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Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:18 pm
by ultimate777
Sunday morning, 1-9-2011 somebody emailed a sports radio host. They said "I heard you talking about Tim Tebow's passing, how did he die?"

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:22 pm
by RickD
ultimate777 wrote:Sunday morning, 1-9-2011 somebody emailed a sports radio host. They said "I heard you talking about Tim Tebow's passing, how did he die?"
Tim Tebow didn't die. But he did kill the Steelers. :lol:

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:37 pm
by Canuckster1127
Tim Tebow gets called for roughing the tackler!

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:39 pm
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:Tim Tebow gets called for roughing the tackler!
Bart, somehow I can tell that hockey is your sport, not football. :lol:

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:45 pm
by Canuckster1127
Guilty ....

A drunk decides to go ice fishing, so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice. He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole. All of sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. "You will find no fish under that ice." The drunk looks around, but sees no one. He starts sawing again. Once more, the voice speaks, "As I said before, there are no fish under the ice." The drunk looks all around, high and low, but can't see a single soul. He picks up the saw and tries one more time to finish. Before he can even start cutting, the huge voice interrupts. "I have warned you three times now. There are no fish!" The drunk is now flustered and somewhat scared, so he asks the voice, "How do you know there are no fish? Are you God trying to warn me?" "No", the voice replied. "I am the manager of this hockey rink."

:wave: :pound:

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:49 pm
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:Guilty ....

A drunk decides to go ice fishing, so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice. He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole. All of sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. "You will find no fish under that ice." The drunk looks around, but sees no one. He starts sawing again. Once more, the voice speaks, "As I said before, there are no fish under the ice." The drunk looks all around, high and low, but can't see a single soul. He picks up the saw and tries one more time to finish. Before he can even start cutting, the huge voice interrupts. "I have warned you three times now. There are no fish!" The drunk is now flustered and somewhat scared, so he asks the voice, "How do you know there are no fish? Are you God trying to warn me?" "No", the voice replied. "I am the manager of this hockey rink."

:wave: :pound:
:pound: that's a good hockey joke. 8-}2

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:31 pm
by Philip
Well, I'd have to be drunk myself, to want to go fishing on ICE! :esurprised: For crying out loud, fishing is a warm water activity - or it should be. It's the only "sport" of which warm beer might go with.

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:52 pm
by RickD
There's not much to do in Canada, in the winter. Hockey and ice fishing, are aboot the only things to do, eh? :pound:

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:54 pm
by Philip
There's not much to do in Canada, in the winter. Hockey and ice fishing, are aboot the only things to do, eh? :pound:
Rick, TWO words: "FLY SOUTH!" :yes: Actually, THREE words are better: "Fly FAR South!" :P

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:59 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:
There's not much to do in Canada, in the winter. Hockey and ice fishing, are aboot the only things to do, eh? :pound:
Rick, TWO words: "FLY SOUTH!"
Most Canadiens won't fly south, Philip. They say flying south is for the birds. y#-o

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:07 pm
by Philip
Any place where summer lasts only about two weeks, and the women are known to have fairly hairy backs...well, that's too dang cold! :shakehead:

Funny thing is, we live in (and I'm from) the deep South, and my wife is from northern CT - yet, weirdly, guess who always has a blanket on the bed on August nights? Course, might have something to do with a husband who likes to turn the air conditioning down to "make ice cubes." :ebiggrin:

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:14 pm
by RickD
and the women are known to have fairly hairy backs...well, that's too dang cold!
Yes, Philip. I heard Canadien women look like the Geico caveman.

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:37 pm
by Canuckster1127
Good thing I married a southern belle ... or I'd have to hunt both of down and lay you out like a couple of carp ....

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:43 pm
by Philip
Yes, Philip. I heard Canadien women look like the Geico caveman.
Well, Rick, those fellows up in the Great White North probably don't marry for looks as much as for a gal who will keep them warm on a -20 night - so her back hair rug probably comes in handy. :esad:

OK, ladies, just a little (and probably VERY little) guy humor going on here - slow news day, I suppose.

Re: Tim Tebow's "death"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:15 pm
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:Good thing I married a southern belle ... or I'd have to hunt both of down and lay you out like a couple of carp ....
I can see why you married a southern belle, if all Canada has to offer, is a bunch of hairy women, eh. :lol: