aruging don't waste my time

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aruging don't waste my time

Post by goldmoor »

this might be a personal beleif but as a christain when i am trying to lead people to christ it seems pointless to argue with those who don't recieve the gospel i am not agaisnt good honest debate,but when the piont is to convert or "win over souls" as some say thrying to persuade or argue defeats the purpose and is counterproductive i beleive that you should witness(preach the gospel) to them and if they receive it jump for joy,but if they reject it leave it at that and instead pray for them to find salvation

just my thought what do you think
for God has not given us a spirit of fear,but power and of love and of a sound mind 2timonthy1:7

he has given us power to overcome any obstacle,love to endured any and all hardship and a sound mind to solve any problem and have peace inside and out so truly what is it that we should fear
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Re: aruging don't waste my time

Post by wrain62 »

Spead the gospel everywhere. Use words occasionally if you have to when doing so.
Romans 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
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Re: aruging don't waste my time

Post by Bill McEnaney »

I heard an online discussion between Dustin Segers, a professional apologist, and two atheists. One atheist asked, If you were going to convert me, how would you do it. Segers replied with something like this, "I don't convert anyone. The third Person of the Trinity does that. I just tell others the truth the way I see it."
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Re: aruging don't waste my time

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

goldmoor wrote:this might be a personal beleif but as a christain when i am trying to lead people to christ it seems pointless to argue with those who don't recieve the gospel i am not agaisnt good honest debate,but when the piont is to convert or "win over souls" as some say thrying to persuade or argue defeats the purpose and is counterproductive i beleive that you should witness(preach the gospel) to them and if they receive it jump for joy,but if they reject it leave it at that and instead pray for them to find salvation

just my thought what do you think
Isaiah 1:18 The lord gave us brains to reason with, although in the end it will be the conviction of the holy spirit that converts a person there is nothing wrong with trying to reason with them also.
*edit* my version says come let us reason, the version on this site says something slightly different and i think it lost it's punch a bit.

I don't believe it is pointless sometimes these arguments give us the opportunity to share the gospel where normally they would be closed to the idea, also building a relationship with the individual can be productive also and to really know someone you need to know what they are all about.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: aruging don't waste my time

Post by B. W. »

goldmoor wrote:this might be a personal beleif but as a christain when i am trying to lead people to christ it seems pointless to argue with those who don't recieve the gospel i am not agaisnt good honest debate,but when the piont is to convert or "win over souls" as some say thrying to persuade or argue defeats the purpose and is counterproductive i beleive that you should witness(preach the gospel) to them and if they receive it jump for joy,but if they reject it leave it at that and instead pray for them to find salvation

just my thought what do you think
That is what you do - you answered your own question...

...and if they receive it jump for joy,but if they reject it leave it at that and instead pray for them to find salvation

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