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YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:14 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Hi guy's

I have been to many church's around Australia and I had never really encountered Y.E.C position until the internet become a popular place, when I grew up everyone I knew had an O.E.C perspective.
It has only been in recent years that I have encountered a small minority of people that were Y.E.C, why is it so big in America but almost unheard of in my country?


Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:21 pm
by RickD
why is it so big in America but almost unheard of in my country?
Maybe Australians are more intelligent than Americans?

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:33 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:
why is it so big in America but almost unheard of in my country?
Maybe Australians are more intelligent than Americans?

Now, Now, play nice Mr RickD. y[-X


Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:39 pm
by Ivellious
I don't know if it's widespread here, but compared to other countries it probably is. Not saying that all YEC supporters are like this, but at least where I'm from most of them belong to semi-psychotic christian cults, a la Michelle Bachmann. I almost think it's been partially popularized in this country by the born-again and tele-evangelist movements, but I can't be certain.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:44 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Why has it become popular, what about it makes it popular and how exactly did it become popular?


Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:51 pm
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Why has it become popular, what about it makes it popular and how exactly did it become popular?

Is it really as popular as you say?

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:55 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Why has it become popular, what about it makes it popular and how exactly did it become popular?

Is it really as popular as you say?
It's seems to be, maybe they just shout the loudest.
Most Americans I talk too seem to be, except for the people on here of course.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:55 pm
by Ivellious
idk exactly. Again, I wouldn't call it "popular," just perhaps more popular than elsewhere. It often seems to be linked with highly charismatic people, like the tele-evanglelists or politicians. Maybe they've just started drawing more people? Again, it's all speculation, and at least where I live it's among fairly separate groups of people, like individual churches. Typically more rural, too. But I can't tell you much more.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:03 pm
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Why has it become popular, what about it makes it popular and how exactly did it become popular?

Is it really as popular as you say?
It's seems to be, maybe they just shout the loudest.
Most Americans I talk too seem to be, except for the people on here of course.
I think you may have a point, about them just shouting the loudest, Dan. People who have a dogmatic belief, that they think is the only viable interpretation, tend to need to push their beliefs, and talk down to those who interpret scripture differently. I'm not saying all YECs act that way, but the overwhelming majority of the YECs that I'm familiar with, certainly find no room for alternate interpretations.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:06 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Are there any neutral sites that have a history of the Y.E.C position?


Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:12 pm
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Are there any neutral sites that have a history of the Y.E.C position?

I don't know of any. Maybe something along the lines of Wikipedia?
I think anyone with a real, educated knowledge of YEC/OEC, would tend to lean one way or the other. After studying the subject myself, I think it's difficult to be neutral. While I believe I can give an honest view of YEC, if I have to, I'm definitely not neutral.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:21 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Are there any neutral sites that have a history of the Y.E.C position?

I don't know of any. Maybe something along the lines of Wikipedia?
I think anyone with a real, educated knowledge of YEC/OEC, would tend to lean one way or the other. After studying the subject myself, I think it's difficult to be neutral. While I believe I can give an honest view of YEC, if I have to, I'm definitely not neutral.

I read the Wiki article on both O.E.C and Y.E.C, I thought Y.E.C was only a relatively new idea but not so according Wiki.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:26 pm
by Ivellious
The way I learned it, YEC began, so to speak, with an archbishop or some other important member of the Catholic church counting the number of generations in the Bible and considering that to be the length of time since Adam and Eve. It was later that Christianity started to break away from that concept because of the fallacy of presuming that it was a good way of estimating, plus oceanographers and geologists and physicists were making discoveries that appeared to greatly contradict that notion.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:55 am
by Dallas
Uhm... I can think it could be around the lines of Americans not wanting to learn. They have a set idea, and refuse to learn other things. Example: Man believes God created everything, but when evolution pops up they cover their ears. They refuse to learn anything else, even if they don't believe it. Pet peeve of mine, but I digress.

Re: YEC and Australia

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:08 am
by Canuckster1127
It's been a while since I read this and put up a short review so my memory is fuzzy on all the content, but this book is actually a pretty good one for understanding the creationism/evolutionism dynamics within the US. It's written by a reporter with the Washington Times and it stays pretty neutral in terms of the issue itself, examining instead the history and dynamics with US history, culture etc. The appendices too have a significant amount of objective data on things like the impact of the branch of science upon religious (or non-religious) views.

I still have it on my bookshelf, but I could brush it off.

What I do recall is that the US by far has the highest number and concentration of creationists (and the focus in this book is primarily YEC.)

Australia, I've always had the impression relative to the rest of the world has some significance in terms of those with that view but that might be because Ken Ham of AIG is originally from Australia and AIG originally was an Australian based and related organization before they and Ken parted ways (and not amicably.)