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Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:40 pm
by B. W.
And merrily we roll along, only primary election in the news and very little on this...
BERLIN – The Iranian government is moving forward with the construction of rocket launch bases in Venezuela, the German daily Die Welt wrote in its Thursday edition.

Iran is building intermediate-range missile launch pads on the Paraguaná Peninsula, and engineers from a construction firm – Khatam al-Anbia – owned by the Revolutionary Guards visited Paraguaná in February. Amir al-Hadschisadeh, the head of the Guard's Air Force, approved the visit, according to the report. Die Welt cited information from "Western security insiders."

According to Die Welt, the clandestine agreement between Venezuela and Iran would mean the Chavez government would fire rocket at Iran's enemies should the Islamic Republic face military strikes. ... lding-icbm

Anyone think this is a direct threat to the USA or should we just turn on, tune in, and drop out and just watch a reality TV shows ??? ... -venezuela

And CNN say's don't worry the Venezuela Govt asures us that the report is not credible and are we really so dumb? ... s=PM:WORLD

Yep guess we can trust them - they were just joking...

So was Hitler amd Tojo... ... -1.1003587

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:34 pm
by Gman
B. W. wrote:

Anyone think this is a direct threat to the USA or should we just turn on, tune in, and drop out and just watch a reality TV shows ??? ... -venezuela

And CNN say's don't worry the Venezuela Govt asures us that the report is not credible and are we really so dumb? ... s=PM:WORLD

Yep guess we can trust them - they were just joking...

So was Hitler amd Tojo... ... -1.1003587
Oh yes... This is what I've been saying all along.. This nut is not only targeting Jews but Christians as well.

It's only a matter of time...

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:59 pm
by Gman
As we use to say in the 80's... It's High Crime.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:59 am
by jlay
The US certainly has the intel to find out if this is a credible threat. If so, it violates treaties already in place.

The problem. The U.S. has missle sites all over the globe, not to mention hundreds of mobile sites in subs. How do we police the world against such when we are the biggest violaters to begin with? That is a serious question.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:23 am
by Gman
jlay wrote:The US certainly has the intel to find out if this is a credible threat. If so, it violates treaties already in place.

The problem. The U.S. has missle sites all over the globe, not to mention hundreds of mobile sites in subs. How do we police the world against such when we are the biggest violaters to begin with? That is a serious question.
How are we the biggest violators? I don't see us using nukes to conquer the world but for defense only..

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:57 am
by jlay
G, we are the ONLY country to use a atomic/nuclear device in war. EVER.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:39 am
by Gman
jlay wrote:G, we are the ONLY country to use a atomic/nuclear device in war. EVER.
And we did it for DEFENSIVE purposes...

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:46 am
by Canuckster1127
Yup .... same reason we invaded Iraq ....

Pre-emptive strikes are usually always justified for defensive purposes.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:07 am
by jlay
Gman wrote:And we did it for DEFENSIVE purposes...
When the bomb was dropped I don't recall the US ever having a Japanese soldier on US soil. Or, that an invasion of US soil was imminent. I understand the reasons for the bomb. But, no one can justify it as good. It is a dilema. Choosing the lesser of two evils.

I have no doubt that both Ven and Iraq have ulterior motives than their defense. But they are soverign nations.
However, considering that the US has the largest assenal of nuclear devices and likes to make a habit out of policing the world, nation building, and preimptive invasions, just how do we expect paranoid dictators to respond?

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:08 pm
by wrain62
What I do not like is when the US helps dictators for reasons of special interest.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:00 pm
by Gman
jlay wrote:When the bomb was dropped I don't recall the US ever having a Japanese soldier on US soil. Or, that an invasion of US soil was imminent. I understand the reasons for the bomb. But, no one can justify it as good. It is a dilema. Choosing the lesser of two evils.
Ok Jlay... Who exactly started WW2?
jlay wrote:I have no doubt that both Ven and Iraq have ulterior motives than their defense. But they are soverign nations.
However, considering that the US has the largest assenal of nuclear devices and likes to make a habit out of policing the world, nation building, and preimptive invasions, just how do we expect paranoid dictators to respond?
By not acting in a threatful way and claiming that they will bomb other nations into oblivion.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:22 pm
by wrain62
Gman wrote:Ok Jlay... Who exactly started WW2?
Whatever happened to turn your cheek? Finding fault in one does not absolve your actions in that one, it has to absolved in a different way.
Gman wrote:By not acting in a threatful way and claiming that they will bomb other nations into oblivion.
I do not see the open threats of Iran. America by policing the world is by nature threateneing and we have devalued the sovereignty in many countries out of special interest.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:52 am
by Gman
wrain62 wrote:
Whatever happened to turn your cheek? Finding fault in one does not absolve your actions in that one, it has to absolved in a different way.
Oh good grief... You think that we can't act corporately to resolve conflict? You don't think we should have done anything in WW2 and let the Nazi's and other criminals destroy other nations?

And let's talk about our police force also.. Why don't they just drop their weapons too then? Turn the other cheek and give a hug to the poor criminal who just raped a woman or robbed a bank? Where are the criminal rights?? Why don't we just let all the criminals out of the jails then?
wrain62 wrote:I do not see the open threats of Iran. America by policing the world is by nature threateneing and we have devalued the sovereignty in many countries out of special interest.
Open your eyes wrain... You don't think Iran has threatened other nations?

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:07 am
by Proinsias
I think I get it. Offence being the defence applies to regimes which protect your interests.

Re: Iranian governmentrocket launch bases in Venezuela

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:18 am
by Gman
Proinsias wrote:I think I get it. Offence being the defence applies to regimes which protect your interests.
Yes Pro... But it only works under corporate conditions. On a mirco level it's much like having the police apprehend a criminal or defend the Innocent. And sometimes (regrettably) it involves weapon's too.