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Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:34 pm
In Genesis after Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, God said that all their life they will work for their fruits and labor until death, back to the ground they will return, for dust is where they came and dust is where they will go.
We all will start to die the day we are born. We are given the miracle of child birth and we start to live and breathe the instant we are taken from the womb into this world. To survive we must eat and live our lives everyday on this earth until we die. To eat we must find food whatever way we can and as we grow older from childbirth we learn to speak and survive with help from our parents or whoever raised us.
We can’t pick another planet or world to live in. We have to live here on this earth today and everyday for the rest of our lives. We have to survive to live.
Now look at the world in which we live. We have War, Killing, Murder, Disasters, Cruelty, Pain, Suffering, Fire, Floods, People dying everywhere and the list doesn’t stop.
Would you not call this HELL? If this isn’t Hell than imagine an even worse place than this world. The Bible tells us of Hell as a place we will burn and never die. Now that’s some Hell, but here we are on this world today and we have no other place to go or live than this world, Hell on Earth! We will all die, but we will die here on this earth in this Hell. This world is our Hell for now and how we live in it determines our HEAVEN.
When you find GOD in your life, you are reborn with a new spirit. This rebirth of your soul gives you the faith that GOD will take care of you and has a plan for your life whatever it may be you will live out that plan through thick and thin. We will fall and learn from our mistakes and we will prosper and give praise to GOD. How we LIVE determines our Heaven Path. Believe in GOD and be saved to Heaven. God promises us another place called Heaven for us to go too upon our death. This will be a place without sin for all his saved children. Today, however we must live to survive and overcome the sins of this world and to do that we must have heaven in our minds and heart with GOD as our Father to guide us in our spiritual lives forward. We must make this world our Heaven everyday because this world we live in. This world we will die in. This world with all the sin we must fight against and keep the faith of GOD in our hearts. This Earth has to be our Heaven, created by GOD in perfection. Adam and Eve were placed on this earth with no worries at all, not even cloths. They didn’t even know they were naked; it was not in their vocabulary. So Heaven as we know it does exist from the creation of this world by God. This world was to be our Heaven with a beautiful garden to tend and all the animals to play with and not a worry at all. Do you think Adam and Eve understood pain, sorrow, hatred, jealousy, hunger, anger, or any sinful nature before the bite of that apple? Heaven was given to Adam and Eve as perfect as God intended it to be. They were told that all this is yours, so be fruitful and multiply and the only limitation God gave them was not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, for if you do you will surely die. What is the Tree of Knowledge? This was the tree of right and wrong, good and evil, and of all the good and sin in the world that is here today. By eating from that Tree gave Adam and Eve an eye opening surprise and now they saw themselves naked and afraid and wanting to hide from shame and sorrow for what they done against the Will of God. All emotions came out and they were changed instantly because they knew they done wrong. They knew it was not right and now sin was among them and they were aware of this sin they had done and God said “Why did you eat from the Tree of Knowledge?” The response was “The serpent said we would not die, and we would be like you Father”. But then God said “for disobeying me, you will surely die, for dust you were made and dust you shall return. You will have pain at childbirth and you will work all your life for what you have done.” Simply stated, but put ourselves in their position each day and keep away from temptation, relish God and let each day be as heavenly as our weak human bodies can absorb. Heaven remains yours each day and hell is a bite away. Don't eat, but pray, ask, seek for answers from God your Father.

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:57 am
by Graceismine
When we look around and see how unbelievers are living in drug and alcohol controlled lives I am sure they think that life on earth is Hell. These are people without hope and they are in bondage to worse even than the addictions I mentioned.

It is a horrible scenario really when we see the rejection as Jesus reaches out to each individual with His message of how He came to set the captives free. How He came to reconcile man to God so that they would not have to face the real Hell of burning torment.

Hopelessness is a type of hell for those who are experiencing it but it is not the real Hell that is spoken of in Scripture.

Good post TGGL

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:27 pm
by blakjak02
I don't think we can actually fathom hell. To me, it has made the most sense that hell is the result of choices to be away from God. Despite, Him wanting you, you straight up reject him. If God is mercy, love and justice should not hell be away from these things and without God completely? As of now, we are not completely isolated from Him which is why we cannot truly understand what that means to be without him completely.That's speculation i guess.

A regretful, barren land outside of the city gates is what comes to my mind mostly :(

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:58 am
by Tpatt17
If people believe this is Hell, and this is as worse as it gets the parable of Lazarus and the rich man shows what hell is like; the rich man is being discribed as "being in torments" he evens asks "send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame" (Matt. 16 19-31). Other places it is discribed as the outer darkness, or oven. In revelation is is discribed as the lake of fire and brimestone. The old Testament doesn't make many refrences like the new testament does. Hell is a separation from God, just as he is discribed as the "father of lights" Hell will be outer darkness. It is eternal, those who deny Jesus will end up in Hell. Hell was never created for man, but for the devil and his followers. When Adam and Eve Sinned, sin became the natural nature of man, Satan is the "God" of this world. Eventually the devil will be thrown into to be "tormented day and night for ever and ever"

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:06 pm
My point exactly. Hell on earth is your separation from God. Sin is here to stay and we have free will to choose our path towards sin or towards God. Our wrong choices create a hell within and leads to destruction. Adam and Eve made that Free Will choice to sin against God knowing God instructed them not to sin.
Sin is knowing it is wrong than proceeding to do it anyways. Hell is more than just a meaning of Hot and Thirsty or Pain and Torment. Hell can be anything apart from God's will. The bible gives examples to Hell and you can easily apply such events to actual people and events and such today. A rich man has everything he needs in life that money can buy but without God in his life he will forever be thirsty.

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:24 pm
by amyjo5995
As our preacher said in church the other day- for the Christian, life on this Earth is as close to Hell as we will ever see. For the non-Christian, this Earth is as close to Heaven as they will ever see!

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:49 am
by Callisto
amyjo5995 wrote:As our preacher said in church the other day- for the Christian, life on this Earth is as close to Hell as we will ever see. For the non-Christian, this Earth is as close to Heaven as they will ever see!
Interesting thought! y:-?

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:01 am
by neo-x
amyjo5995 wrote:
As our preacher said in church the other day- for the Christian, life on this Earth is as close to Hell as we will ever see. For the non-Christian, this Earth is as close to Heaven as they will ever see!

Interesting thought!
I was like y:-/ but then... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: true man

Re: Hell cannot be any worse than here on Earth, But...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:25 am
That's a great way to say it amyjo5995.