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Thee of little faith to his Disciples...Why?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:16 pm
Thee of little faith,

You know what is alarming in the Bible is the lack of faith from the Disciples with Jesus. Jesus has performed so many miracles in the presence of his disciples. There are many doubts from his disciples even after witnessing these miracles. How can this be? If Jesus the Son of God, directed by God, living for God, talking and walking only through God was in our very presence today, how can we doubt him? Why would we lose any faith in his power and glory? If we witnessed all the marvelous miracles written in the bible as his disciples did, why would we still have doubts after? This is so alarming and confusing to many. I questioned this myself many times not understanding why a disciple of Jesus having very little faith when trouble awaits him, or when the fear of death confronts him. I have Jesus in my heart and God directing my life, but I haven’t spoken to God in voice conversation. I haven’t had Jesus, the Son of God confront me and show me any of the miracles that are written in the bible. Jesus had not physically walked with me, talked to me and given me guidance or wisdom in person. I did not drink from any cup, or eaten any bread offered by Jesus in any City, Town, State nor Country. I have not witnessed any man heal the sick or bring to life any dead person other than on TV by Evangelist. Certainly they were not Jesus the son of God on TV, but they sure were preaching “in the name of Jesus”. What I am trying to say is the Bible has Jesus choosing his Disciples to teach and walk with him and be the witness of all the sin and miracles performed. In passages of trouble even to the very arrest of Jesus, the Disciple Peter denies knowing Jesus to his accusers, for fear of his own life. This is insane to read. A big shock of news! Can you or I today having met, lived, broke bread, witnessed miracles of the living Jesus deny his existence or any knowledge that you know him at all? What was Peter thinking?
Where was his faith? Did not Jesus give Peter and his disciples the invincible power of God into their life, that nothing can harm him or them if they kept the faith? We of little faith Jesus has quoted. Jesus knows that the sin of this world is so powerful to our weak human bodies. In any time of trouble we are faced with, out first instinct is to worry and fear whether we are facing emotional trouble or body harm, we have fear inside us. This fear is human emotion and difficult to conquer if we even will or can. The disciple Peter surely had his fears to the last days being with Jesus. There is a story in the books of Matthew, Mark and John about Jesus walking on water and comforting his disciples from their fears. When Jesus finished his powerful sermon feeding knowledge and wisdom to thousands of people, he sent his disciples to the next island in a boat. Jesus stayed behind and told them he will meet them later. A storm comes about the boat and the disciples fear for their safety. The boat could capsize and they could die. In the midst of the storm they see a person and soon realize it was Jesus walking on the water towards the boat. At some moment they had some disbelief. At some moments they may have prayed for help and asked for Jesus. At some moments they were brave and had no fear, for Jesus would save them, but Jesus was not in the boat while they were in fear for their lives. They were scared and than Jesus appeared miraculously walking towards them on water. He gets in the boat and calms the storm. What a wonderful story of faith. When times of trouble confront you and you lose a bit faith from fear, you have Jesus to think about who will never leave you and will comfort you back to safety. We of little faith, is a weakness even his disciples had throughout the bible. Jesus was there for them and is here for us today and everyday of our lives. We will face trouble in our lives because sin, pain and sorrow are here with us everyday. We live with heaven in our hearts and sin all around to conquer. Jesus never left us; we just get wrapped up in our everyday conquering of sin that we forget by fear that we are protected by Jesus. We should not fear so much that we lose touch of the very existence of God our father being our director. That’s why I say to live with Heaven in your heart and constantly pray and give thanks to God in your daily walk of life and fear not the things of this world you need not eat of. Fear God, our creator and Jesus his son for both are the same. Jesus is God in human form to witness and die for us because he knows our weakness and our constant confrontation to sin. God has shown us that through his son Jesus we can overcome all death of this world by faith. The only fear we should have is the fear of God that our lives will be taken away and spent in Hell. Today that Hell is here on this earth constantly confronting us and bringing fear into our lives. With Jesus being our witness that we can overcome all fear through the belief of God by very little faith, we will be saved and we will live in Heaven, That heaven begins in our heart and that heaven is here on this earth until we die a physical death. Until that death of our body, we have a wonderful life to share with others. Some of us have the joy of family, a wife, friends and children to share the spirit of God with. Bring a smile to a loved one and even a stranger. Become an angel and a giver of yourself to those in need without condemning nor criticize anyone. Keep a heaven of Christ inside you and seek knowledge and wisdom to do the things that are of good fruit. Ask yourself, “Is this of God?’ when you come to a road of questions. Don’t go wild all at once, be humble, caring and take the baby steps to a better life with God your Father. God has a plan for you and those plans will follow in time as you pray and keep that little faith. Faith, small as a mustard seed will allow you to enter the kingdom of God. No matter what size faith you have, it’s having faith in Jesus that will set your path and keep you on that road to Heaven.

