What some miracles in the Bible mean to me

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What some miracles in the Bible mean to me

Post by TGGIL »

Miracles of Jesus
The bible has lots of miracles performed by Jesus and others and there is no doubt that God can do all these miracles through Jesus just as the word of the Bible has it. Moses departed the Red Sea to allow passage and God closed it on his enemies. God wiped out all life by pouring rain continuously on the earth for 40 days and nights covering everything, saving Noah and his family to start life on earth all over again. Followers of God have been placed in a burning furnace to be seen walking around unharmed. Daniel has been thrown into the Lions den to come out untouched. Men have conquered their enemies when odds against them were hundreds to one. Jesus cured the blind, healed the sick, and the crippled have walked. Jesus removed demons from the possessed and fed thousands of people with a few fish and little bread and had more food leftover than they started with. Jesus walked on water, disappeared in a crowd and rose the dead to life including him himself rose from being dead.
All these and much more miracles are written in the bible. Can anyone claim these miracles did not happen? God can do anything and everything, who is to question? When I read the bible I like to apply my current life to events that happened in the bible. I read the things I don’t understand in the bible and apply my own wisdom perspective to the story and the miracles.

Feeding the many with little food.
Let’s take the story of feeding the many with so little food in the Book of Matthew. There was a large gathering of followers and Jesus was healing the sick all day. Hundreds became Thousands and many I would expect came on curiosity and interest and I’m sure there must have been some non-believers and those who did not know what was going on or heard of Jesus for the very first time. Who knows how many different reasons why the people came to see Jesus but big events like this people get hungry and thirsty and Jesus was able to feed them all with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. The Miracles of this event is outstanding, with 12 baskets of food leftover after everyone ate and was filled. My wisdom perspective is that all were fed on so little. This food that was fed to the people was knowledge and wisdom from Jesus. The bread of life from the Teacher guided by God the Father. The thousands that had gathered had been fed the word of God and it was more than we could absorb. Jesus had so much to give that everyone that day had absorbed this gospel of knowledge to understand and this wisdom to know the truth. This is the power of God when you accept him in your life. There will be plenty to absorb more than you can hold or eat. Eyes were opened on this event and those who were hungry were fed as much as they can eat. The word of God is truth and no one can deny the truth. If you are being taught the truth you will have no questions, just amazement. All have been fed the truth about God, about their lives and they were filled with the spirit of God upon them. This same bread of life is upon us today when you accept God in your heart and walk and talk as Jesus the son. God is your Father, Jesus is the son and both are the same. With God your Father you will rejoice in the same spirit of Christ Jesus.
The blind man is healed:
Jesus healed a blind man in the Book of John and a blind man in the Book of Mark. The all powerful God in Jesus can and has healed many sick and no question, God can heal the blind with a blink of an eye. My wisdom perspective of this healing is that the blind men may not have been truly blind physically, but spiritually. Jesus confronts a person who does not understand him or God and is clueless. The man wants to know this God he heard so much about and realizes his current life whatever situation it is in needs a change. This man’s life is blind to wisdom and the knowledge of his wrong sinful nature. He wants a healing and asks Jesus to heal him because he is aware of the wrong in his life and has been blind of his ways. Jesus not only forgives him but allows him the spiritual sight to see the light of truth of God and the ways of a righteous life. To some that are spiritually blind and have little faith in change may not see as clearly the first contact with God in their lives. Things will be cloudy because you just can’t absorb this wealth of knowledge but so fast and just so much. You begin to see clearly through the touch of faith that these spiritual changes taking place in your life are real and accepted. You feel the power and the goodness of God upon you and you do not question its presence. This presence of God has you believing in change compared to the life your living now. This feeling is God upon you and your mind is awakened and your faith is growing and you are a blink away from being reborn with a new heart given new sight with God. You have become a believer and what a miracle has happened to those that come blind and can now see. Praise the Lord.
Raising the dead to life.
Jesus has raised the dead in the books of Luke, Mark and John. The power of God has no questions. God created everything and has the power to take away and give life to whomever he chooses. My wisdom perspective of the dead coming to life is simple to apply to today’s example of those lost to sin or have given up on their lives for no better than death awaits them. They are down and out, have no cares of others, quitting life because their own life has been a train wreck. Maybe others around them still care and pray for this lost person. To this person, life is dead. There is no God in their life, at least not the God I know. This person has been led to a path of wrong doing and no other learning of a righteous path. Maybe this person was never shown a path that leads to the Savior. This person is not only blind in the knowledge of God but dead in the eyes of others because their life is looked upon by others as a waste of existence. When God told Adam and Eve about the tree of knowledge and not to eat from that tree or they will surely die, he was giving them knowledge of death. They both must have known the meaning of death, to exist no more from their present surroundings or is it to die from the spirit of God that cares for them. Well, Eve does eat from the tree and does not die physically and Adam eats from the same fruit of knowledge and he does not die. So when God stated they will surely die by eating from the tree of knowledge, this must have been the spiritual death. They knew wrong from right. They both were afraid and lost from their comfort surroundings. They were hiding from God from the shame they had.
To God they disobeyed his command and sinned against God. They did die, but not a physical death but a spiritual death from the connection with God. God has ejected them from the life they had and subjected them to a life of pain and suffering, removing the Tree of Life from their possession. This tree of life is the spirit of fruit that was once theirs to live on and know their true existence in God the creator. God has taken this Tree away and we are now dieing the moment we are born. The clock starts to tick and we grow older by the second until death. God never left Adam and Eve and still remained the Father and comforter. Today God is here with all of us, for we are all his Children and he wants all of us to be saved. Those without our God in their lives are basically dead spiritually. Those eating constantly all their lives from the fruit of knowledge continuing to do wrong, not seeking God as their father is dead. Their life is lost and can only be revived by God. Jesus, the son of God, was the giver of life to those that have died. Whether they were truly dead physically in the bible, they were brought back to life and all is possible through God. If they were dead spiritually, Jesus brought them back to life.
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Re: What some miracles in the Bible mean to me

Post by ronjohn839 »

It would have been amazing to witness these miracles. God is good!
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