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Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:41 am
by CallMeDave
There is mounting scientific evidence which discredits the popular 'Big Bang' / Stellar Evolution theory ; here is one such evidence which I recieved this morning on my subscribed online Devotional . If you are interested in such topics, you can subscribe to get their daily e-creation devotionals (see the very bottom of this post) . There is permission to reprint the following :

Big Bang Boom?

1 Corinthians 15:41

"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory."

The Big Bang theory holds that in the very early stages of our universe, there were few galaxies, and they were small by today's standards. In this theory, no star can be older than its home galaxy.

But this tidy model of our universe appears to be in trouble. For this discussion, we are going to use the inflated ages used by astronomers. When astronomers look through their telescopes at a star that is, say, 10 million light years away, they say they are looking at what was there 10 million years ago. Now, the universe is said to be 14 billion years old. Galaxies formed nearly that long ago are a very long way off, expected to be small, and their stars young, just as it was supposed to be after the Big Bang. Work with the Hubble telescope in 2004 revealed many such young galaxies, including one only 800 million years old, but it is six times more massive than our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Most significantly, these young galaxies contain some old red stars. It's said to be like looking in a nursery of cooing babies and finding a few grown men!

These findings not only call the Big Bang theory into question but support the view that God created a mature universe, just as Scripture teaches.


Thank You, Father, for the glory, beauty and variety You have created in the heavens which praise You. Amen.


Science News, 10/8/05, pp. 235-236, Ron Cowen, "Crisis in the Cosmos?"

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Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:32 am
by Stu
Interesting, have you got any more info surrounding this, a link perhaps?

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:35 am
by RickD
These findings not only call the Big Bang theory into question but support the view that God created a mature universe, just as Scripture teaches.
Sounds like a slam dunk to me. Let's pack up the OEC bags, and move out of dodge. Someone says the bible says something, so that must be true. :pound:

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:28 am
by Dallas
CallMeDave wrote: When astronomers look through their telescopes at a star that is, say, 10 million light years away, they say they are looking at what was there 10 million years ago.

Thank You, Father, for the glory, beauty and variety You have created in the heavens which praise You. Amen.

Just a little FYI, astronomers do not look through old fashioned telescopes that you see inside a house. It's all computer generated, with pictures. We look at pictures now :P Love the prayer part, keep doing it <3

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:55 am
by CallMeDave
Stu wrote:Interesting, have you got any more info surrounding this, a link perhaps?
There are a few available online articles on how the Bing Bang cosmological model has serious faults, and they may be acquired at . You can also sign up for their daily e-meditation which involves Creationism in every one emailed out . They look at the Animal Kingdom as well as Cosmology and Biology/Physics.

Jason Lisle of AIG has an excellent treatise on dissent of the Big Bang model if you go to and...there is a DVD available on the topic too. Do a google under : Problems with the Big Bang model, too.

Personally , I believe what is referred to as 'the (secular) Big Bang' , was really Gods willful power being executed in 'speading out the universe as a tent' (The Bible) with fully formed Planets , Stars, Suns, etc... guided and masterfully sustained with all the required laws of physics and LIfe Enabling Constants accompanying them for our eventual arrival on the scene . ANd the popular secular ideology of Stellar Evolution..that is, hydrogen and helium gases coalescing (sp?) and condensing into planets and not accurate ; and this also includes the fallacious idea of Hugh Ross cosmology that our Moon came to be from a giant ASTERIOD knocking a chunk of Earth off as shown in his DVD that i have. Our God is One who CREATIVELY designs and engineers and he doesnt waste time nor give the impression that Stellar Evolution is somehow credible as the way he went about it . The Bible says that HE spoke and it WAS --- an instanteous execution of his Will. Sadly, secular Stellar Evolution and Darwinian Evolution theories have been embraced by naive Christians who are intimidated by the vehement indoctrination of secular naturalism so they try to blend Gods revealed Creation Account in Genesis with that of prevailing secular models to come up with Day/Age and Progressive Creationism . In so doing, they dont put their faith fully in Gods method of Creation but place their confidence in what those say who claim to be wise in their own eyes (that being, secular Scientists who dont know everything and are still in the discovery mode) .

