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Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:27 pm
by For The Lord
There are demonic forces overseeing ALL mental hospitals / facilities. Once a Christian goes into one, their mental health problem, which is demonic thought manipulation through spiritual illness (brain deterioration is one of the side effects, but that is not the central problem as psychology currently believes), progressively gets worse... The demons use deceptive tactics to make them look crazy or incompetent every time they go off of their meds, which are actually toxic for their body and brain... This is an ongoing deception on the part of the demons: they keep the patients/victims on meds that are toxic, and every time they try to get off of them, they make them look crazy so the institution that they (the demons) oversee will make the patients/victims go back on the meds against their will. The doorways that open to mental illness are: 1. being isolated from society for too long (demons will prey upon their thoughts and lead them towards ideas of despair)... 2. drugs / alcohol are added to the equation (although

It is possible to cure mental illness without mind altering chemicals:
1. Attend a good church
2. Fellowship with virtuous Christians
3. health plan (meant to cure schizophrenia when needed, but not limited to that alone) : a. 1000-2000 mg of Vitamin C every day, b. eat good fish 2x a week or take fish oil capsules + flax/pumpkin seeds, c. eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (not tinned or dried), d. 400 iu Vitamin E (doctors advise against this amount because of the possibility of a lipid complication.. If you want to be extra careful, 200 is ok too), e. 1000mg (gradually increase up to 2000 - 3000mg, increases blood flow and helps purify your brain) Niacin (B3) do not use the sustained release version as that can cause major liver problems. f. avoid high fructose corn syrup and replace snacks high in sugar with sweet fruit

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:50 pm
by Proinsias
Do you have any studies, preferably peer reviewed, to back up the notion that Christianity combined with the above diet can cure schizophrenia?

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:12 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
What a load of hocus pocus, I suffer from depression and anxiety and take medication to help me live a fairly normal life.
I do attend church and pray to God for guidance and yes it is helpful and i do believe diet can also help but in conjunction with medication.
I do agree somewhat with not using a psych but only on the grounds if they are not Christian, if they are a proffesional psych and not some psych wanna be.


Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:40 pm
by Rob
I've found that a good leeching will cure schizophrenia.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:03 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Rob wrote:I've found that a good leeching will cure schizophrenia.
Seriously though i have a friend at church who suffers from that terrible diease and without his meds he is not someone you want to be around.
He gave his testimony a while back and he wasn't down about this affliction as it bought him closer to God, when his whole world was falling apart God was the only thing that remained constant and unmoving.


Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:38 pm
by For The Lord
Dr. Abraham Hoffer was able to cure schizophrenia with what i first mentioned + CoEnzyme Q-10.

I don't have a link for the specific regimen that I listed, but here is one for niacin therapy:

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:44 pm
by Callisto
Danieltwotwenty wrote:What a load of hocus pocus, I suffer from depression and anxiety and take medication to help me live a fairly normal life.
I do attend church and pray to God for guidance and yes it is helpful and i do believe diet can also help but in conjunction with medication.
I do agree somewhat with not using a psych but only on the grounds if they are not Christian, if they are a proffesional psych and not some psych wanna be.

I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia (or just Social Anxiety Disorder). I found that CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) worked well. And having spiritual health helps as well - I pray (well, "talk" to God is more my style), read theology, and use other hobbies of mine to combat it. I'm slowly getting off of medications and I've done really well. Medications haven't been kind to me but for some people they work and they don't get withdrawal problems or side effects.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:01 pm
by For The Lord
With enough faith (without doubt) and a good preacher/pastor to lay hands on your forehead, your illness can be healed.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:08 pm
by Canuckster1127
For The Lord wrote:With enough faith (without doubt) and a good preacher/pastor to lay hands on your forehead, your illness can be healed.
What if you have enough faith (without doubt) and the preacher/pastor is only slightly above average and he misses your forehead and grabs your ears, would it at least buy you enough time to get to another faith practicioner with better aim?

