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Where is GOD

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:38 pm
by Tina
I have no idea what it is, but lately I've been feeling ......forgotten.....I don't feel close to GOD anymore.......I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling......It's as if I knew GOD......and now I don't.......It's like I'm searching but I can't find Him.........what' s going on with me?.......Sigh I've been a kind of "lone wolf" Christian.... I only have one friend willing to talk to me a little about Christianity and I don't go to church. Actually, this website is the best thing I have to help and talk with about GOD. But right now......................I feel like GOD doesn't want me anymore.......I know, it's nonsense, but I can't escape this feeling........please, someone help me out =,<

I feel empty......

Re: Where is GOD

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:46 pm
by Kurieuo
Tina wrote:I have no idea what it is, but lately I've been feeling ......forgotten.....I don't feel close to GOD anymore.......I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling......It's as if I knew GOD......and now I don't.......It's like I'm searching but I can't find Him.........what' s going on with me?.......Sigh I've been a kind of "lone wolf" Christian.... I only have one friend willing to talk to me a little about Christianity and I don't go to church. Actually, this website is the best thing I have to help and talk with about GOD. But right now......................I feel like GOD doesn't want me anymore.......I know, it's nonsense, but I can't escape this feeling........please, someone help me out =,<

I feel empty......
You say that you don't feel close to God anymore, which presupposes you have felt close to God. Feelings come and go. Is there something wrong with not feeling close to God?

A page I would recommend to you would be: Romancing God. This page is at Stand To Reason, which is website I would really recommend to you. Koukl also has radio shows which I highly recommend. Just sift through their archives for topics of interest. I am sure you will come across topics relating to what you are seeking.

Re: Where is GOD

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:56 am
by Silvertusk
Tina wrote:I have no idea what it is, but lately I've been feeling ......forgotten.....I don't feel close to GOD anymore.......I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling......It's as if I knew GOD......and now I don't.......It's like I'm searching but I can't find Him.........what' s going on with me?.......Sigh I've been a kind of "lone wolf" Christian.... I only have one friend willing to talk to me a little about Christianity and I don't go to church. Actually, this website is the best thing I have to help and talk with about GOD. But right now......................I feel like GOD doesn't want me anymore.......I know, it's nonsense, but I can't escape this feeling........please, someone help me out =,<

I feel empty......
Hi Tina

I am really sorry you are feeling this way. You say you don't go to a church. God wants us to worship him in fellowship and I think that is vital. I think it is very hard to find God on your own with a good church family around you it can be a lot easier. Whenever during the week I am feeling lost and far from God I am always lifted in the service on Sunday. Plus churches have home groups as well where further study and worship takes place. Without this fellowship you are fighting against the devil on your own. Prayer groups are important. Home Groups are important - a good Jesus centred church important. Have you tried looking around for churches?


Re: Where is GOD

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:28 pm
by jlay
have no idea what it is, but lately I've been feeling ......forgotten.....I don't feel close to GOD anymore.......I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling......It's as if I knew GOD......and now I don't.......It's like I'm searching but I can't find Him.........what' s going on with me?.......Sigh I've been a kind of "lone wolf" Christian.... I only have one friend willing to talk to me a little about Christianity and I don't go to church. Actually, this website is the best thing I have to help and talk with about GOD. But right now......................I feel like GOD doesn't want me anymore.......I know, it's nonsense, but I can't escape this feeling........please, someone help me out =,<

I feel empty......
Tina, I think you answered your own question. Christianity is not meant to go it alone. A website is not a substitute for genuine fellowship. Please note that I am not saying that "church" is genuine fellowship. In fact some churches are a hindrance to it. I am blessed to have a wonderful men's group that I've been part of for almost nine years. It has opened incredible doors for ministry and eternal friendships.
I would pray that God would lead you into relationships with beleivers. Especially those who can nuture your faith. Since you are not in fellowship I would also presume that you are not active in your faith. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. God has created us for good works, and if we are not walking in those things, then our fellowship will suffer. I believe there are times where God just wants us to rest in him. It is not about being busy, but being available to God's call.
Your faith isn't meant to be hidden, or lived out in isolation. Do you trust God? Do you trust that He wants you to grow and be fruitful. Then pray believing it. It is easy to pray when you 'feel' spiritual. You say God doesn't want you anymore. Well in one sense that is false, and in another it is true. God doesn't want you anymore. He doens't want you.... alone in your faith. He doesn't want you..... isolated. He already died for you. He already has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.

A great devotional that challenges me daily is Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest. The cool thing is you can read it free on line. Just google it.
I'm believing God is going to do some big things in your life. Buckle your seat belt.

Re: Where is GOD

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:41 pm
by Tina
Silvertusk wrote:
Tina wrote:I have no idea what it is, but lately I've been feeling ......forgotten.....I don't feel close to GOD anymore.......I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling......It's as if I knew GOD......and now I don't.......It's like I'm searching but I can't find Him.........what' s going on with me?.......Sigh I've been a kind of "lone wolf" Christian.... I only have one friend willing to talk to me a little about Christianity and I don't go to church. Actually, this website is the best thing I have to help and talk with about GOD. But right now......................I feel like GOD doesn't want me anymore.......I know, it's nonsense, but I can't escape this feeling........please, someone help me out =,<

I feel empty......
Hi Tina

I am really sorry you are feeling this way. You say you don't go to a church. God wants us to worship him in fellowship and I think that is vital. I think it is very hard to find God on your own with a good church family around you it can be a lot easier. Whenever during the week I am feeling lost and far from God I am always lifted in the service on Sunday. Plus churches have home groups as well where further study and worship takes place. Without this fellowship you are fighting against the devil on your own. Prayer groups are important. Home Groups are important - a good Jesus centred church important. Have you tried looking around for churches?


Well I live in a small town and yet the town has 3 different churches and it seems like they're all competing against each other.....I've been to all of didn't seem right....and i dont like the routine in the others.........there's no passion --I don't know, maybe I should be looking harder