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Documentary on Mark

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:22 am
by Silvertusk
A friend posted this link on FB = have not got time to look at it now - but if anyone has a spare couple of hours and prehaps see what on earth it is talking about as it seems to be another load of nonsense.

Will try and watch it myself soon as I have time.


Re: Documentary on Mark

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:41 pm
by tunde1992
all i read was the first sentence and i already knew what its about .. just the usual accusations .."bible is fake"" blah blah blah u know the usual
use reason and logic and calling Christians stupid be honest i don't want to read any more of it.. i ve read a lot of atheist articles .. it dosent even make me mad. just makes me so sad :esad: ...and concerned for them y[-o<