Sorry, I don't have much respect for this type of approach that blames those who aren't healed with not having enough faith and elevates men to the position of God's intermediaries. It's about 2 degrees away from indulgences and cathedral construction.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:49 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
For The Lord wrote:Dr. Abraham Hoffer was able to cure schizophrenia with what i first mentioned + CoEnzyme Q-10.

I don't have a link for the specific regimen that I listed, but here is one for niacin therapy:

Not all cases of schizophrenia are the same, some are parasitic some are chemical and then there are other types that are unknown causes, which one are we talking about.
For the record i said diet ( and suppliments are included in that ) can help.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:54 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Callisto wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:What a load of hocus pocus, I suffer from depression and anxiety and take medication to help me live a fairly normal life.
I do attend church and pray to God for guidance and yes it is helpful and i do believe diet can also help but in conjunction with medication.
I do agree somewhat with not using a psych but only on the grounds if they are not Christian, if they are a proffesional psych and not some psych wanna be.

I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia (or just Social Anxiety Disorder). I found that CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) worked well. And having spiritual health helps as well - I pray (well, "talk" to God is more my style), read theology, and use other hobbies of mine to combat it. I'm slowly getting off of medications and I've done really well. Medications haven't been kind to me but for some people they work and they don't get withdrawal problems or side effects.

Hi Callisto

I have found peace with my disorder and find self help to be the best recourse for me along with faith in Christ, I am slowly getting better and suffer from much less anxiety than i did a few years ago.
I absorb my self within my work and church matters and try to focus my energies on learning more about what I believe, I have also found exercise to be a great release and I do that as often as I can.
Medication works for me, I take the least amount you can with it still being effective ( I need it mainly to sleep or I stare at the ceiling all night ) and have no side effects.


Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:12 pm
by Canuckster1127
There are many different approaches in this area that I think can work together. There are forms of depression of mental illness that are organic in cause because of imbalances within the body. In those cases, nouthetic counselling approaches and cognative behavioral therapy approaches have a very low success rate, because they are not addressing the root cause. In other situations mental illness is indeed a physical response to what may be some forms of unhealthy thinking and behavior that need to be addressed outside of medication alone. Even in those situations, studies consistently show that a combined approach of counseling (and this can span many different types of counseling, even at times including nouthetic counseling) and medication for a short period of time which helps to stabalize the person to where the counseling can be more effective. There's other situations where from a Christian perspective there is willful sin at work and invited spiritual influences and in those situations there's a lot to be said for things like repentance, faith and trust in God and it's can be "amazing" what takes place in terms of the turnaround in a person's life.

The problem with adopting an "it's all spiritual all the time and these are the only valid solitions" point of view is that it ignores these other factors and sadly, there are times where a purely nouthetic counselling approach can actually do more harm that good. An example of this is in severe cases of anorexia.

When the only tool you have on your toolbelt is a hammer then every problem tends to look more and more like a nail.

Nouthetic Counseling is a term for a particular kind of Biblical counseling that rejects all other approaches as humanistic or even demonic. If you want to look at it in general, this is the wikipedia link. There's a lot more information pro and con that can be googles as well.

Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:47 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Thanks Bart, nice post and interesting link.

I would like to add to my above post, that I have beaten alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and have become a Christian in the last 5 years.
I don't want to sound like I am full off myself but when I look back at what my life used to be like I feel proud of my efforts and praise God because without him I would probably be dead ( and probably die the second death too ).
Yes I still struggle with some chemical imbalances within my brain, but overall I am pretty happy with the mental state I am in now.
In the last 5 years I have learn't what real love is and I think that has seriously changed my perspective on life and how I view the world.

Peace & love to you all as everyone here has helped in some way.


Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:20 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
One thing I would like to ask you For The Lord if you are still around is if I am indwelt with the holy spirit how can a demonic force have any sort of power over me?


Re: Vital Christian Mental Health

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:43 pm
by Proinsias
With the permission of God I would have thought, at least that's how it appears to work in the Book of Job.