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Revelation of John and genius, God's inspiration

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:02 am
by JB2011
I need some advice. I am a Christian and believe that the Bible is accurate. I also believe that God gave us a brain and if we don't use it, we are effectively sinning. Therefore, simply accepting the Book of Revelation and blindly following 2000 years of doctrine just doesn't sit right. So I set myself the challenge of looking for an explanation that is rational, verifiable and completely satisfies the text, leaving the supernatural and science fiction out of the equation. I have such an explanation but because it flies in the face of convention nobody will give it a second thought. I know, "not another one", you are thinking. Maybe you are right. But would someone just step through my thought process and find a flaw in my argument? Bear in mind that I can reproduce other chapters in a similar way with the same layers and verifiability.

I took that approach that if John wrote what he saw, I should try to recreate those images and appear to have done so.

I have approached academics who won't even read the first sentence. It's because my conclusion is founded in science and mathematics. They are educated in religious history and we know well that religion and science have kept themselves well apart traditionally.

I believe that John's work is the work of a genius, and if genius is the inspiration of God, then John has certainly spread the word. The problem is that it seems nobody has really heard it.

I've put together a brief standalone article based on Chapter 9, verses 1 to 11 (the locusts). It gives an introduction to what John is working on and has three layers: astronomy, an explanation of what maths he is using and then a demonstration of his mathematical approach. ... =467009712

Finally, while it might seem completely absurd, the conclusion after piecing together all the pieces appears to suggest that John had determined that the Earth goes around the sun 1600 years ahead of his time. Or at least he worked out the distances between the planets:
New Jerusalem is 12000 stadia wide. The earth is exactly 12000 earth diameters from the sun (96 million/8000).
A circle with radius 666 has a diameter of 29.12 (equates to 233,000 miles). At its perigee, the moon is about 220,000 miles from Earth; at its furthest point, 254,000 miles. He is bang in the middle.
Then for the third: the number of troops was 20,000 x 10,000. Mars was the warrior and if we multiply 20000 x 8000 we get 160 million miles. Mars is 154.8 million miles from the sun.
Nobody else at the time was close to being so accurate.

In fact I am suspicious of the likes of Copernicus, Kepler and Napier (who was extremely keen on Revelations and his pentagrams markedly resemble the images I have created) and would not be surprised if they unlocked the book, worked it out and plagiarised it. There is quite a lot of evidence to support this too.

Anyway, I'll leave it there. If there are any mathematicians who can confirm that John's approach to measuring the heavens with right-angled triangles is a correct methodology, please let me know. I am rubbish at spherical maths.

And remember that I am a Christian. I am not out to blaspheme. I am just looking to get closer to God by learning and admiring the gifts of wisdom he bestows to a certain few.