Re: Thee of little faith to his Disciples...Why?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:09 am
by bippy123
TGGIL, Jesus also said about Peter "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". The bible also mentions that we are in the middle of a spiritual war and the great deceiver Satan is constantly trying to trip us up and he is usually very subtle. IF the disciples had doubts that shows that we must hold onto our faith with everything we have, but you could see Christ's incredible love, compassion and understanding for the human condition when he let Thomas touch him .

Re: Thee of little faith to his Disciples...Why?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:15 pm
That's an Amen bippy123. Satan can be a physical or spiritual deceiver in God's plan. I believe Satan is our lack of knowledge or wisdom to the things that will cause us to sin. We want to do well spiritually but our flesh is weak. God knows this, Jesus proved this and Yes to faith, for faith will set us free.

Re: Thee of little faith to his Disciples...Why?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:37 pm
by mandelduke
TGGIL wrote:Thee of little faith,

You know what is alarming in the Bible is the lack of faith from the Disciples with Jesus. Jesus has performed so many miracles in the presence of his disciples. There are many doubts from his disciples even after witnessing these miracles. How can this be? If Jesus the Son of God, directed by God, living for God, talking and walking only through God was in our very presence today, how can we doubt him? Why would we lose any faith in his power and glory? If we witnessed all the marvelous miracles written in the bible as his disciples did, why would we still have doubts after? This is so alarming and confusing to many. I questioned this myself many times not understanding why a disciple of Jesus having very little faith when trouble awaits him, or when the fear of death confronts him. I have Jesus in my heart and God directing my life, but I haven’t spoken to God in voice conversation. I haven’t had Jesus, the Son of God confront me and show me any of the miracles that are written in the bible. Jesus had not physically walked with me, talked to me and given me guidance or wisdom in person. I did not drink from any cup, or eaten any bread offered by Jesus in any City, Town, State nor Country. I have not witnessed any man heal the sick or bring to life any dead person other than on TV by Evangelist. Certainly they were not Jesus the son of God on TV, but they sure were preaching “in the name of Jesus”. What I am trying to say is the Bible has Jesus choosing his Disciples to teach and walk with him and be the witness of all the sin and miracles performed. In passages of trouble even to the very arrest of Jesus, the Disciple Peter denies knowing Jesus to his accusers, for fear of his own life. This is insane to read. A big shock of news! Can you or I today having met, lived, broke bread, witnessed miracles of the living Jesus deny his existence or any knowledge that you know him at all? What was Peter thinking?
Where was his faith? Did not Jesus give Peter and his disciples the invincible power of God into their life, that nothing can harm him or them if they kept the faith? We of little faith Jesus has quoted. Jesus knows that the sin of this world is so powerful to our weak human bodies. In any time of trouble we are faced with, out first instinct is to worry and fear whether we are facing emotional trouble or body harm, we have fear inside us. This fear is human emotion and difficult to conquer if we even will or can. The disciple Peter surely had his fears to the last days being with Jesus. There is a story in the books of Matthew, Mark and John about Jesus walking on water and comforting his disciples from their fears. When Jesus finished his powerful sermon feeding knowledge and wisdom to thousands of people, he sent his disciples to the next island in a boat. Jesus stayed behind and told them he will meet them later. A storm comes about the boat and the disciples fear for their safety. The boat could capsize and they could die. In the midst of the storm they see a person and soon realize it was Jesus walking on the water towards the boat. At some moment they had some disbelief. At some moments they may have prayed for help and asked for Jesus. At some moments they were brave and had no fear, for Jesus would save them, but Jesus was not in the boat while they were in fear for their lives. They were scared and than Jesus appeared miraculously walking towards them on water. He gets in the boat and calms the storm. What a wonderful story of faith. When times of trouble confront you and you lose a bit faith from fear, you have Jesus to think about who will never leave you and will comfort you back to safety. We of little faith, is a weakness even his disciples had throughout the bible. Jesus was there for them and is here for us today and everyday of our lives. We will face trouble in our lives because sin, pain and sorrow are here with us everyday. We live with heaven in our hearts and sin all around to conquer. Jesus never left us; we just get wrapped up in our everyday conquering of sin that we forget by fear that we are protected by Jesus. We should not fear so much that we lose touch of the very existence of God our father being our director. That’s why I say to live with Heaven in your heart and constantly pray and give thanks to God in your daily walk of life and fear not the things of this world you need not eat of. Fear God, our creator and Jesus his son for both are the same. Jesus is God in human form to witness and die for us because he knows our weakness and our constant confrontation to sin. God has shown us that through his son Jesus we can overcome all death of this world by faith. The only fear we should have is the fear of God that our lives will be taken away and spent in Hell. Today that Hell is here on this earth constantly confronting us and bringing fear into our lives. With Jesus being our witness that we can overcome all fear through the belief of God by very little faith, we will be saved and we will live in Heaven, That heaven begins in our heart and that heaven is here on this earth until we die a physical death. Until that death of our body, we have a wonderful life to share with others. Some of us have the joy of family, a wife, friends and children to share the spirit of God with. Bring a smile to a loved one and even a stranger. Become an angel and a giver of yourself to those in need without condemning nor criticize anyone. Keep a heaven of Christ inside you and seek knowledge and wisdom to do the things that are of good fruit. Ask yourself, “Is this of God?’ when you come to a road of questions. Don’t go wild all at once, be humble, caring and take the baby steps to a better life with God your Father. God has a plan for you and those plans will follow in time as you pray and keep that little faith. Faith, small as a mustard seed will allow you to enter the kingdom of God. No matter what size faith you have, it’s having faith in Jesus that will set your path and keep you on that road to Heaven.
The Apostles were flesh and blood just like us, but look at their life’s after they were filled with The Holy Spirit.

