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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:44 am
by goldmoor
there is a lot of disscusions on abortions and it is always the same arugement from both sides , it womens right or wait it is a human's life or it just a ball of cells and ,but most abortion happen at the 4 week mark when the heart and brain the develop. well i am going to attack this arugement in a different way beyond the moral and logistic of it and go from the middle ground with why. Why is human life so important that this subject is even an issue , what about a human life that is so precious, so special that the question of an abortion being murder really matters. the arugement should not be( if i shot someone in the head and perform an abortion) ,that it was actually taking a human life over a bunch of cell, but why is human life matters that much that any one should really care if i do one or the other .

once the question why is human life that important is ask and answer for proponent for and agianst abortion alike and more over why should i care then i think we could solve the ongoing debate

i would like to see your input on this

Re: question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:22 am
by jlay
Honestly? This is always a deeper issue. abortion would not be an issue if there were no demand for it. When you consider how many unwanted pregnancies we have just in the US, it shows you there is a deeper problem. This is a heart problem.

The abortion issue is two fold. It is a legal issue of personhood vs. a woman's 'right.' It is also a moral breakdown that can not be cured through legislation. I don't see how you can pass legislation to deal with unwanted pregnancy.

Re: question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:33 pm
by goldmoor
i didn't think of it that way