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D. Cheney is a democrat

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:08 am
by pebbleanrock
Proverbs 7:3 says ' Write them on the tablet of your heart." We have been misreading this for 2700+ years. Some say this is idle waffle in scripture, but we now know this is true. In the 1990's heart transplant scientists began to see something weird. New heart recipients began to take on the character of the previous owners. The big boofie truck driver gets the heart of a clarinet player from the city orchestra and for the first time in his life loves classical music. Scientists now know that memories are stored on the nervous system. The heart has the second highest number of nerves, after the brain. I see Mr Cheney has a new heart. Any day now he will start voting Democrat and won't know why. {Would someone pass this onto other media. I think it's a great joke, but true.]