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The War on Christmas

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:32 pm
by mwaltman
I was recently thinking about that Atheist billboard that was put up last year; and I was thinking of how stupid it was, especially in the context of Christmas. I was also browsing the internet one night and I came across a lovely accusation about Christmas originally not being religious. Yes, there were other celebrations before it, but Christmas seems to always have been religious. But the two got me to thinking about the fact that there are a lot of non-Christians who celebrate Christmas. I get that it's a holiday where you can spend time with family and give gifts, but I was wondering why non-religious people picked up on it. No one did that with Hanukkah, and that involves gift giving and religion. (I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the loving nature of the Christmas season, but think about it.) And then you have the people who want to get rid of 'Christ' and 'Jesus' in the holiday. ... y#-o I mean, it's called Christmas. CHRISTmas! When you look up the holiday, or even ask any ol' Joe on the street what it's about, the birth of Jesus comes up at one point or another. Why would you try to get rid of the MEANING of a RELIGIOUS holiday? I don't see this happening with Easter, at least not on such a grand scale, so why Christmas? Is there a history as to why it happened? What would the holiday season be without Christ?

While I'm on the topic of "Jesus" in Christmas, let's talk about a song that makes me cry a river from just reading the lyrics...

I came across a review of Christmas Shoes the other day, both the TV film and the song, and I was very interested in the comment section. (So much so that I didn't finish the review.) Most people seem the hate the song not because it's sappy or makes a grown man weep, but because it seems to be materialistic and has a screwed up message. Granted, I do think the ending line about God sending the boy is a bit...horribly worded, but that is about the only problem that I can see.The first and only time I'd listened to the entire song I thought more about the fact that this little boy wants his mama to look pretty for Jesus. I'm thinking Jesus won't care what you're wearing when you get to heaven, but I always thought it sweet that the little boy uses all the money he has to buy the shoes for his mom. But, perhaps that was just how I interpreted it due to my upbringing. What do you guys think of the song? Your interpretation is as good as mine, though probably better ;)

Re: The War on Christmas

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:44 pm
by Ryan
I totally agree. Christmas is a religious holiday.

I don't care if Atheists want to have their own, commercialized holiday, but don't hijack a religious one, saying it has nothing to do with religion

Re: The War on Christmas

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:40 am
by Rob
mwaltman wrote:What do you guys think of the song?
I'd heard the DJ talking it up before it was played on the radio on the way to a family gathering on Christmas Eve. After about two extremely corny lines, I turned on a CD out of annoyance. I hate really sappy, needlessly sad Christmas songs.

Re: The War on Christmas

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:51 am
by wrain62
Ryan wrote:I totally agree. Christmas is a religious holiday.

I don't care if Atheists want to have their own, commercialized holiday, but don't hijack a religious one, saying it has nothing to do with religion
Watch out with associating atheists with commercializing the Christmas season. It is dangerous to associate labels with causing phenomena unless it is backed up or has good intention.