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Why should Christianity be considered the one and only true/

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:09 pm
by firemage64
Is it really fair to judge people for their religious choice?

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:14 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
firemage64 wrote:Is it really fair to judge people for their religious choice?
Only God's judgement carries any consequence insofar as your salvation is concerned. You'd best be on His side!


Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:39 pm
by B. W.
Well, are they Do all road led to heaven so it does not matter what one does or believe?

Please look over the article in link and you tell me?

Link to Article

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:23 pm
by firemage64
B. W. wrote:Well, are they Do all road led to heaven so it does not matter what one does or believe?

Please look over the article in link and you tell me?

Link to Article
But what about Hinduism or Daoism? They don't require that you kill people. How do people of those religions know that their own religion is false?

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:44 pm
by B. W.
firemage64 wrote:
B. W. wrote:Well, are they Do all road led to heaven so it does not matter what one does or believe?

Please look over the article in link and you tell me?

Link to Article
But what about Hinduism or Daoism? They don't require that you kill people. How do people of those religions know that their own religion is false?
If all religions are true and are all on the same path to God, then so would the one in the article posted be.

If there is but one religion that does not fit that scheme, then the argument that all religions are the means to the same end, heaven/bliss, so it does not matter what one you follow, is well, false.

So you answer me – the one that the article I posted speaks of, is it true of false?

Would a Daoist of Hindu approve of slitting the wrist of a child or older adult and watch them bleed to death circling an alter?

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:20 am
by firemage64
B. W. wrote:
firemage64 wrote:
B. W. wrote:Well, are they Do all road led to heaven so it does not matter what one does or believe?

Please look over the article in link and you tell me?

Link to Article
But what about Hinduism or Daoism? They don't require that you kill people. How do people of those religions know that their own religion is false?
If all religions are true and are all on the same path to God, then so would the one in the article posted be.

If there is but one religion that does not fit that scheme, then the argument that all religions are the means to the same end, heaven/bliss, so it does not matter what one you follow, is well, false.

So you answer me – the one that the article I posted speaks of, is it true of false?

Would a Daoist of Hindu approve of slitting the wrist of a child or older adult and watch them bleed to death circling an alter?
No, a Daoist or Hindu would probably not approve - so to them that particular religion may not be true. Their religion and Christianity don't involve violence so either one or the other could be true. But the Hindu is going to choose Hinduism, not Christianity even though Christians say their is only one god.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:42 pm
by dayage
Hinduism claims that the universe is 4.32 billion years old, but the universe is 13.7 bya. So, it is false. The Bible has thousands of prophecies that have come true, which prove that it is God's word.

The real problem is sin and Christianity has the only solution. Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, in our place, and then rose from the dead to prove He was our God and Savior.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:49 am
by domokunrox
Actually, I want to help clarify Hinduism's age of the universe claim. They believe the "illusion" of "Maya" looks 4.xx billion years old.

They however believe underlying that we are "infinite". Just a lower order of "awareness" of "infinite". However, by logical proofs infinity does not exist and we have good reason to believe our cognitive senses are not illusions.

A lie inside another lie. Yes.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:56 am
by B. W.

Regarding Other Religions:

So there is a manner in which to discern which religion is true or false as you so stated, firemages64. Thank you for your verification. Therefore, how does one discern if Christianity's claims are true or not?

The claims of Christianity are simply stated and having simple faith in what God did for humanity through Jesus Christ brings upon a believer in Christ saving Grace. This saving Grace reconciles and restores a person back to God and changes a person from the inside out. It is the Lord that changes a person. No amount of self effort is required to become reconciled/restored back to being united with God again in unity of purpose, fellowship, obedience, love, etc.

For humanity, this was freely wrought forth by what Jesus Christ did upon the cross. It is by the agency of faith in what He did is what brings us back into fellowship with God. Christianity recognizes sin and its consequences and a believer is set free from the effects of these by God’s hands alone, not our works, or self effort to earn ones return to God or solicit favor, etc...

In this regard, Christianity is different than all the other religions of man. All other religions are based upon some form of self works of penance. Reincarnation belief systems are all based upon what a person does to achieve a union with the divine. It also supports a cruel caste system. If one allegedly lives a perfect altruistic life (after many), and then blows it, back they go into to being a sea slug, etc, and must start all over again. Now if the universes collapses back upon itself into a state of non-existence – then all such efforts are futile.

All Other religious systems depend upon self works of various forms to achieve, or buy divine favor, or manipulate a system of forces to attain bliss, favor, or godhood. All are on what human beings do and not on what God does. The deities they invoke have an insatiable appetite to pull the rug out from under a person if they do not perform just right. That is not perfect love displayed.

Perfect love displayed would be God himself coming into the world as a man to reconciled the world back to himself in such an act the clearly defines what sin is and does to goodness, exposing the need for his forgiveness and restoration. Perfect love also reveals what God’s objective moral standards are which expose sin and our helplessness to curry favor for breaking these upon each other by means of useless self-works to appease conscience for breaking them everyday.

Perfect love will not force, or rape, a soul to accept God. Instead, perfect love offers a choice. A simple choice of faith to accept or reject what God did to save humanity from itself. Perfect love would act in accord with perfect justice, righteousness, and wisdom, etc. Perfect love also lets the eternal consequences of sin be known and warns and pleads for one to return due to what God did alone that supplies a well lit one way sign post pointing the path back to Him.

For these reasons, the very nature of Christianity marks it as different from all other world religions. It is that distinct difference alone that makes it despised by so many as well as points out that Jesus’ truth claim is true; that Jesus alone is the only way, the only truth, and the only light one needs. It is likened to a one way traffic sign pointing the way back to God along the narrow highway of grace. For many people, reading such sign is an offense as well as reason to continue to go the wrong way on that one way roadway.

Is that the way you are heading?

Human pride seeks to ignore the reality of God in exchange for ones best behaviors to earn their place in the sun. It always points out that God’s grace shown on the cross is unnecessary and that human works are better than God’s perfect love. Human ways seek to manipulate God’s perfect love in attempts to redefine it so that God is forced to acquiesce to human definitions of what love is and bow to them. Human ideas of love, try to force God to live up to the standard they impose. Such pride is hidden from the mind by human thought, reasoning, and works. In fact, that is what other religions of the world all do.

So you ask, how could Christianity be the only way back to God midst other world religions? The answer is that it is far different than all other religions as it exposes what sin is in the heart the separates us from God and how God came to heal that breech through His work alone, not ours – that’s perfect love and such love simply calls out an offer of return and reconciliation one can freely accept or reject.

firemage64 and anyone else reading here, you all may not have time to think about it much more so I ask, will you come to Christ today, just as you are, without one plea, and accept Christ blood shed for thee?

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:53 am
by jlay
You have two questions.
Why Christianity, and is it fair to judge people based on religious choice.

For the second, you will need to be more specific by what you mean by 'judge.'
For example, I would not invite a Muslim to partake in some country ham, judging by their religion. y/:)

"Why Christianity" is a simple and complicated question. If it is true that putting on and using a parachute as it was designed will save you from a 10,000 foot freefall, then you should do so. Simply put, it's true. Putting on a sport coat is not the same, and to claim it is, is a deadly lie. All relgions are exclusive in their claims. I repeat, ALL religions are exclusive in their claims. If any religion (atheims is a religion) says Christianity can't be "the only way' as it claims, then what have they just done? They are making an exclusive truth claim. "Christianity CAN'T be...."
The fundemental mistake is assuming that religions are basically the same at the core but differ only on the fringe.
The opposite is true. They are different at the core but similar on the fringe.

The question, 'Why Christianity,' boils down to an issue of truth. Does truth exist? And if so, why does it matter? I think one can convincingly argure that truth is ingrained in the human soul. What is the function of human intellect? According to Aquinas the natural end of the intellect, with is capacity to grasp abstract concepts and to reason on the bassis of them, is to attain truth. We see this evidenced in man trying to learn truth about his natural world and the causes underlying it.
The highest fulfillment of this is to know its creator, God.
We can follow this same course in seeing why Christian theism must be the answer. If Christianity is true, then by default, all other faith propositions are false. Deadly lies.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:00 pm
by narnia4
My answer would be similar to the answer jlay gave, just about every religion you can think of is fundamentally incompatible with one another unless you ignore the exclusive claims of each religion. Its really an issue of simple, fundamental logic.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:08 pm
by bippy123
Fireman I believe that Christianity is the truth and truth is exclusive. That being said, I happen to agree with William lane Craig on this, that people from other religions can enter heaven under special situations. If a person lived and grew up in a community where they never had a chance to be properly introduced to the Word, God in his infinite wisdom and mercy understands all of this. In this case ignorance is truely bliss.

My best friend who lived in Calcutta came to Christ in a very unique way, and had to convert in secret. He came to Christ 8 years back. He passed away last year from acute pancreaitis . He had such an incredible faith.:)
You have the wrong idea of our lord, he isn't some power crazed dictator, but our loving father and best friend.
He can see things that we cannot ever see and that is why we should pray for others and not judge them, but if a person that had the opportunity to research and read the Word and actually rebels against God and even tries to take the faith away of other believers, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes for all the money in the world when his judgment day arrives before God.

Re: Why should Christianity be considered the one and only t

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:53 am
by CallMeDave
firemage64 wrote:Is it really fair to judge people for their religious choice?
It IS fair and proper to judge anothers religious choice / faith in accordance to absolute truth or lack thereof. We can be tolerant of other people having a different faith that ours if thats what they want.....but we are not required or commanded to accept their faith as equal to our own as far as truth is concerned. Further, we have the responsibility to share with others our Faith and show them why it is the truth (which will , by default, render their faith untrue on many major counts) ---- assuming and getting permission beforehand that they are interested in hearing such.