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My thoughts this Christmas about reaching the lost

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:02 am
Hey guys, I've been praying and asking God to show me some kind of effective way to reach the lost especially in these last and pretty hostile days.
I don't know if it's an answer to prayer or not, but currently I feel led to focus on supporting foreign missions.

One of the primary reasons is especially in the lesser developed cultures, as far as I'm aware many of the people I feel are more open and civil to the gospel versus more westernized cultures like the ones in the US, Canada, and Europe.

Now I'm not trying to say that non westernized people are the only ones that will accept the gospel because they are poorer, less intelligent and less technologically advanced.

In fact, many of them are every bit as smart and in many ways smarter than we are.But what I'm trying to say is their communication skills and culture have not been degraded and degenerated as much like what the communication and culture here in the US has because of things like the internet, social media, the trends and fads of rejecting views like Christianity and moral values (such as new atheism) and just the overall negative and hateful spirit, atmosphere or demeanor that I see in so many people in westernized nations today.

Other non westernized and English speaking people I feel still tend to still hold some things sacred and take many things seriously.

Plus they are more likely to have civil conversations with people who share different views than they do. Some good examples of what I'm talking about is how Christian churches in places like China and the Philippians or in Nicaragua and Honduras.

Even in some of the muslim nations you are seeing good things take place. But of course because of the iron fisted muslim dictators most churches are in hiding much like what is in China.

But on a slightly different note, I'm not saying to completely abandon trying to reach people here in the US or even people in other westernized nations.

But I do see a dire and urgent need to use apologetics with reaching people with the gospel for the simple fact that westernized people have become so skeptical and are hard to impress unlike non western people groups.And even that is a uphill battle especially when you deal with westernized nonbelievers who are angry and hostile on top of their skepticism.

But long story short, I basically want to encourage you all in Christ to pray about and consider supporting financially, spiritually, and even physically in BOTH foreign missions groups for reaching people in nations abroad and apologetics organizations for reaching people here closer to home.

If any of you all want any suggestions on missions organizations to support, one that I have supported in the past especially around this time of the year is the International Mission Board and the "Lottie Moon Christmas offering".

And as far as supporting apologetics ministries, one of the best ones I can think of right off the bat is well, this one! It's by far the best apologetics message board I have visited in my seven plus years of studying apologetics. But from what I've noticed, you can't support it financially at least from what I saw on the sites main page. When I looked I couldn't find a "donation link".

But other good suggestions would be G&S's sister site RTB And another good one would be William Lane Craig's site www.

Compared to most other boards this one is the most kind, the most civil and the most organized. So in closing I just wanted to share that and encourage you all to not give up in these hard economic times and to really help bring the gospel to everyone in these last days. And if you all have anything to add please feel free to let me know.

Thank you all for your time, God bless.