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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:17 pm
by Tina
Without sin we do not learn........any thoughts?

Re: Sin

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:58 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
If we were without sin God would be teaching us everything.


Re: Sin

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:03 am
by Murray
Great thought,

Very similar to parents punishing children. If i take a cookie from the cookie jar when my mom told me not too, she would punish me and I would learn to not do it.

God kind of operates he same way, we sin, he restores us, sometimes through discipline sometimes through revelation of spirit, and I must say, god's methods work better than my mom's.

Re: Sin

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:59 pm
by Canuckster1127
It's actually somewhat the reverse. Man fell under Adam when eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil became more appealing than obedience to God's directive and the underlying foundation of relational love that undergirded it.

Sin doesn't lead to learning per se, it leads to spiritual death and separation from God. Can we learn from something negative? Yes, but that doesn't make the negative into a positive. God redeems us and redeems the circumstances and times in which we find ourselved. When he does that, it is an expression of His grace and love, not our learning. One is God centered, the other is man centered in terms of its perspective.

Re: Sin

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:33 am
by CallMeDave
Tina wrote:Without sin we do not learn........any thoughts?
I prefer : Without the consequences from sin, we would tend to keep on committing them . Its a tough way to learn , and its far better to just trust God when he defines in scripture the acts of the sinful nature (ie: Galatians chapt. 5) so we dont have to bring harm upon ourselves and others via the consequences. Of course, many people are willing to forego Gods advice and warning in order to do what they want, when they want , because they want it .