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abraham's bosom

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:52 am
by goldmoor
i heard this question from atheist alot and it is "what about a person that has never heard the about jesus or the bible is it that the get sent to hell what having a chance " i know Scripture answers tha but i don't remeber where, but i saw so story of a man of went on a missionary into this remote civilaztion when he preach the gospel the native response that they know he was coming and believe the same god that he preach about(GOD OF the bible) and that Long ago they had a connection with God (like the israelites) but after their ancestors they lost the connection ,but god say that a white would come (the missionares was of european decent) and bring back the connection(refering to jesus christ).

well for debate sake let say this story is true( i believe it is) i would like to know their ancestor that belive in god(before the time of Christ) when they die would go to abraham's bosom

If you do not what Abraham's bosom is it was a compartment in hell that The isralites such as moses , jacob etc. went to when they die and wait into christ came to take them to heaven of course i am just summarizing it in simple terms

Re: abraham's bosom

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:41 pm
by dayage
Everyone went into one big holding area. Hades is the equivalent of the Old Testament Sheol. This was a two compartment holding area. One side was for the unrighteous and one side was for the righteous (Luke 16:19-26). The righteous side is no longer in use. Since Jesus made the full payment for sins, the O.T. saints and all who have put their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus have and do go straight to Heaven (2 Cor. 5:6-8; Phil. 1:21-23; Hebrews 11:39-40).

The other side is a place of torment, but is just the "county jail" where the unrighteous await their sentencing at the Great White Throne Judgment. At that time they will go to the "federal penitentiary." This is what is known as Gehenna (Hell, the Lake of Fire and the Second Death) in the New Testament. The O.T. name for Gehenna was Tophet (Isaiah 30:33). If fact both words refer to the Valley of Hinnom (a place of constant burning 2 Kings 23:10).

In the end, Hades will be cast into The Lake of Fire, the true Hell (Revelation 20:13-15).

So, yes, I believe that they would have gone to Abraham's bossom (i.e. Paradise, Luke 23:43) when they died. They could not go to Heaven until Christ paid for their sins.