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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:38 am
by Stu
So what's the deal with Obama's presidency. Good, bad, average?

I've recently heard quite a few negative comments surrounding his run. What are the American members' feelings surrounding his presidency thus far.
The whole world watched, and cheered, as a black person took the white house for the first time; so how did he fair?

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:21 am
by RickD
Stu wrote:So what's the deal with Obama's presidency. Good, bad, average?

I've recently heard quite a few negative comments surrounding his run. What are the American members' feelings surrounding his presidency thus far.
The whole world watched, and cheered, as a black person took the white house for the first time; so how did he fair?
I depends who you ask, tbh. The economy and deficit has gotten worse, not better, since he's been in office.

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:29 am
by B. W.
RickD wrote:
Stu wrote:So what's the deal with Obama's presidency. Good, bad, average?

I've recently heard quite a few negative comments surrounding his run. What are the American members' feelings surrounding his presidency thus far.
The whole world watched, and cheered, as a black person took the white house for the first time; so how did he fair?
I depends who you ask, tbh. The economy and deficit has gotten worse, not better, since he's been in office.
My personal opinion for whatever it is worth.., and my opinion only...

He is eroding Americans Constitutional rights by means of building a structure others later can build off of. This is the basic philosophic tactic that the Marxist Left employs in its attacks on the US Constitution. Recent attack on our first amendment right – Government shall make no laws forbidding the free exercise of religion – is in jeopardy. The Tactic being used thus far uses the feel good women’s reproductive rights against the much maligned male dominated Romans Catholic Church to gain popular support. This then sets up a precedent in which to build off in the future where Government can next dictate to any Church, what they can and cannot teach, who they can hire, and how many to hire and thus create a state run church.

Marxist use the slow Fabian model of tossing one stepping stone at a time to cross a stream is being used for total control of all aspect of a populace lives. This is the third known attempt on our protected rights. They went after the right to bear arms in 2009 and thankfully this was exposed by their Fast and Furious program. The other involves the freedom of the press in Media Matters weekly in the White House meetings that now have thankfully surfaced. It appears the two worked together to destroy Fox News and sought privet investigators to look into the Fox news staff personal lives for dirt as well as intimidate potential advertiser not to advertise on Fox New channels - to control or bankrupt them. Very serious...

I tell people, to go to the Native American Reservation in the USA – Like Pine Ridge and see what a total dictatorial nanny state produces – equality of poverty, enslavement to Government, hopelessness, despair, lose of intuitive and ability, abuses of the worse kind, breakdown of the family, etc and etc. Just demonstrates what the perfect Marxist utopia on earth looks like. I hear in England the nanny state in winning and people so entitled are losing their way. Obama will go down in history as one of America’s worst presidents in history.

As they say, the hand writing is on the wall – American need to wake up as this is no game.

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:47 am
by Ivellious
Even though I'm a liberal and lean toward the democratic party...I'm disappointed by Obama's first term, for number of reasons, mostly him being too passive on a number of issues. I'm also partially biased (as many people are) because Obama was hyped up by his campaign and the media to be some sort of savior. Obviously that's an unfair bias, but it's there.

However, Obama does have a few saving graces (in my opinion). First, historically Presidents get very little done in their first term. So I would be willing to give him another shot. The second saving grace is that I'm extremely disappointed with the Republican candidates. Like, I pretty much can't stand any of them. Most of the worst have dropped out, but I'm still not buying any of the remaining. If anything, Obama has my vote over any of the republicans.

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:20 am
by Stu
Thanks for the response guys.
RickD wrote:I depends who you ask, tbh. The economy and deficit has gotten worse, not better, since he's been in office.

B.W -- Yeah there are some seriously scary laws the guavament are attempting to pass at the moment..

Ivellious -- thought you might be a Democrat :)

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:34 am
by Ivellious
I'm actually not completely a democrat. I agree on most issues with them, but I abhor the political party system as a whole. I think too often we judge candidates too heavily on which "side" of the ballot they are on, and too often I see candidates not actually follow their beliefs and instead become puppets for their party. I wish there was a way to just eliminate parties from the whole thing and actually make voters pay attention to what the candidates stand for, not just whether they are a democrat/republican.

For the record, my state legislature representative is a republican, and I voted for him. Great guy, had the opportunity to meet him at a scholarship banquet.

Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:06 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I'm actually not completely a democrat. I agree on most issues with them, but I abhor the political party system as a whole. I think too often we judge candidates too heavily on which "side" of the ballot they are on, and too often I see candidates not actually follow their beliefs and instead become puppets for their party. I wish there was a way to just eliminate parties from the whole thing and actually make voters pay attention to what the candidates stand for, not just whether they are a democrat/republican.
We have the same deal here in Aussie land, two party preferred system where you vote for someone for what you think they are going to do and then as soon as they get in they back flip on everything.
I no longer care about politics in my country, I am sick of the affairs of men and will just concentrate on my local community.

As for Obama I think he did a pretty good job for a mere mortal, I don't think he is any different to any poly in that they all lie and bend the truth to suit their own agendas.


Re: Obama

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:43 pm
by Gman
Stu wrote:So what's the deal with Obama's presidency. Good, bad, average?

I've recently heard quite a few negative comments surrounding his run. What are the American members' feelings surrounding his presidency thus far.
The whole world watched, and cheered, as a black person took the white house for the first time; so how did he fair?
I voted for him but now regret it.. Not only did he bankrupt the country but he is no friend of Israel either and wishes to divide it.. Not very smart IMO, but he could be a lot worse.

Re: Obama

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:07 am
by 1harpazo
B. W. wrote:My personal opinion for whatever it is worth.., and my opinion only...

He is eroding Americans Constitutional rights by means of building a structure others later can build off of. This is the basic philosophic tactic that the Marxist Left employs in its attacks on the US Constitution. Recent attack on our first amendment right – Government shall make no laws forbidding the free exercise of religion – is in jeopardy. The Tactic being used thus far uses the feel good women’s reproductive rights against the much maligned male dominated Romans Catholic Church to gain popular support. This then sets up a precedent in which to build off in the future where Government can next dictate to any Church, what they can and cannot teach, who they can hire, and how many to hire and thus create a state run church.

Marxist use the slow Fabian model of tossing one stepping stone at a time to cross a stream is being used for total control of all aspect of a populace lives. This is the third known attempt on our protected rights. They went after the right to bear arms in 2009 and thankfully this was exposed by their Fast and Furious program. The other involves the freedom of the press in Media Matters weekly in the White House meetings that now have thankfully surfaced. It appears the two worked together to destroy Fox News and sought privet investigators to look into the Fox news staff personal lives for dirt as well as intimidate potential advertiser not to advertise on Fox New channels - to control or bankrupt them. Very serious...

As they say, the hand writing is on the wall – American need to wake up as this is no game.
To piggyback on your "eroding Americans Constitutional rights" comment, B.W., Mr. Obama signed into law on December 31, 2011 the "National Defense Authorization Act." In Section 1021, it allows the federal government to detain indefinitely without charging any purported terrorist. This includes American citizens.

When concerns were raised, Obama said that he knew the section was there, but that he would not use it. Yea, right. :ewink:

Who is a terrorist to the federal government? "(A) leaked secret report distributed by the federal Missouri Information Analysis Center lists Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equates them with radical race hate groups and terrorists.

The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.
The MIAC report does not concentrate on Muslim terrorists, but rather on the so-called “militia movement” and conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order.

Police are educated in the document that people are are anti-abortion, own gold, display an assortment of U.S. flags, or even those that talk about the film Zeitgeist, view the police as their “enemy” and conflates them with domestic terrorists like Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph and other domestic militia groups who have been charged with plotting terrorist attacks." Quoted from Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, Friday, March 20, 2009

You have been warned...

Re: Obama

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:40 pm
by Murray
well if you like people that force religious institutions to do things they find immoral then yes he is a great president......

Re: Obama

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:13 pm
by Canuckster1127
I work as a consultant to the Federal Government and I've worked directly with several agencies over Obama's administration. Overall, I think he's done a reasonable good job, although I've been disappointed that he hasn't done a very good job of bringing leadership to bridge some of the gaps in Congress. In his defence however, the dichotomy between parties has widened while he has been in office, with moderates declining and particularly on the right, the tea party engaging in obstructionism with no willingness to compromise.

Reagan did a good job in that department but he also had Tip O'Neil and a large contingent of conservative democrats to work with who were willing to cooperate and compromise.

I've been disappointed with Republicans in general in their raising party over country and in some cases I think there's veiled racism that doesn't want Obama to succeed.

That's one reason I no longer am a Republican and have become an independent.