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Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:41 am
by Danieltwotwenty
Hi guys

I have been doing some deep thinking lately about what I believe and how this effects my view of the world compared to an atheist.
The other night I was chatting with my wife about some of the things I had been learning on here, my wife is agnostic and struggles to understand a lot of the concepts and seems to have this strange aversion to any talk of spiritual matters but I digress, I can't remember the exact topic but it ended with me saying that I no longer feared death.
My wife was instantly switched off, I thought it was to do with the topic but it ended up being that she didn't like to talk about death.
This got me thinking about the subject and after much introspection I can safely say that I no longer fear death and I am actually looking forward to the day that I do die, don't get me wrong I don't actually want to die right now as I feel that the Lord has more plans for me but I look forward to the day that gives me eternal rest.
The thought of going to be with God and understanding everything and all the other amazing things that are in store for us has me excited.
Does this sound crazy or is this normal for a Christian, as I remember before I came to know Christ that I was mortified by the idea of death and ceasing to exist just like my wife is, does it sound morbid that I am looking forward to the day when I expire?

I feel freer than I have ever felt.

Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:32 am
by Silvertusk
God Bless you Dan.

You have found the peace that only Jesus can bring.

Romans 5:1

I still long for that peace. I use to be terrified of death. Now it is not so bad. I still fear it, but no longer mortal terror. However that is because my faith is made up of 60% belief and 40% hope. I am constantly trying to covert more hope to belief but it is a struggle sometimes.

Really happy you are in that position Dan.

God Bless


Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:24 am
by Reactionary
Do you know what I'd like to see the most when I meet God? I'd like to see the alternative outcomes of my actions throughout the life. There have been so many situations when I faced a dilemma and had to make up my mind, and I often ask myself "What would have happened if I...?" We'll see if my wish will be fulfilled - I think it's possible, because some people who experienced NDEs talked about seeing a life review and consequences of the moves they made etc...

But back on topic, regarding
Danieltwotwenty wrote:this strange aversion to any talk of spiritual matters
I was thinking of opening a thread about a similar topic - about how certain people seem cheerful, calm, interesting... until the conversation reaches the topic of religion and worldviews in general, which is when they suddenly change and become irritated, or even aggressive. I'll elaborate more when I open the thread - as soon as I find time.
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I feel freer than I have ever felt.
I'm happy for you. I'm slowly reaching that goal as well - peace within myself.


Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:36 am
by Canuckster1127
I don't think it's off at all. Where oh grave is your victory? Where oh death is your sting?

Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:18 am
by B. W.
[quote="Danieltwotwenty" ]Hi guys

I have been doing some deep thinking lately about what I believe and how this effects my view of the world compared to an atheist.

The other night I was chatting with my wife about some of the things I had been learning on here, my wife is agnostic and struggles to understand a lot of the concepts and seems to have this strange aversion to any talk of spiritual matters but I digress, I can't remember the exact topic but it ended with me saying that I no longer feared death.
My wife was instantly switched off, I thought it was to do with the topic but it ended up being that she didn't like to talk about death.

This got me thinking about the subject and after much introspection I can safely say that I no longer fear death and I am actually looking forward to the day that I do die, don't get me wrong I don't actually want to die right now as I feel that the Lord has more plans for me but I look forward to the day that gives me eternal rest.

The thought of going to be with God and understanding everything and all the other amazing things that are in store for us has me excited.

Does this sound crazy or is this normal for a Christian, as I remember before I came to know Christ that I was mortified by the idea of death and ceasing to exist just like my wife is, does it sound morbid that I am looking forward to the day when I expire?[/quote]

Hebrews 2:15. "...and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage..."

Not surpising at all you said this...

[quote="Danieltwotwenty" ]I feel freer than I have ever felt.


Romans 8:15, "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."

It is the normal progression of the Christian walk to lose the fear of death in various degrees. There is a new found freedom and Peace that surpasses understanding that comes with this...

Priase the Lord for your discovery!

Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:27 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Thanks guys

I really appreciate all your comments and Bible verses, I must admit from time to time ( not often ) I will get the odd irrational fear back but then I focus back on Christ and it goes again.

Reactionary I am looking forward to the thread as I have so many stories some good some bad.


Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:47 pm
by neo-x
Dan, whilst I praise your courage in Christ, I can assure you that your wife may not share your candor and to her you are probably passing her on a vibe that is scary to her. If death is an issue which can be broached with her then your denying of your fear of death and further more letting her know that you are looking forward to the day you can die, can give all sort of misunderstood feelings. Especially if she does't know Christ, she has no idea of what your motives are in reality.

Please, people do not change because of your belief, they change because of the fact that they can be loved though you, in Christ. And while your own overcoming of fear is certainly a great, great felling that one can have in Christ, you must in my pov, make sure that she really understands what you are saying.

