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Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:19 pm
by microburst
What makes Christianity stand out from religions like Sikhism?

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:45 am
by CallMeDave
microburst wrote:What makes Christianity stand out from religions like Sikhism?
What makes Christianity stand out from all other religions including Sikhism, is :

Jesus Christ is a historical Person who filfulled approx. 200 Old Testament narrow prophecies regarding his coming, who he was, what he would accomplish , including how he would die (before that method of capital punishment had even been invented : crucifixion) , and that the grave would not keep him. WHen Jesus arrived in history, he fulfilled all of these exactly and proved he was who he claimed to be....the actual Creator thru a miraculous sinless life, accepting worship from others, healing the sick instantly, raising the dead in others presence, proclaiming he is the Messiah and Creator , predicting his own death/burial/and ressurection from the dead ...then accomplishing it by showing himself to countless people afterward over a 40 day period for all to see and touch.

No other religious Leader or spokesman for God has done anything close to the above , nor have they proclaimed to be the actual Creator of the Universe . While other religions may have the teaching of high ethics and morals, none can outweigh Jesus Christ . Jesus said if you believe in HIM , follow HIM, and surrender your life to HIM alone by getting your many sins forgiven by his atoning death on the cross...that even though you physically die, you will live in eternity experiencing a wonderful presence with God which will never end.

If you want the actual historical proofs for Christianity, then the large booklet called " 12 Reasons why Christianity is True" from will give you all the supporting evidence one could require in order to make a sound rational decision to make Jesus the Lord and King of ones life. Regards.

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:15 pm
by B. W.
CallMeDave wrote:
microburst wrote:What makes Christianity stand out from religions like Sikhism?
Sikhism reminds me of the Greek Sotic's and it is a very self-works-denail-equal-salvation approach as well. In other wrds, it relies on the human self rather than Jesus Christ as the gospel teaches...

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:30 am
by CallMeDave
B. W. wrote:
CallMeDave wrote:
microburst wrote:What makes Christianity stand out from religions like Sikhism?
Sikhism reminds me of the Greek Sotic's and it is a very self-works-denail-equal-salvation approach as well. In other wrds, it relies on the human self rather than Jesus Christ as the gospel teaches...

In fact, the Christian Faith is the ONLY world religion which has God reaching down to mankind and offering heaven as a free underserved gift (thru the merits of Christ) , instead of what a person can contribute to his/her own salvation and heaven. Even Roman Catholicism which claims to be christian demands many extraneous personal merits and works be added to Christs finished redemptive plan.

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:22 am
by Dallas
This is what I was told.

Jesus came from heaven to earth. Died, resurrected then went back to heaven.

Other religions. Man was born, died, then went to heaven.

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:15 pm
by CallMeDave
Dallas wrote:This is what I was told.

Jesus came from heaven to earth. Died, resurrected then went back to heaven.

Other religions. Man was born, died, then went to heaven.
Not all men go to heaven, sadly. Only those who have gotton their many sins erased by the shed blood of Jesus...the only one who was perfect in every way and was a sufficient sacrifice on Gods terms.

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:13 pm
by microburst
It is interesting to know that Christianity and Sikhism both hold similarities, and differences. On one side, Christians believe that Christ was and is the incarnation of God, and on the other side, Sikhs believe that Guru Nanak is the incarnation of God. If there is only one true absolute religion, then why does the God of the Bible allow thousands of religions to exist?

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:18 pm
by Byblos
microburst wrote:It is interesting to know that Christianity and Sikhism both hold similarities, and differences. On one side, Christians believe that Christ was and is the incarnation of God, and on the other side, Sikhs believe that Guru Nanak is the incarnation of God. If there is only one true absolute religion, then why does the God of the Bible allow thousands of religions to exist?
Because he didn't create robots.

Re: Christianity and Sikhism

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:52 am
by CallMeDave
microburst wrote:It is interesting to know that Christianity and Sikhism both hold similarities, and differences. On one side, Christians believe that Christ was and is the incarnation of God, and on the other side, Sikhs believe that Guru Nanak is the incarnation of God. If there is only one true absolute religion, then why does the God of the Bible allow thousands of religions to exist?
What do you mean when you say 'why does the God of the Bible ALLOW....'? God gives us all a freewill choice to believe what we want , and, even if it includes wrong religions, wrong philosophies, wrong lifestyle choices, and untrue teachings. The God of the Bible has given mankind enough scientific and historical evidences concerning the Bible that if anyone with a true open and unbiased Mind investigates its credibility using reason , rational, and logic...that they will conclude IT is the ultimate truthsource and inspiration of God to man. Same for the physical creation around us for our discovery, and same in the historical person of Jesus Christ who lived for 33 years . The problem for other religions is that none of their Leaders did anything remotely close to what Christ did, nor did they claim and prove to be the actual Creator . Until someone comes along and does something greater than what Christ did, Christ is the one to follow, believe in for truth, and freely surrender our life to ...not out of blind faith, but because of reason and logic .