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Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:26 pm
Hey everyone, this is sort of a general apologetics question I was wondering about. I tried looking for it on the main site and I couldn't find any articles from Rich on it.

But from you all I was wondering how do you all address the issue of hermaphodites and homosexuality?

Mostly, in regards to the situation when a mom and dad have a child who is a hermaphodite who for instance is dominantly male genetically but because the parents wanted to have a girl the docotors fashion the child like a girl but later in life because the person has mostly male genetics becomes more attracted to women than to men, is that person in sin?

As far as I can tell I currently don't know anyone who is a hermaphodite but I know they are real and I just wonder how Christian apologists and scholars answer this issue?

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:33 pm
by Ivellious
I can't speak for everyone on this, but I actually raised this question before to some Christian group on campus (about those without a gender and those born sort of as "both"). They didn't have much of an answer other than God gave them a test to find their way to God, and that it must have a purpose in the end, but we can't know it...I didn't really care for that answer, so hopefully someone else has a better answer.

As far as homosexuals, the group I referred to are among those who deny that they exist, and that they are just depraved heterosexuals. But I consider that an even worse and inaccurate answer.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:12 pm
by pebbleanrock
The question one must ask is "why would this offend a spirit?" Most heterosexuals GIVE 17 years per child of their life, while most homos daily thoughts would be " which restaurant will I go to tonight", how many ecstacys will I have this week-end, where will I go next holidays. Every question involves I, I, I, I, which is sort of anti-Christ really. Its not about the physical act, but about the mental or spiritual activities preceding the physical

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:35 am
by Ivellious
Pebbleanrock...I don't even know where to start with that. I don't care what the Bible says about homosexuality, you just committed a good handful of sin yourself. Practice what you preach, or, in more Biblical terms, do not be casting those stones before you take your own wrongs into account.

And for the record, I'm heterosexual and I've wondered where I'm eating tonight. million of heterosexuals are hardcore drug addicts, in fact I guarantee you more heterosexuals do drugs than homosexuals. Gasp! Even heterosexual parents can have such vile thoughts as "where will I eat tonight?" Your presumption that homosexuality automatically means you are selfish and care only for yourself is straight-up bigotry, my friend, because there is ZERO way that you can justify that presumption.

And what do you say about homosexual partners who raise children? They have chosen to raise a homeless child (or more) and they actually have to choose to take that step to parenthood, as opposed to half of heterosexual couples who accidentally get forced into that role.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:08 am
by Dallas
[quote="Ivellious"] in more Biblical terms, do not be casting those stones before you take your own wrongs into account. /quote]

LOVE IT. :heart:

It's debatable, I guess. If they KNOW that their baby has more male genetics than female genetics, then why would they choose for the baby to be a girl? In my eyes, it's almost as bad as abortion. But I digress.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:58 pm
by Ivellious
Dallas, gender is not necessarily very cut and dry genetically speaking. There are very rare instances where a child is born containing multiple sets of sex-determining chromosomes, or they get a usually impossible combination, or there is a mutation that has unpredictable results. I'll post more later if I have time, but it can be a very complicated issue that isn't just "boy genetics vs. girl genetics"

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:02 pm
by Murray
I think in hermaphodites one organ is more prevalent than the other , the less prevalent one of which is what they remove.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:59 pm
by pebbleanrock
Ivellious wrote:Pebbleanrock...I don't even know where to start with that. I don't care what the Bible says about homosexuality, you just committed a good handful of sin yourself. Practice what you preach, or, in more Biblical terms, do not be casting those stones before you take your own wrongs into account.

And for the record, I'm heterosexual and I've wondered where I'm eating tonight. million of heterosexuals are hardcore drug addicts, in fact I guarantee you more heterosexuals do drugs than homosexuals. Gasp! Even heterosexual parents can have such vile thoughts as "where will I eat tonight?" Your presumption that homosexuality automatically means you are selfish and care only for yourself is straight-up bigotry, my friend, because there is ZERO way that you can justify that presumption.

And what do you say about homosexual partners who raise children? They have chosen to raise a homeless child (or more) and they actually have to choose to take that step to parenthood, as opposed to half of heterosexual couples who accidentally get forced into that role.
I did start with a question " Why would this offend the spirit God?" Can you compose an answer for that? You say you don't care what the Bible says. It says if you have the spirit of this world your future is limited. This world is dying or haven't you noticed. There is no country on earth which offers a satisfactory and just future. Jesus came to preach the gospel of the kingdom and not the gospel of Jesus . this Kingdom is like all kingdoms, a system of government. I suggest you start reading and secure your future.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:03 pm
by Ivellious
I can certainly see why being wholly selfish and doing illegal drugs might offend God. But you arbitrarily assigning those actions to homosexuals while placing all heterosexuals above them is blatant homophobia and bigotry. You can't say those things based on the Bible, because it never says gays are selfish or drug-users. That's your own made-up hate.

Re: Questions about hermaphodites and homosexuality

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:43 pm
by pebbleanrock
What it does say is that male and female homosexuals for whatever spiritual reason are not going to have a future and have been added to the list of murderers liars fraudsters and cowards. By the way, illegal drugs do not offend God. It is the abuse of anything that makes the body unhealthy, as this body houses the Holy Spirit. Jesus was a drinker. I was generalising I admit as I come from Sydney where we have a drug and abuse fest called The mardi gras.