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What Is Blasphemy?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:44 pm
by Anonymous
Hello, I just wanted to know what real blasphemy is, the unpardonable sin. I got stuck up with doing it to the Trinity by accident (obsessive mind) for about a week consistently and I feel like I am doomed to hell. Would I have to blasphemy for my whole life to be rejected by God or is it once you do it, you're screwed? Any links on blasphemy? Please help me as I am worried :cry: .

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:58 pm
by Deborah
I believe blasphemy has to be on the mind and heart, in your case it wasn't the heart was it 8) Our minds can play pretty sick tricks on us, but our hearts never can. God will not condem us for a weakness if we have been able to climb on top of it. I for one have had a illness of the mind, it's called the invisable illness, it's called depression and it can be pretty deadly. The mind can trick you into thinking life is not worth living. i do not remember when I was the person I am now, it's been that long. Point is while my mind was sick my heart/soul was not, but in he end with gods help I overcame it to find death was not an optian I wanted to choose for myself. this is why I believe blasphemy is of the mind and heart/soul.

We know that we can ask for the guidence of God, and his forgiveness.
The fact that you worry about this proves you take it serriously and to heart. And I believe that Our Lord wan't us to take him serriously.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:53 am
by Poetic_Soul
Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is sever punishable to damnation. When I first became a christion, I was so worried about this myself. Scripture claims that you can dicredit Jesus and be forgiven. You can discredit the Father and be forgiven. But to discredit the holy spirit. Now you become doomed.

What this means is that the Holy Spirit brings you/ introduces you towards salvation. The Holy Spirit allows you to see the truth by taking away the blinds that we are comfortable to wear. Once you become a believer and felt the presense of Gods love, there is no turning pack. You can not undo your enlightenment from the Holy Spirit. In other words, you can never deny the truth of your salvation and be forgiven. You can walk away or backslide from the truth but never could you deny your redemption. To walk away is a sin but to deny that you were ever saved is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. :cry:

It's like slapping God in the face. Imagine if you became a believer. You were forgiven from all your sins, your sins are poured into the sea of forgetfullness and never again to be remembered by God. Then all of a sudden you denied that Christ died for you. Disclaiming the truth as if it never happened. To top it off, you turn around and become a muslim. That's when you finally lost the best friend that you could ever have.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:29 pm
by August
Hi JF,

blasphemia, blas-fay-me'-ah; from Greek 989 (blasphemos); vilification (especially against God) :- blasphemy, evil speaking, railing.
From Strongs Dictionary...

The question is much more intricate than just a definition though. Please read the following passages too:
Isaiah 63:10; Matthew 12:31-32; Mark 3:29; Luke 2:10; Luke 12:10; Acts 5:3; Acts 5:9; Acts 7:51; Acts 8:18-22; Ephes. 4:30; Hebrews 10:29; 1 John 5:16

There are various descriptions there that tell us what this sin constitutes. It includes lying to the Holy Spirit, always resisting the Holy Spirit and causing grief to the Holy Spirit.

Mark 3:29 in the KJV states that those who commit this sin is in danger of eternal damnation, but not that they are immediately eternally condemned. In Matthew, the description is given to those Pharisees who siad that Jesus's miracles came from Satan, instead of the Holy Spirit. Their unpardonable sin was their deliberate refusal to recognize God's power in Christ. It was a deliberate and irreversable hardness of their hearts, and the attribution of Jesus's works to Satan.

The difference between them and you is that by them irreversably hardening their hearts against the Holy Spirit, they by default remove the only thing that can bring them to Christ and ultimately salvation. They could never ask for forgiveness, since the Holy Spirit is not in them, they don't acknowledge the necessity to repent and ask for forgiveness. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is deliberate, ongoing rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit, and saying that God's work is from Satan. I don't know what you did or said, but the mere fact that you recognize the fact that you had a period where you did not allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life already shows repentance, and I'm convinced that if you ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus, and invite the Holy Spirit into your life, it shall be done.

Humble yourself before God, like King David did, and worry no more.

Please PM me if you have any further questions, I know this must be a sensitive personal issue.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:11 pm
by Anonymous
Visit this link. Although I do not agree with everything that he has to say, I acknowledge that he has studied and read on this subject a lot more than I have. He is a Jewish-Christian and brings a unique point of view.

Go to this link and click on the link that says "The basis of the second coming of Christ" Read the part about the unpardonable sin being a sin that was a "generational sin"