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Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:51 pm
by Empty Lord
Epicurus, “Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing, then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? “.
A Christian might say “God is able to prevent evil, but not willing, but his motives are not malevolent or even apathy, his motives are to test us and determine our worthiness for salvation.”
A test on earth is irrelevant/does not hold up to the foundations of the bible because the Christian god is already completely aware of the moral character of every human being on earth, so why would he need to test us? It does not make sense. But let’s assume this is the fact, take below as a contradiction.
Imagine you’re a fourth grader and your teacher has just handed out a test to all the students in the class room, with each paper she hands out she tells people how much time they have to do the test, some have 15 minutes, others are told to turn it in next week. Some of the tests are long, others are short, some have easy questions like 3+4 = what? And some have difficult questions like what are the 4 forces of an atom? Would anyone take the results of such a test seriously? Of course not, in order for a test to be a measure of anything, it has to be fair and in order for it to be fair it has to be the same for anyone who takes it, “life is a test” holds no water for the main reason that life is not fair. If you pass the “test of life” is absurd, for it is subjected to your environment, what sort of god would reward someone over another person simply due to the environment they’re born with? If a human is born into a chaotic country, and grown up to be a cruel man, how is that fair from a person who was born into a peaceful catholic family?
“God is none of those things, God is something more, God is beyond our ability to grasp, he is beyond us” This is a cop out, it renders anything ‘true’ you cannot claim something is true by using logic that makes it undeniably true. I could just say my dog is a lobster, and say that the logic is beyond us therefore it is true. – Does not make it true.
3, and so on will be any logical and reasonable replies to this topic which should be answered by me.
*I will NOT reply to any posts that stray from the logic of the bible, which Christianity is clearly based on, and I will not reply and/or acknowledge abstract-insult posts.*
-Note: Credit for youtube user name “ Amazing Atheist “ as referanced

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:08 pm
by Canuckster1127
That's certainly new ..... :esurprised: There's no shortage of threads that address the question of Evil and God's omnipotence from several perspectives including the scholastic regurgitated offering you provide here. This is sometimes referred to as the Theodicy. You might try searching on that term.

Just a question Empty Lord. What's your purpose here? Do you simply wish to argue and demonstrate your superior logic and intelligence to all of us poor stupid Christians, or was there anything else?

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:17 pm
by Empty Lord
No, I wish to be proven otherwise. If not, then so be it.

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:23 pm
by Canuckster1127
I refer you again to the board purpose and discussion guidelines. It appears you're having difficulty understanding those. As this is the second discussion of this nature we've had in your 7 posts thus far, I suggest you consider moving on and returning when and if you wish to operate within those constraints. If you simply wish to debate and argue or assert your intellectual superiority, there's no shortage of other boards out there that exist for that purpose. Please respect our board's purpose and either operate within it, or move on. If we need to have this discussion again, we'll help you make that decision but would prefer that it weren't necessary.

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:58 pm
by Gman
G-d is willing to prevent evil.. That isn't the issue here.. If your question pertains to ALL evil, however, then that is a question of WHEN. Because there will be a time WHEN all evil will be taken away from heaven and earth. Revelation 21

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:42 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Your interpretation of what the Bible (which you strayed from in your assumption of what a Christian would say, by the way) says about "Testing" is very flawed. "Testing" isn't so God knows anything about us. It is the process of refining our moral character to what He wants out of us. "Testing" is more akin to training than to taking a test in a classroom.

You would know this if you listened to actual Christians instead of what atheists suggest that Christians say.

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:57 pm
by wrain62
Hey man sorry for the abstract insult posts it was truly uncalled for.
Empty Lord wrote:Epicurus, “Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing, then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? “.
A Christian might say “God is able to prevent evil, but not willing, but his motives are not malevolent or even apathy, his motives are to test us and determine our worthiness for salvation.”
A test on earth is irrelevant/does not hold up to the foundations of the bible because the Christian god is already completely aware of the moral character of every human being on earth, so why would he need to test us? It does not make sense. But let’s assume this is the fact, take below as a contradiction.
To test our worthiness of salvation? Not the Christian religion. We are unworthy for salvation. Luke 19:10 Job 22:2
Empty Lord wrote: 2. Imagine you’re a fourth grader and your teacher has just handed out a test to all the students in the class room, with each paper she hands out she tells people how much time they have to do the test, some have 15 minutes, others are told to turn it in next week. Some of the tests are long, others are short, some have easy questions like 3+4 = what? And some have difficult questions like what are the 4 forces of an atom? Would anyone take the results of such a test seriously? Of course not, in order for a test to be a measure of anything, it has to be fair and in order for it to be fair it has to be the same for anyone who takes it, “life is a test” holds no water for the main reason that life is not fair. If you pass the “test of life” is absurd, for it is subjected to your environment, what sort of god would reward someone over another person simply due to the environment they’re born with? If a human is born into a chaotic country, and grown up to be a cruel man, how is that fair from a person who was born into a peaceful catholic family?

We are not angels(not a figure of speech). Think of the students in the class going to take the tests of varying difficulties and allowed time spans, but instead of taking the test they all came drousy and unable to take the test under the sun(figure of speech).

Empty Lord wrote:2.
“God is none of those things, God is something more, God is beyond our ability to grasp, he is beyond us” This is a cop out, it renders anything ‘true’ you cannot claim something is true by using logic that makes it undeniably true. I could just say my dog is a lobster, and say that the logic is beyond us therefore it is true. – Does not make it true.
3, and so on will be any logical and reasonable replies to this topic which should be answered by me.
This is not supposed to render God true.

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:36 pm
by B. W.
Empty Lord,

You actually forgot a to add this to your list…

...Are your questions from Human Perspective or God’s perspective?

If God’s perspective you would have known that God secures things in threes: One - He set the Stage, Two- exposes what makes corrupt, Three - gets rid of corruption for good.

If Human perspective – its blame God for not doing Three first.

But How could 3 be first when the other two hadn’t happened yet?

Have a nice day…

Re: Epicurus 2 (Detailed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:52 pm
by wrain62
B. W. wrote:Empty Lord,

You actually forgot a to add this to your list…

...Are your questions from Human Perspective or God’s perspective?

If God’s perspective you would have known that God secures things in threes: One - He set the Stage, Two- exposes what makes corrupt, Three - gets rid of corruption for good.

If Human perspective – its blame God for not doing Three first.

But How could 3 be first when the other two hadn’t happened yet?

Have a nice day…
I didn't notice this beauty. So simple. :cloud9: