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My friends =,<

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:43 pm
by Tina
I have one friend That believes in GOD but not the Bible.
I have another that used to believe...she believed....then started questioning when biology class started teaching about evolution and theories of the origins of life............then after we finished learning about the subject.....she stopped believing.......most of the time it seems like my friends don't want to believe because they don't like the idea of "rules", "restrictions", or "limitations" on life ...... I could explain to them how rules keep them safe and live better but they wouldn't listen...they don't want to have to answer to a higher power and want to do whatever they want to do......the one who fell away has seem to become more hostile or aggressive....I have an atheist friend who is quite arrogant and acts like he knows everything and is not "stupid enough" to believe Christianity. I feel as if they all just don't want to have to answer to GOD and live by His rules. ....I have run out of things to say to them....they don't listen and I don't know what to seems as if the youth becomes more self centered the younger the generation is.....Can anyone help me out here?

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:10 pm
by Kurieuo
Some people just need to go all prodigal like, but hopefully they return with a better understanding rather than continuing on their path to destruction.

I am amazed at how people just soak up one side over the other. Some people just seem drawn away from Chrisianity like a mozzie to a zapper, and though they may not know much about either side, they seek out and accept any and all reasons to not believe. It seems such people have already made a decision, even unbeknown to themselves perhaps, and they're just soaking up more and more until they can finally intellectually bury and break away from God. Why? I don't know. Loving the world and themselves too much perhaps? Want to enjoy life their own way without thinking there is a greater responsibility and meaning... I guess it would be very freeing knowing you can do whatever you want to anyone, and as long as you're smart about it, you really can get away with it to your own benefit.

Oppositely, it is exciting when you see a non-Christian looking up arguments refuting skeptics, coming up with their own theological responses, even defending Christianity against arguments they know are unsound although they don't believe. They're on the right path. And it really is a path we take in life. Some people just prefer to head down one direction rather than the other. And it is the direction we decide to take that seems to dictate ones position rather than any arguments. At least, from my own observations.

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:16 pm
by Tina
Kurieuo wrote:Some people just need to go all prodigal like, but hopefully they return with a better understanding rather than continuing on their path to destruction.

I am amazed at how people just soak up one side over the other. Some people just seem drawn away from Chrisianity like a mozzie to a zapper, and though they may not know much about either side, they seek out and accept any and all reasons to not believe. It seems such people have already made a decision, even unbeknown to themselves perhaps, and they're just soaking up more and more until they can finally intellectually bury and break away from God. Why? I don't know. Loving the world and themselves too much perhaps? Want to enjoy life their own way without thinking there is a greater responsibility and meaning... I guess it would be very freeing knowing you can do whatever you want to anyone, and as long as you're smart about it, you really can get away with it to your own benefit.

Likewise, if is exciting when non-Christians begin looking up arguments refuting skeptics, and they begin coming up with their own theological responses, even defending Christianity against arguments they know are unsound even though they may not believe it. They're on the right path. And it really is a path we take in life. Some people just prefer to head down one direction rather than the other. And it is the direction we decide to take that seems to dictate ones position rather than any arguments. At least, from my own observations.
It makes me feel like I'm watching people die. I just don't get it. There is just soooo much evidence that supports Christianity...they just don't want to hear it. Ya, it would probably feel more freeing to do what ever you want, but I'd rather be with GOD and follow HIS rules than stand alone in a world full of hate....I wish people knew GOD loves them. They always go for " I'll believe it when I see it" approach.

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:59 am
by Dallas
I remember when I was in my bio class and we learned about evolution. There were a few atheist, only two of them actually knew about it and fully understood it. The others were completely ignorant of the subject. I actually got weak in my faith during this time, not that it was as strong as it is now. First time I actually learned about evolution, and man... did it hurt me. Nonetheless, after everything was said and done, my faith towards God actually got stronger. It hurts me to say that they don't know Christ. Especially when it comes to my father, even though I'm on a fine line of choosing to love or hate him for the rest of my life, it still breaks my heart that he doesn't want to know Christ.

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:42 pm
by RickD
Dallas wrote:I remember when I was in my bio class and we learned about evolution. There were a few atheist, only two of them actually knew about it and fully understood it. The others were completely ignorant of the subject. I actually got weak in my faith during this time, not that it was as strong as it is now. First time I actually learned about evolution, and man... did it hurt me. Nonetheless, after everything was said and done, my faith towards God actually got stronger. It hurts me to say that they don't know Christ. Especially when it comes to my father, even though I'm on a fine line of choosing to love or hate him for the rest of my life, it still breaks my heart that he doesn't want to know Christ.
Dallas, what is it about what you learned regarding evolution, that hurt your faith so badly?

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:34 pm
by Echoside
Tina wrote: Ya, it would probably feel more freeing to do what ever you want
Interesting, I feel the exact opposite. Knowing that the good I felt compelled to do wasn't meaningless is one of the most freeing aspects of my life. Being able to step forward with confirmation of things I've always known is better than any temptations I am presented with.

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:57 pm
by microburst
First time I actually learned about evolution, and man... did it hurt me.
I have Biology this semester. Is the subject of evolution really that scary?

Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:15 am
by Danieltwotwenty
It makes me feel like I'm watching people die.

It breaks my heart to Tina, imagine what it is like for God. :crying:


Re: My friends =,<

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:44 am
by Dallas
RickD wrote: Dallas, what is it about what you learned regarding evolution, that hurt your faith so badly?
Recall, I did not have a strong relationship with Christ compared to now. By saying this, It was literally my first time learning about evolution. We had discussions regarding Evolution and God. It seemed to me that evolution is what happened and not the creation by God. That's why it hurt my faith.