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:58 am
by CallMeDave
RickD wrote:
These findings not only call the Big Bang theory into question but support the view that God created a mature universe, just as Scripture teaches.
Sounds like a slam dunk to me. Let's pack up the OEC bags, and move out of Dodge. Someone says the bible says something, so that must be true. :pound:
No need to clean up the horse dung left behind as you ride out of Dodge ; we can scoop it up and dispose of it (makes good fetilizer for the cacti too )

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:25 pm
by Stu
RickD wrote:Sounds like a slam dunk to me. Let's pack up the OEC bags, and move out of dodge. Someone says the bible says something, so that must be true. :pound:
I think the guy was raising an issue for discussion not claiming a "slam dunk" :D

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:38 pm
by Ivellious
CallMeDave, you have repeatedly said here that is is totally inaccurate beyond a reasonable doubt that planets could not be formed by anything other than direct intervention by God (I'm assuming you hold this to be true about stars as well). You also say it is fallacious to say our moon was formed by a massive chunk of space debris ripping part of a molten Earth off.

Care to back up any of this?

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:45 pm
by RickD
The Bible says that HE spoke and it WAS --- an instanteous execution of his Will. Sadly, secular Stellar Evolution and Darwinian Evolution theories have been embraced by naive Christians who are intimidated by the vehement indoctrination of secular naturalism so they try to blend Gods revealed Creation Account in Genesis with that of prevailing secular models to come up with Day/Age and Progressive Creationism . In so doing, they dont put their faith fully in Gods method of Creation but place their confidence in what those say who claim to be wise in their own eyes (that being, secular Scientists who dont know everything and are still in the discovery mode) .
Is that what OEC teaches? Wow, I'm glad you've enlightened me on what OEC really is. I don't know why I hadn't just taken Jason Lisle's word for it before. I hope you'll forgive me, Dave. God must have sent you here with this new information that we had never heard before. Up until now, my eyes had been blind to this OEC heresy. You have such a way of pointing out absolute truth(as opposed to narrow YEC opinion). I just don't know how this slipped past me before.


Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:48 pm
by RickD
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:Sounds like a slam dunk to me. Let's pack up the OEC bags, and move out of dodge. Someone says the bible says something, so that must be true. :pound:
I think the guy was raising an issue for discussion not claiming a "slam dunk" :D
Stu, I believe Dr. Dave is enlightening us with his absolute wisdom, when it comes to biblical interpretation in OEC/YEC issues. If a YEC site claims the bible says something, we darn well should know that if we disagree with their interpretation, then we are all compromisers.

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:06 pm
by Canuckster1127
There are a few available online articles on how the Bing Bang cosmological model has serious faults, and they may be acquired at . You can also sign up for their daily e-meditation which involves Creationism in every one emailed out . They look at the Animal Kingdom as well as Cosmology and Biology/Physics.

The "Bing Bang" (sic)? Is that the belief that the universe came collectively from a Cherry? ;)
Jason Lisle of AIG has an excellent treatise on dissent of the Big Bang model if you go to and...there is a DVD available on the topic too. Do a google under : Problems with the Big Bang model, too.

Here's an article from another direction which affirms the Big Bang, although it is 7 years old which is an eternity in the strides being made in this but it's clear that the Big Bang theory in terms of physical evidence is as strong a supported theory as any in science today.
Personally , I believe what is referred to as 'the (secular) Big Bang' , was really Gods willful power being executed in 'speading out the universe as a tent' (The Bible) with fully formed Planets , Stars, Suns, etc... guided and masterfully sustained with all the required laws of physics and LIfe Enabling Constants accompanying them for our eventual arrival on the scene . ANd the popular secular ideology of Stellar Evolution..that is, hydrogen and helium gases coalescing (sp?) and condensing into planets and not accurate ; and this also includes the fallacious idea of Hugh Ross cosmology that our Moon came to be from a giant ASTERIOD knocking a chunk of Earth off as shown in his DVD that i have. Our God is One who CREATIVELY designs and engineers and he doesnt waste time nor give the impression that Stellar Evolution is somehow credible as the way he went about it . The Bible says that HE spoke and it WAS --- an instanteous execution of his Will. Sadly, secular Stellar Evolution and Darwinian Evolution theories have been embraced by naive Christians who are intimidated by the vehement indoctrination of secular naturalism so they try to blend Gods revealed Creation Account in Genesis with that of prevailing secular models to come up with Day/Age and Progressive Creationism . In so doing, they dont put their faith fully in Gods method of Creation but place their confidence in what those say who claim to be wise in their own eyes (that being, secular Scientists who dont know everything and are still in the discovery mode) .
What did the Old Earth Creationists do before modern science? This is just more of the common baloney spouted by YEC propagandists who can't deal with contrary opinions even within their own faith without appeaing to their interpretation of Scripture as the equivalent of Scripture itself.

