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Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:39 pm
by CandleInTheDark
Well I wrote all of what is below first, then it occurred to me that I should, since this is my first post, tell you why this is so important to me.

“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower

Twisting the factual history of world war two is not something you do to win points in an argument. Interpretations of what happened before, during and shortly after the rise of Hitlers Germany needs to appeal to the facts as much as can be done, this is the cautionary tale of our modern world, if you muddle with it the lessons get muddled as well. It is a matter that needs to contain the highest of intellectual honesty standards or we do nothing but invite its repeat.

I actually received something similar to this in an email years ago from my Grandfather who got it from someone who got it from someone else etc and it spurred me to do some research on it. It turned out that I had to email my Grandfather the original German copy, he speaks and is able to read enough German to see that he passed on to me something that was not true, my Grandfather is bad at apologizing but he did as he takes this kind of thing seriously as well, which is where I got it from I would assume, :) But on to my original post before my impromptu introduction.


I am came to your front page while wandering the internet and stopped to read a few of the articles you have posted there. One in particular gave me pause. This article,, is historically inaccurate. The quotes as presented is from a translation of the original German to French then to English, with the translation being, well, 'sabotaged', is the only word I can think of during the step of German to French. It is a real book, that really does contain shorthand notes of Hitler speaking but your using quotations from the translation that has been shown to be fraudulent. The book has been re-translated many times over by many different scholars and nothing even resembling the quotations has shown up. The full work is copyrighted (well all the translations are, even the one that is falsified), but it is legal to use small spinets so here is hoping you have a fluent German speaker among you so you need not take my word for it.

Original German.

"Ich bin auf Grund höherer Gewalt da, wenn ich zu etwas nötig bin. Abgesehen davon, dass sie mir zu grausam ist, die seligmachende Kirche! Ich habe noch nie Gefallen gefunden daran, andere zu schinden, wenn ich auch weiβ, dass es ohne Gewalt nicht möglich ist, sich in der Welt zu behaupten. Es wird nur dem das Leben gegeben, der am stäirksten darum ficht. Das Gesetz des Lebens heilβt: Verteidige dich!

Die Zeit, inder wir leben, ist die Erscheinung des Zusammenbruchs dieser Sache. Es kann 100 oder 200 Jahre noch dauern. Es tut mir leid, dass ich wie Moses das gelobte Land nur aus der Ferne sehen kann. Wir wachsen in eine sonnige, wirklich tolerante Weltanschauung hinein: Der Mensch soll in der Lage sein, die ihm von Gott gegebenen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Wir müssen nur verhindern, dass eine neue, noch gröβere Lüge entsteht: die Jüdisch-Bolschewistische Welt. Sie muss ich zerbrechen."

The bad translation. The underlined and bold is mine, I did so to highlight the portion you used on your front page entry, recognizing it is what lead me to post in the first place.

"If my presence on earth is providential, I owe it to a superior will. But I owe nothing to the Church that trafficks in the salvation of souls, and I find it really too cruel. I admit that one cannot impose one's will by force, but I have a horror of people who enjoy inflicting sufferings on others' bodies and tyranny upon others' souls. Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity. It will last another hundred years, two hundred years perhaps. My regret will have been that I couldn't, like whoever the prophet was, behold the promised land from afar. We are entering into a conception of the world that will be a sunny era, an era of tolerance. Man must be put in a position to develop freely the talents that God has given him. What is important above all is that we should prevent a greater lie from replacing the lie that is disappearing. The world of Judeo-Bolshevism must collapse."

The translation that is considered honest with grammar changes only when necessary to make it readable in translation.

"I am here due to a higher power, if I am necessary for anything. Leave aside that she is too cruel for me, the beatifying Church! I have never found pleasure in maltreating others, even if I know it isn't possible to stand your ground in the world without force. Life is only given to those who fight for it the hardest. It is the law of life: Defend yourself! The time in which we live indicates the collapse of this idea. It can still take 100 or 200 years. I am sorry that, like Moses, I can only see the Promised Land from a distance. We are growing into a sunny, really tolerant worldview: Man shall be able to develop his God-given talents. We must only prevent a new, even greater lie from arising: that of the Jewish-Bolshevist world. That's what I [must] destroy. "

The translation is so bad that you don't even need to be fluent in German to catch the errors since English and German share a common lingual ancestor you can see the changes in sentence structure and even pick out words that have stayed close enough in pronunciation to know that something hinky happened. Even if the people who own this page do not take it down I hope that if you see or hear quotes from this book you will let people know that the Roper translation of this book is highly suspect, as it is circulated in emails everyday as an honest translation.

Thank you for your time,


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:53 pm
by RickD
Welcome to the site, CandleInTheDark.

You wrote:
I am came to your front page while wandering the internet and stopped to read a few of the articles you have posted there. One in particular gave me pause. This article,, is historically inaccurate.
Could you give us a link to the article on the Godandscience home site, so it can be referenced. If there is an error you found in one of Rich Deem's articles, he would be happy to correct it.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:56 pm
by Ivellious
I'm decent at reading German and I can tell you that first translation is total garbage. I honestly have no idea how they even got those words out of the German version.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:00 pm
by RickD
Nevermind. I think I found it. It's on this page. ... myths.html

Under the heading "Hitler was a Christian?".

I suggest emailing Rich Deem, with the info you have, and see what he has to say. On the home site, if you scroll all the way down, on the left side, you'll see "report page errors". click on that, and submit it to Rich.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:04 pm
by Ivellious
Oh, I didn't realize that this was at all related to this site. Yeah, I'd let Rich know about that. Having a direct link to a site that completely misrepresents material through miserable "translations" should probably get removed.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:24 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I think Hitler pretended to be a Christian to gain the majority of public support, anything he said was just rhetoric for the masses.

*edit* err never mind haha, I was reading wrong article, didn't realise that it was the one you posted already.



Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:39 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
What about the rest of the article, how does the rest translate or is it only that one passage that was poorly translated?


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:44 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Ok I am confused, I have read and reread the article and can't seem to find the quote thats supposed to be a poor translation.

Am I missing something, or is my brain just not functioning today?


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:22 am
by RickD

After Daniel posted, I went back and looked through the article to see if the paragraph you said was mistranslated, was in the article. I didn't see the paragraph either. Are you saying the off site page that Rich linked, has inaccurate translations? Or, is it just one mistranslation from the same book that the article was taken from?

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:41 pm
by CandleInTheDark
He is correct, I started from the German and went to both translations from there I simply picked the wrong paragraph of German that was not one of the quotes given. I'll start again and post a comparison and make sure it is an example of your quotes. I am still confident that your using the Roper translation because the ones that are deemed accurate do contain quotes that are "anti-clerical" but in no way contain quotes that are flat out "anti-Christian" as are posted. Even the anti-clerical quotes when put into context of a paragraph its Hitler's anger that he could not unite the Protestant churches of Germany, since I messed up I'll put the time in to fix it.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:05 pm
by CandleInTheDark
Well I owe everyone an apology it appears I can't complete what I started. I have about 20 paragraphs of the original German, these paragraphs are more focused on politics then religion and none of them are the "root" paragraphs for the quotes you use. It appears that the original document is under lock and key and everywhere I looked to get a copy getting it requires access to either an academic journal or a college database, which I no longer have access too (which is where I got those original 20 paragraphs to begin with)

I don't want to put the bad translation next to a good translation UNLESS I can also put the original German in as well, so I'm kinda stuck given the requirement I want to honor.

So here is the best I can do. If you quote from any book about this whose first edition is before 1980, which is the year the original German notebook was given over for study to multiple people, you are absolutely using the Roper translation. He was the only one who was given access to it (which is why he thought he could take liberties with the contents, but that's a digression), after 1980 there are honest translations and if you want to quote them then your on much much better historical ground. The reason why the Roper edition is quoted and not the honest ones is that the only place Hitler says the things you want him to say is in the Roper edition, and there is not one paragraph in that work that is not absolutely doctored, as I gave an example of in my first post.

It pains me to say it but to give an absolute and undeniable proof that your essay contains doctored untrue quotes I would need to buy access to an academic database. I hope that the example I gave in my first post, and the evidence presented in the essay that says it used this as its source, The book Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944 published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.first edition, 1953 the first edition in 1953 is a dead give away that its the Roper doctored version. I don't think the person who posted the essay realized what he did but he also noted that the book was released untranslated/unaltered in the original German here, They are published in the original German in Adolf Hitler, Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941-1944. published by Orbis Verlag, Hamburg, Approved Special Edition in 2000. Look at the date of its release, you couldn't check the Roper translation against the original until 1980, after 1980 the Roper translation is obsolete in that it is a proven fraud, if you got your hands on a copy of the original document in PDF form or this published copy by Orbis Verlag you can see the length and depth of what Roper did.


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:13 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
This quote is from Wikipedia
Trevor-Roper denied any dishonest motivation, explaining that he had been given certain assurances as to how the diaries had come into the possession of their "discoverer" and that these assurances had been wrong, prompting the satirical magazine Private Eye to nickname him Hugh Very-Ropey.

Am I missunderstanding the article or is it that all the letters are fake or at least the ones Roper received to translate as the article does not mention anything about a poor translation at all.

I am going to keep digging on this one.


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:36 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Found another article in wiki about the poor translations's_Table_Talk

I think the main issue here is not the poor translations ( as silly and unnecessary as they are for a defence ) but was Hitler a Christian, my answer to that is how exactly were Hitlers actions a reflection of who Christ was and what he was teaching.

As far as I can see from the correct translations is that he didn't support the belief in a physical risen Christ and his view of Paul/Saul was that he had corrupted the teaching's of Christ, and Christ was some sort of Ayran warrior. Doesn't sound like Christianity to me but more like some form of cult where people get killed!!


Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:41 pm
by Ivellious
I think it's a fairly established understanding that Hitler twisted Christianity to suit his plan to gain power. I don't think that is really debatable in this day. But regardless, it's not good to use improper translations to make that point or to make it seem like something it was not. There is plenty evidence beyond this that one could use, and even if the point about Hitler's use of a made-up religion is true, you shouldn't use misleading evidence to support it.

Re: Truth matters.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:54 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I think it's a fairly established understanding that Hitler twisted Christianity to suit his plan to gain power. I don't think that is really debatable in this day.
I still have FB friends that try to tell me that Hitler was a Christian, I do think it is well established that his belief was a twisted version but there is still that ever increasing irrational attack on Christianity born from ignorance and blind hatred.
But regardless, it's not good to use improper translations to make that point or to make it seem like something it was not. There is plenty evidence beyond this that one could use, and even if the point about Hitler's use of a made-up religion is true, you shouldn't use misleading evidence to support it.
I agree 100% there is absolutely no need for a missrepresentation to solidify a case against Hitler being a Christian, anyone with half a brain could work out that he was not inline with the teachings of Christ.
