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Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:09 pm
by invisiblemilkshake
Firstly, this is my first post. Forgive me if I posted this thread in the wrong forum (maybe it would have been better served being placed in God and Science?). Also, forgive me for such a lengthy first post; please read on! Secondly, I am a Christian and therefore support a theistic world view. I've become fascinated with philosophical apologetic proofs and as of today I've yet to find any infallibility within them. I know that atheists generally site scientific proof (or lack thereof) and/or empiricism as major antitheses to the existence of God/a god. I was surprised to find a web site that listed over three hundred disproofs of God's existence. Whenever reading opposing views, I always keep an open mind while at the same time sticking to my principles and beliefs. While reading some of these disproofs, I could not help but see major flaws in the reasoning that was used. The link to the disproofs is here: Some examples of the disproofs I had issues with were:
If I say something doesn’t have a cause, it doesn’t have a cause.
I say the universe doesn’t have a cause.
Therefore, the universe doesn’t have a cause.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist.

Isn't the primary theory that scientists (and virtually all atheists) use to explain the origin of the universe the Big Bang theory? To put it simply, the matter of the universe existed in a hot, super-dense state and then expanded by means of a massive explosion; aka the Big Bang. If there wasn't any cause to the beginning of the universe (the Big Bang), doesn't that violate at least one of Newton's Laws of Motion?
My aunt had cancer.
The doctors gave her all these horrible treatments.
My aunt prayed to God, but she died from her cancer anyway.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist

Lack of miracles from God says nothing of His existence. If I'm in a room with a blind person and they call out to me - yet I do not indicate my presence in any way - that clearly does not prove my non-existence.
If God exists then I’m going to Hell.
I’m not afraid of Hell. New Jersey is much worse.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist

Ignorance does not make something that is true, untrue. As a follower of Christ, I have grown to become unafraid of death, yet my own mortality remains as an impending reality.
As I read through more, I began to suspect that many of these "disproofs" were actually sarcastic mockeries. Maybe I was duped into believing they were serious? What do you all think?

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:23 am
by Silvertusk
Welcome to the board Invisiblemilkshake.

Well if that is the best Atheists can come up with then they are arguing from blind stupidity and ignorance rather than any intelligence.


Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:13 am
by narnia4
Maybe I'm being really dense, but I don't quite understand if those are parodies or not. Tektonics is a Christian site, and while an atheist may actually believe some proofs like that I can't believe that he would word it quite so badly... the more ridiculous parts of the "disproofs" would be hidden rather than right there up front.

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:08 pm
by goldmoor
it seem tha it is all based on his/her piont of view and how he perceives the world supposely making him/her the right point of view... it this kind of stuff that makes me want head my head in to a brick wall

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:22 am
by invisiblemilkshake
I think it went over my head at first. I think it's a page mocking atheistic logic.

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:12 am
by domokunrox
All really had arguments.

1. Commits the self excepting fallacy. No need to bring the law of motion into your rebuttal.

2. Commits a excepting fallacy once again in regards to miracles . The existence of God does not depend on God curing your aunt's terminal illness. Its also a strawman argument on that note.

3. Probably the worst one. They actually prove his existence. Watch.

1. New Jersey is worst then Hell, you've been to Hell before to compare them.
2. Hell exists
3. God exists

But on a serious note, the argument makes another strawman. Somehow, fear is needed to believe God exists.

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:36 am
by CallMeDave
invisiblemilkshake wrote:Firstly, this is my first post. Forgive me if I posted this thread in the wrong forum (maybe it would have been better served being placed in God and Science?). Also, forgive me for such a lengthy first post; please read on! Secondly, I am a Christian and therefore support a theistic world view. I've become fascinated with philosophical apologetic proofs and as of today I've yet to find any infallibility within them. I know that atheists generally site scientific proof (or lack thereof) and/or empiricism as major antitheses to the existence of God/a god. I was surprised to find a web site that listed over three hundred disproofs of God's existence. Whenever reading opposing views, I always keep an open mind while at the same time sticking to my principles and beliefs. While reading some of these disproofs, I could not help but see major flaws in the reasoning that was used. The link to the disproofs is here: Some examples of the disproofs I had issues with were:
If I say something doesn’t have a cause, it doesn’t have a cause.
I say the universe doesn’t have a cause.
Therefore, the universe doesn’t have a cause.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist.

Isn't the primary theory that scientists (and virtually all atheists) use to explain the origin of the universe the Big Bang theory? To put it simply, the matter of the universe existed in a hot, super-dense state and then expanded by means of a massive explosion; aka the Big Bang. If there wasn't any cause to the beginning of the universe (the Big Bang), doesn't that violate at least one of Newton's Laws of Motion?
My aunt had cancer.
The doctors gave her all these horrible treatments.
My aunt prayed to God, but she died from her cancer anyway.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist

Lack of miracles from God says nothing of His existence. If I'm in a room with a blind person and they call out to me - yet I do not indicate my presence in any way - that clearly does not prove my non-existence.
If God exists then I’m going to Hell.
I’m not afraid of Hell. New Jersey is much worse.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist

Ignorance does not make something that is true, untrue. As a follower of Christ, I have grown to become unafraid of death, yet my own mortality remains as an impending reality.
As I read through more, I began to suspect that many of these "disproofs" were actually sarcastic mockeries. Maybe I was duped into believing they were serious? What do you all think?

On the psuedo-Cosmological Arguement stated above of 'if i say something doesnt have a cause, then it doesnt'... , that is quite funny to me . Its a non sequitur . A reasoned deductive arguement is supposed to be OBJECTIVE and not based on what One fancies to be true . At a minimum, such an arguement should be stated based on proven scientific facts and laws ... minus ones personal preference. This is why the real Cosmological Arguement starts as such : Everything that comes into existence , has (must have) a Cause. The Universe came into being, therefore, the Universe had (must have) a Cause. The lastest scientific evidence shows that our Universe had a beginning in a definite moment in time, and is not eternal --- this was a nail in the atheist coffin since it boils down to one of two things : 1. The Universe created itself from nothing. or 2. The Universe was created by Someone (with a will for it to exist) , from nothing. #1 being completely absurd indeed.

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:46 am
by CallMeDave
On the Aunt ; this doesnt prove Gods non may prove that God exists but his will was for her not to be healed . The fact that many miracles DO occur to people, is good proof that his Will is at stake concerning ones sickness. , for whatever reasons he chooses.

On Fear ; its not enough to wish or speak things into or out of existence . This is again a personal preference psuedo arguement and not based on fact. There is very good reason to believe Hell is a real place and very good reason to believe that God wants a person to avoid the place and even gaurantees One will NOT end up there.

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:01 pm
by Vespetta
Guys, they're just jokes or mocks of things the people over at Tektonics have heard.

(Theist points out the infinite complexity of the universe)
Atheist: Oh yeah! Well MY POOP is complex!
Therefore, God doesn't exist*

*This actually happened to a reader of Tektonics

Re: Atheistic "Disproofs" of God's Existence?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:58 am
by CallMeDave
Vespetta wrote:Guys, they're just jokes or mocks of things the people over at Tektonics have heard.

(Theist points out the infinite complexity of the universe)
Atheist: Oh yeah! Well MY POOP is complex!
Therefore, God doesn't exist*

*This actually happened to a reader of Tektonics
Who made our personal Human Anatomy which contains an anus for the poop to come out from ?! Or, did the poop 'just happened' to come from nowhere by nothing and without a shred of purpose ? The trouble is, the 'atheist' doesnt want to think outside the Box because the closer you get to God the more uncomfortable it becomes.