For one, it momentarily gives you a left alone feeling or you may wonder, which your wife may feel but not mouth, or she may wonder what kind of effect this kind of words would have on your children if they hear them before they understand the nature and love of God. More, it can convey the feeling that your life is really mediocre and you don't enjoy it a bit at all. It can produce all sorts of negative feelings, the idea that the effort to put in this life, in your marriage, in your relationship is not really worth it as you are waiting for another life, can go horribly wrong at times, when people who do not understand the depth of the love of God. This may very well scare them.

When I was an atheist, one of my ex-girlfriend was a devoted Christian. And I remember one day, she just came in and said "I'm waiting for the arrival of our Lord." I treated her with respect so I didn't say anything. But she told me about this prayer she had gone to and the preacher had really stressed upon the idea of the return of Christ and that the sooner this happens, the better, the world will end and all that. I can tell you, as an atheist, to see the excitement and the happiness she showed, scared me, it scared me to death and I remember feeling, left out, not important, not loved and more so I thought she had no love and gratefulness for life as well, she just wanna go to her new life . I really loved her but in that moment, it felt as if her Christ mattered everything to her and I was an expendable. Even though her emotions were pure, they gave the total wrong vibe and the only conclusion I reached was that she can't love me, To me it meant, the moment her Christ comes, she would want to go with him, leaving me alone ,our marriage, our kids (if we had any), they don't seem to matter. And it put a dent in our relationship, in our understanding. She didn't mean bad, as I now understand but she did not know how to tell me either and that can ruin relationships.

I hope you can see my point. I am really glad about your courage but if you want to save her and love her, then do so in a manner which is not only courageous and but more so, wise. If I have presumed more then it was, I apologize.

Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:01 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
neo-x wrote:Dan, whilst I praise your courage in Christ, I can assure you that your wife may not share your candor and to her you are probably passing her on a vibe that is scary to her. If death is an issue which can be broached with her then your denying of your fear of death and further more letting her know that you are looking forward to the day you can die, can give all sort of misunderstood feelings. Especially if she does't know Christ, she has no idea of what your motives are in reality.

Please, people do not change because of your belief, they change because of the fact that they can be loved though you, in Christ. And while your own overcoming of fear is certainly a great, great felling that one can have in Christ, you must in my pov, make sure that she really understands what you are saying.

For one, it momentarily gives you a left alone feeling or you may wonder, which your wife may feel but not mouth, or she may wonder what kind of effect this kind of words would have on your children if they hear them before they understand the nature and love of God. More, it can convey the feeling that your life is really mediocre and you don't enjoy it a bit at all. It can produce all sorts of negative feelings, the idea that the effort to put in this life, in your marriage, in your relationship is not really worth it as you are waiting for another life, can go horribly wrong at times, when people who do not understand the depth of the love of God. This may very well scare them.

When I was an atheist, one of my ex-girlfriend was a devoted Christian. And I remember one day, she just came in and said "I'm waiting for the arrival of our Lord." I treated her with respect so I didn't say anything. But she told me about this prayer she had gone to and the preacher had really stressed upon the idea of the return of Christ and that the sooner this happens, the better, the world will end and all that. I can tell you, as an atheist, to see the excitement and the happiness she showed, scared me, it scared me to death and I remember feeling, left out, not important, not loved and more so I thought she had no love and gratefulness for life as well, she just wanna go to her new life . I really loved her but in that moment, it felt as if her Christ mattered everything to her and I was an expendable. Even though her emotions were pure, they gave the total wrong vibe and the only conclusion I reached was that she can't love me, To me it meant, the moment her Christ comes, she would want to go with him, leaving me alone ,our marriage, our kids (if we had any), they don't seem to matter. And it put a dent in our relationship, in our understanding. She didn't mean bad, as I now understand but she did not know how to tell me either and that can ruin relationships.

I hope you can see my point. I am really glad about your courage but if you want to save her and love her, then do so in a manner which is not only courageous and but more so, wise. If I have presumed more then it was, I apologize.
You have presumed nothing my friend and I hear you and agree with what you are saying, I am trying but it is so hard when it is a constant battle.
There is no respect from her for what I believe and it is always a constant barrage of insult and negativity, I do understand what she must be feeling but at the same time I feel that I should be freely be able to express myself as she openly does. I feel like I am caught in a catch twenty two I feel if I don't express myself and say what I mean and mean what I say then I will eventually explode and if I do and do it as carefully as possible it is still met with the same response.

I know this path is not going to be easy and I am going to persevere but I never thought it would be this bad. :(
We have a lot of issues even outside of religious matters which also have a flow on effect to the topic of religion, sometimes I feel that there is no answer and that I am just waiting for it to either end or for her to change.


Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:08 am
by Danieltwotwenty
This is how I feel Neo about my marriage.

β€œTo lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.”
― Max Lucado

But I sure feel lonely sometimes. :cry:


Re: Death and Faith

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:29 am
by Reactionary
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Reactionary I am looking forward to the thread as I have so many stories some good some bad.
I've opened the thread on the Questions for Christians subforum. All opinions and thoughts are welcome.