In fact, if you look at the history in literature, it's YEC as it's commonly expressed today in the US (interestingly enough, YEC is practically non-existant in other parts of the world) that has radically changed in it's desire to mold science to fit their expectations rather than letting evidence lead where it does without that bias being introduced.

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:28 pm
by Stu
I'm staying out of this one.. :harp: y:D

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:49 pm
by CallMeDave
Ivellious wrote:CallMeDave, you have repeatedly said here that is is totally inaccurate beyond a reasonable doubt that planets could not be formed by anything other than direct intervention by God (I'm assuming you hold this to be true about stars as well). You also say it is fallacious to say our moon was formed by a massive chunk of space debris ripping part of a molten Earth off.

Care to back up any of this?
Im not the one making this affirmative assertion, so, its up to the Proponents that DO support it to prove it. I can tell you this though, that it is completely asburd to believe our Moon came about by a chunk of Earth being whacked off from an asteriod when you look at how intricate in engineering detail our Moon has to be for its positive effect on Earth. It didnt happen accidentally from some massive asteriod hitting the Earth haphazardly. This is why Stellar Evolution is such a fraud and NOT how God created the Cosmos, Earth, or Moon.

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:56 pm
by CallMeDave
RickD wrote:
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:Sounds like a slam dunk to me. Let's pack up the OEC bags, and move out of dodge. Someone says the bible says something, so that must be true. :pound:
I think the guy was raising an issue for discussion not claiming a "slam dunk" :D
Stu, I believe Dr. Dave is enlightening us with his absolute wisdom, when it comes to biblical interpretation in OEC/YEC issues. If a YEC site claims the bible says something, we darn well should know that if we disagree with their interpretation, then we are all compromisers.
Correct. Compromisers of the truth of Gods Word in Genesis. God wanted us all to know how he created the Cosmos and he told us plainly ; but today even Christians are willing to try to infuse secular evolutionary philosophies into the inspired Word of God ...with many even denouncing Genesis as historical fact. Shame to them. Even Jesus himself claimed Genesis to be historical fact . But it seems its just not enough for those who must make 4.5 billions years fit in 168 hours in order to stay friends with the secular Evolutionists . Whats going to happen to your OEC when modern science eventually gets around to discovering that the Universe only LOOKED that old but really isnt ? What kind of backpeddling will you have to do then ?

Re: Big Bang...boom ????

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:57 pm
by RickD
CallMeDave wrote:
Ivellious wrote:CallMeDave, you have repeatedly said here that is is totally inaccurate beyond a reasonable doubt that planets could not be formed by anything other than direct intervention by God (I'm assuming you hold this to be true about stars as well). You also say it is fallacious to say our moon was formed by a massive chunk of space debris ripping part of a molten Earth off.

Care to back up any of this?
Im not the one making this affirmative assertion, so, its up to the Proponents that DO support it to prove it. I can tell you this though, that it is completely asburd to believe our Moon came about by a chunk of Earth being whacked off from an asteriod when you look at how intricate in engineering detail our Moon has to be for its positive effect on Earth. It didnt happen accidentally from some massive asteriod hitting the Earth haphazardly. This is why Stellar Evolution is such a fraud and NOT how God created the Cosmos, Earth, or Moon.
Who made the assumption, that IF the moon was created that way, that it wasn't what God had planned? If it was the way God planned it to happen, then it wasn't haphazard.