to. this is the problem of people who take the part god created us in his image, they take this as blood and bone, they can not comprehend that God is spiritual. They limit the power and intelligence of God.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:01 pm
by Prodigal Son
to me it seems that anyone who calls themselves an atheist is not really a non-believer, but someone who is actually just mad at God for some reason (perhaps even unknown to themselves). it just makes no sense not to believe, i can't see how any intelligent person could think there is no God.

i just started reading a book you might like. it's called: God Doesn't Believe in Atheists. check it out. it's pretty cool!

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:31 pm
by Deborah
aithiests are jsut lazy make do researchers

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:48 pm
by Anonymous
it depends on what type of atheist you are talking about, i believe.

there are many different atheists with different beliefs same as different christians. some atheists do read the bible and study it to reaffirm their own beliefs, others analyze it. At the moment i can't think of any sites to point you too, but if you would like some I would be willing to show you.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:52 pm
by Believer
carolynnn wrote:it depends on what type of atheist you are talking about, i believe.

there are many different atheists with different beliefs same as different christians. some atheists do read the bible and study it to reaffirm their own beliefs, others analyze it. At the moment i can't think of any sites to point you too, but if you would like some I would be willing to show you.
Yes, but do you believe that an atheist DOES know there is some God but they don't want to admit it to themselves? The Bible even states it clear the the fool says in his heart that there is no God. Post links if you would like.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:05 pm
by Anonymous
i think there are some that do believe there is a god, and others that dont.

here are some links: (this is an online bookstore that just shows that some atheists do read the bible) ... BVLC%3A%23 (this is a google search through for the word "bible")

Unfortunately this is not a very througho list, the links i usually refer people to are dead, but I think these show that there are atheists who read the bible.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:29 pm
by Believer
carolynnn wrote:i think there are some that do believe there is a god, and others that dont.

here are some links: (this is an online bookstore that just shows that some atheists do read the bible) ... BVLC%3A%23 (this is a google search through for the word "bible")

Unfortunately this is not a very througho list, the links i usually refer people to are dead, but I think these show that there are atheists who read the bible.
Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have vistited those sites you provided because I am a "baby" Christian and it stunts my growth in Christian faith. The real question though is, is atheism winning over religion or religion winning over athesim, and are there links to back this up?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:38 pm
by Anonymous
and it stunts my growth in Christian faith
i think that hearing both sides to an issue is important, especially with religion because that is just a huge part of someone's life. but I understand why you wouldn't want to look at them, questioning yourself is hard. I seriously considered not signing up for this forum because it seemed to discourage other opinions from being discussed but obviously i'm here anyway :D .
is atheism winning over religion or religion winning over athesim
I don't really understand what you are asking there, could you explain it more, or perhaps in different words?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:45 pm
by Believer
carolynnn wrote:
and it stunts my growth in Christian faith
i think that hearing both sides to an issue is important, especially with religion because that is just a huge part of someone's life. but I understand why you wouldn't want to look at them, questioning yourself is hard. I seriously considered not signing up for this forum because it seemed to discourage other opinions from being discussed but obviously i'm here anyway :D .
is atheism winning over religion or religion winning over athesim
I don't really understand what you are asking there, could you explain it more, or perhaps in different words?
Sorry, what I meant is, is the agnostic/atheist/non-religious society winning in terms of science and other matter over Christian/Religious society or is it the other way around?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:49 pm
by Anonymous
hmmm i hate to think of it as some huge competition but i think that christian beliefs hold the majority in the united states now.

but in science though I'm going to go with agnostic/atheist/non-religious viewpoints are "winning"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:51 pm
by Believer
carolynnn wrote:hmmm i hate to think of it as some huge competition but i think that christian beliefs hold the majority in the united states now.

but in science though I'm going to go with agnostic/atheist/non-religious viewpoints are "winning"
OH ****!!!! This is bad if the secular society is winning in science.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:40 am
by Anonymous
Jesusfreak, your question "I have to ask, why are there even atheists?" well lets take a little look at that one. firstly there are atheists because some people belive that no god exists, there is no heaven no hell and no holy spirit.
i myself am an atheist and do not believe that any of the above exist and that those people who do are mearly weak minded and do not have the capacity to know that it is them that controls there life, although natural causes do have an extensive effect it is you that controls what you do and therefore face the consequences you have produced. it is not 'god' that has set everyone a path that their lives will take, it is you, you are responsible for your actions and all that comes with it. to believe that 'god' is all powerful is ludacrus, but to believe that there is a higher being is just plain fantasy. i have nothing against any religion, i just have no belief in higher beings and fantasy stories such as the bible. in reality for the bible (not a bad childrens story really not nothing more) read Harry potter, both fantasy stories nothing more. People should not get carried away with beliefs any of this exists. You need a reality check.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:45 am
by Mastermind
it is you, you are responsible for your actions and all that comes with it.

That is what christians believe. Atheists on the other hand HAVE to believe we are the victims of chemical reactions in our brains and thus don't have to take responsibility for their actions. I never understood this idiotic argument that "christians believe in God because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions" when it's the other way around. Christians believe we will be held responsible for our actions while atheists believe there is nobody to hold us responsible, and thus we can do what we please.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:05 pm
by j316
Mastermind wrote: it is you, you are responsible for your actions and all that comes with it.

That is what christians believe. Atheists on the other hand HAVE to believe we are the victims of chemical reactions in our brains and thus don't have to take responsibility for their actions. I never understood this idiotic argument that "christians believe in God because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions" when it's the other way around. Christians believe we will be held responsible for our actions while atheists believe there is nobody to hold us responsible, and thus we can do what we please.
I was reading the previous post and thinking the same exact thought. I think atheists just search for a position to justify their lifestyles, they are in denial.

Firstly an atheist can't have a defendable position on God because they don't know Him. They can't say whether or not He is real. This means the only thing they can actually reject is the concept of a supreme deity, but how can you deny the existence of a concept? They don't know God and they can't deny the existence of the concept of God, the only thing they have left is rebellion or denial.

I suspect that we never see the real atheists here, why argue about something you don't believe in? Some atheists seem to want to be talked out of it, and some seriously need a life if they are just hanging around christian forums.