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Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:45 pm
by Kliklaker
Hi. Quick introduction: I'm a fourteen year old teen who's very doubtful with his beliefs. For a while, I went to church and tried to be a Christian. However, coming from a completely atheist family, one that moved here from communist China, I live in a household with no real personal Christian input. I want to be a Christian, but I also want to be as sure as I can with my beliefs, which I am most definitely not. I feel that if I were to ask my local church about my doubts, they would be giving me more of the "Trust Jesus with your heart" response instead of one that is more rationalized and based on logic. Anyways, I want to ask for your opinion on Near Death Experiences. In your opinion, are they legit for what could be the afterlife? If so, what about many NDE accounts that don't have a Christ in them? Do you believe NDEs can tie in with Christianity or religion in general, and if so, how? To be honest, I probably asked the same question a second time, but I don't know.

Please reply, because my immature teenage brain doesn't contain enough knowledge.

Re: NDEs

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:49 pm
by Kurieuo
Kliklaker wrote:Hi. Quick introduction: I'm a fourteen year old teen who's very doubtful with his beliefs. For a while, I went to church and tried to be a Christian. However, coming from a completely atheist family, one that moved here from communist China, I live in a household with no real personal Christian input. I want to be a Christian, but I also want to be as sure as I can with my beliefs, which I am most definitely not. I feel that if I were to ask my local church about my doubts, they would be giving me more of the "Trust Jesus with your heart" response instead of one that is more rationalized and based on logic. Anyways, I want to ask for your opinion on Near Death Experiences. In your opinion, are they legit for what could be the afterlife? If so, what about many NDE accounts that don't have a Christ in them? Do you believe NDEs can tie in with Christianity or religion in general, and if so, how? To be honest, I probably asked the same question a second time, but I don't know.

Please reply, because my immature teenage brain doesn't contain enough knowledge.
For myself, I largely ignore NDEs, not because I don't believe they aren't real -- but because I can't verify them. You are largely at the mercy of those who tell them to not be lying, exaggerating, remembering accurately and the like. There are some here that do give a lot of credence to them, including a moderator in particular who has had one. So he is probably more qualified to respond, which I'm sure he will.

Re: NDEs

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:57 pm
by B. W.
Kliklaker wrote:Hi. Quick introduction: I'm a fourteen year old teen who's very doubtful with his beliefs. For a while, I went to church and tried to be a Christian. However, coming from a completely atheist family, one that moved here from communist China, I live in a household with no real personal Christian input. I want to be a Christian, but I also want to be as sure as I can with my beliefs, which I am most definitely not. I feel that if I were to ask my local church about my doubts, they would be giving me more of the "Trust Jesus with your heart" response instead of one that is more rationalized and based on logic. Anyways, I want to ask for your opinion on Near Death Experiences. In your opinion, are they legit for what could be the afterlife? If so, what about many NDE accounts that don't have a Christ in them? Do you believe NDEs can tie in with Christianity or religion in general, and if so, how? To be honest, I probably asked the same question a second time, but I don't know.

Please reply, because my immature teenage brain doesn't contain enough knowledge.
Welcome to the Forum board. You'll always get a wide array of views here on every topic. Never doubt your abilities as God gives us all gifts to grow into. It is best to place your trust in Christ and what he says about the hereafter than people’s NDE testimonies, even mine.

I usually do not do this but for you, to help you, I will post my website address so you can look it over. I am in the midst of working on it and hoping to add a page or two more as soon as my schedule permits. It is:

On the site, you'll view a brief video of myself speaking at a mega church in Suitland Maryland. From it, you’ll discover I had an NDE and from it, I hope it helps uncover things you need to know and are seeking answers for. You can google search my name B. W. Melvin and see other things as well. There is full version of the message on Utube as well posted by another from this very forum.

More importantly, you stated that you want to become a Christian – so what is stopping you?

Can you let us know here, what you know about the gospel – what Jesus Christ did and who he is and what he has done?

From this, we can build off of and help you find some answers.

God Bless!
Like I saiid before -- It is best to place your trust in Christ and what he says about the hereafter than people’s NDE testimonies, even mine. Let us help in that area...

Re: NDEs

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:02 am
by narnia4
If you have doubts or want to learn more about the Christian faith, there are many, many things I would argue and/or try to explain before talking about NDEs. With that said, I DO believe that NDEs can be seen as evidence for the supernatural/life after death.

Now I don't think that you can draw conclusions as far as "what religion is true" based off NDEs, but I don't think that purely naturalistic science can explain NDEs either. I've done some reading on this recently, and although naturalistic scientists have tried hard enough they've fallen far short of explaining NDEs.

Re: NDEs

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:08 am
by Ivellious
Spiritual people haven't figured out NDEs either, Narnia. Everyone has their own idea, and there is no real consensus. It's even more complicated when people report having NDEs related to their religion, because obviously a Christian might object to the idea of Buddha showing up in a NDE, while a Hindu might not believe or understand someone who says Jesus was in theirs.

I agree that there are probably far more important points to analyze before NDEs when discussing religion.

Re: NDEs

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:07 pm
by jlay
My immature 41 year old brain doens't contain enough knowledge. But I came to Christ when I was 12.

Let me ask you, are your doubts about your faith. In other words, do you know you are saved and are wanting to know more about how to defend your faith intellectually. If so, this board will be a great resource for you.

Or, is your doubt that you are not saved. And thus want to know if trusting Christ as savior is plausible without abandoning reason and logic.