Do medications count as doing drugs?

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Do medications count as doing drugs?

Post by educationreigns »

I'm on an anti-seizure medication that can give mind altering effects, not to mention bad site effects like migraines and insomnia. And I broke my leg last month and they gave me Vicodin is that a sin? I only took it once and did not like it. But another thing that is very controversial is the use of cannabis, and I have proven to people close to me that cannabis can stop seizures because although I don't particularly like smoking it(eat it instead, more healthy), I have had occasions where I was about to have a seizure (called auras or De-ja-vu) and someone put a smoking devise in my mouth and I stopped having a seizure. Also, the pharmaceutical medication I'm on is highly toxic and gives severe withdraw symptoms that can result in death. So how can we allow some drugs to be OK that are deadly like Vicodin and not cannabis? I don't like it when people call it "marijuana' because that is a Mexican word for it and was used in early prohibition because of racism. I would be very insulted if someone said there are no medical benefits because I have seen it work wonders on my seizure disorder and millions of other people feel the same. If it provides relief with no deadly side effects like allergic reaction than why can't people be given relief? My medication can also cause a severe rash that can happen at any time. The other, daily side effects are debilitating, like insomnia, and without cannabis I would not be able to live a regular life, or be able to rest for work.
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Re: Do medications count as doing drugs?

Post by Echoside »

"doing drugs" are not inherently bad, its the reasons/effects of the drug that are evaluated. If someone has a legitimate medical need to take a drug I don't see any problems with it.

But for every person I've met that needed cannabis medically, I can name at least 10 others that used it for other purposes. And many more who say they have a medical need but that's not the reason they are taking it.
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Re: Do medications count as doing drugs?

Post by Zionist »

@ education
i understand where you are going with this but in order to help you i'll answer to the best of my abilities. first off cannabis is a good source of pain relief and it is scientifically proven.i personally feel God has a purpose for everything he creates and cannabis' purpose may very well be as that of a pain reliever for those who need it. here is where i have a problem with people who abuse cannabis and yes i say abuse cuz most people who use cannabis don't use it for the use of relieving pain that normally they can't shake; instead, most people use it as a recreational past time to have fun and in my eyes that is not it's intended use. if your story is true and it is used as a pain reliever for medical purposes i see no issue with it but if you're abusing it in a fashion that most people with medical cards to use it do then that is wrong. you're probably trying to use this topic as some bait and switch tactic for discrediting the bible im sure but i will ask you this. if you dont agree with the words and the bible and ask questions that i have seen many members answer to help guide you to see and research for yourself instead of a one dimensional mindset then why are you posting on this site? i hope that God will show you the truth you seek but in order to find the truth you must willing open your mind and reason within yourself that maybe what you regard as absolute truth may in fact not be. may G-d bless and guide you.
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