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Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:52 am
by CeT-To
Is it possible to completely halt masturbation?

Because for a long time I've thought it as a nearly impossible task until recent times since the Lord has given me strength.

God bless!

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:02 am
by Canuckster1127
Of course it's possible. The body has other means to deal with any physical issues involved.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:42 pm
by Rob
CeT-To wrote:Is it possible to completely halt masturbation?

Because for a long time I've thought it as a nearly impossible task until recent times since the Lord has given me strength.

God bless!
It's possible, yes, but incredibly tough. Especially if you're used to it. It's obviously much easier to stop if you've got a spouse.

This was one of the things C.S. Lewis struggled with.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:01 pm
by Proinsias
I imagine it will have differing levels of difficulty for different people but I don't see why not. If we're talking realms of possibility surgery would seem a pretty certain option and no stranger to religion either, if you've not got one you can't play with it. There are people who simply don't get pleasure from stimulation of the sexual organs.

I don't doubt many people rather inclined to such activities have managed to muster the motivation to avoid it for a variety of reasons.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:29 pm
by CeT-To
Has anybody on this board actually beat this? What finally made it work?

God bless!

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:45 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
CeT-To wrote:Has anybody on this board actually beat this? What finally made it work?

God bless!

I think the determining factor for me was changing the way I thought about sex. When I became a Christian I no longer pursued sex as a fun thing to do with my wife or by myself, once i became a Christian it became more of a bonding time (with my wife) rather than a pleasure pursuit. I wont say that I have completely beaten masturbation as sometimes (rarely) I falter and fall, but I guess the difference is we get back up and continue on with Christ as our guiding light. I would like to note that the times I struggle the most are when I am very stressed, but now in stead or relying on myself to be able to relieve the stress I rely on God and the fact that I can trust and rely on him to see me through the tough times.
I see that you are currently 18 years old, this task you are undertaking is indeed difficult with all those hormones racing, I have the benefit of age (trust me your sex drive will slow).

*edit* I would also like to add that I don't think the actual act is sinful but rather who or what you are thinking about during. 2 Peter 2:14 Matt. 5:28

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:59 am
by CeT-To
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
CeT-To wrote:Has anybody on this board actually beat this? What finally made it work?

God bless!

I think the determining factor for me was changing the way I thought about sex. When I became a Christian I no longer pursued sex as a fun thing to do with my wife or by myself, once i became a Christian it became more of a bonding time (with my wife) rather than a pleasure pursuit. I wont say that I have completely beaten masturbation as sometimes (rarely) I falter and fall, but I guess the difference is we get back up and continue on with Christ as our guiding light. I would like to note that the times I struggle the most are when I am very stressed, but now in stead or relying on myself to be able to relieve the stress I rely on God and the fact that I can trust and rely on him to see me through the tough times.
I see that you are currently 18 years old, this task you are undertaking is indeed difficult with all those hormones racing, I have the benefit of age (trust me your sex drive will slow).

*edit* I would also like to add that I don't think the actual act is sinful but rather who or what you are thinking about during. 2 Peter 2:14 Matt. 5:28
Oh okay but if you're just doing it and not thinking about anything it kills the point and by that i mean the thrill. This is at least for me, hence why i've always oriented myself to stopping. Actually so far i think ive been doing very well at it, a month and a week ive gone free, that is the longest ever for me so far. I don't know if ive completely stopped and by this i mean in the future but this time it feels different, it's as if it's just dead to me - the practice i mean, like pornography is in my life. I feel very blessed atm but yeah the reason i'm asking was because i'm not sure what my turning point was besides my orientation to stop even with its failed attempts, tho i just stopped one day and that's it. Weird. lol

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:17 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I don't know if ive completely stopped and by this i mean in the future but this time it feels different, it's as if it's just dead to me - the practice i mean,
That is the way i feel too, i no longer crave sexual gratification like the way I used too.
Sounds like you have a bit of a handle on it, remember to keep praying to God for guidance and rely on him when you are drawn to temptation.

God bless

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:10 am
by CeT-To
LOL which is generally harder stopping masturbation or smoking?

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:41 am
by Rob
CeT-To wrote:LOL which is generally harder stopping masturbation or smoking?
I would say masturbation, personally.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:39 pm
by inlovewiththe44
I would say masturbation simply because hormones are a permanent part of our system. The nicotine is something that can be kicked out of our systems relatively easily, just because it is not a chemical that we always had (from puberty onward) and will have.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:35 am
by Murray
CeT-To wrote:Has anybody on this board actually beat this?

God bless!
ahaha, child humor right there.

And best way to "overcome" it would be to slowly build up long periods of time without doing it. Like first 2 days, then 3, then 5, then a week and so on and so forth. It worked for me, and I felt it necessary to stop because I feel like it separates me from my grace.

But I feel there are times when it can actually be useful, perhaps like self restraint in a relationship and such. But then again god could provide us with that restraint as well....

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:49 pm
by 1harpazo
When you pray, pray what Jesus prayed. "Lead me not into temptation and deliver me from evil" (Matt 6:13). See how that works.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 2:48 am
I really want to weigh in on this. This by far is the worst sin problem I struggle with. But at the same time I don't know really if it truly is a sin.

The thing I see with this, it to me is almost impossible to conquer in the kind of world we live in. If I for instance were to get rid of my television, computer and anything in my house with pictures of pretty women I still have to go out in public where I see attractive women. I can't live in a bubble the rest of my life.

And another thing with me is that, even though I'm not attracted to scantly clad women. For instance many of today's women I see who have tattoos, piercings other than their ears and even most of the scantly clad outfits I see really don't attract me.

Which I will admit as much as I dislike the religion of Islam, one thing I do kinda like is they demand all their women to cover themselves up to not be a such a sexual temptation to men.

Something I think most women these days need to take into consideration that they have such massive power with their looks and the way they present themselves.

They need to stop abusing that power, because currently they abuse it like the worst of tyrants. They to me are as every bit as guilty as the men who indulge in viewing them.

But back to me, I'm more attracted to the tight dresses, tight pants and glasses, kinda like the Sarah Palin type.

The problem is I tend to see most of the women I'm attracted to either in church or places where most people normally don't go to find attractive women. Which in a way makes things even more difficult for me.

And as far as my doubts on masturbation even being a sin I don't know why God would allow something that actually IMPROVES a person's health to be sinful. Studies have shown that men who do this have less stress, and they improve the overall functions of their prostate and unitary tract system.

And not only that I think masturbation may keep many people from committing undeniable sins (or worse sins) like having sex with your girlfriend before marriage, having sex with a prostitute, having sex with a married women, or raping someone.

It also seems to me that the people who love to say masturbation is wrong is like those who say you can't listen to any music except southern gospel music sung by old people! :D

Or only wear clothes that have some sort of biblical or Christian writing on them. I think this way of thinking of many believers lead into legalism which is the very thing Christ despised at least among the scribes and pharisees.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to really do it anyway, I'd love to have a wife but because of my current job and financial woes and the fact I'm having to take care of my dad's parents I can't commit myself to a woman in hopes of being a good provider for her.

And so thus I'm not even dating or seeing any woman right now. I just really hope this economy gets better so I can.

But anyway that's my whole take on the subject. Either way in the grand scheme of things I'm glad I'm saved by grace and not by works or by keeping the law.

Re: Is it possible?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:02 am
by PaulSacramento
A healthy love life is the best cure for masturbation :)