The Apostle Simon ( Peter )

It has been said that the apostle Peter was a slender person. He was of a middle size, inclining to tallness, and that his complexion was pale (almost white.) It has, also, been said that he had a short, thick, curled beard, thin eyebrows (or no eyebrows at all.)

Another description of the apostle Peter is that his eyes were black, but flecked with red due to frequent weeping.

Peter was born in Betsaida (in Galilee, Israel.) By profession, he was a fisherman. His father (also a fisherman) was named Jona; his brother, the apostle Andrew. He and his brother (Andrew), along with their partners (the apostles James and John) were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Zebedee (the father of James and John) was also a partner.

So firm was Peter's faith that Jesus gave him the name of Cephas, meaning, in the Syriac language, a rock (Peter is the Greek translation of Cephas.)

The house in which Peter lived, in Capernaum, is still standing; in the 5th century AD, however, a Christian church was constructed over it.

It was Peter who preached to the masses in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (following Jesus' ascension to heaven.) His message is recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, the book of Acts, chapter 2.

Peter is, also, the one who prompted the disciples to choose a replacement to take over the apostolic ministry of Judas Iscariot (after Judas' betrayal of Christ Jesus.)

It was, also, Peter who healed a man, who was over 40 years of age, who had been crippled from birth, with but the words, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

Peter was called by the apostle Paul a "pillar" of the Church. It was, also, believed by the crowds that the mere casting of his shadow upon the sick was capable of bringing about miraculous healing.

Peter is the one who defended the inclusion of the Gentiles (non-Jews) into the Christian Church at the Apostolic Council in Jerusalem. His ministry was primarily to the Jews, as the apostle Paul's was to the Gentiles.

After being imprisoned several times in Jerusalem (because of his faith), Peter left with his wife and possibly others. It is believed that he ministered (in Babylon) to the Jewish colonists there. It is, also, believed to be his location when he wrote his first epistle (1 Peter.)

Peter eventually went to Rome. While there, it is believed that John Mark (the writer of the Gospel of Mark) served as his translator (as he preached.) There is a Church tradition which says that "Mark the disciple and interpreter of the apostle Peter wrote a short gospel at the request of the brethren at Rome, embodying what he had heard Peter tell." Thus Peter was the source of the Gospel of Mark.

According to Church tradition, the Roman Emperor Nero, publicly announcing himself the chief enemy of God, was led in his fury to slaughter the Apostles. Because of this persecution, Peter was crucified upside down while in Rome.

Concerning the last hours of his life, it is said that Peter, when seeing his own wife led out to die, rejoiced because of her summons and her return home. He called to her very encouragingly and comfortingly, addressing her by name, and saying, "O thou, remember the Lord."

Of the final days of the apostle Peter in Rome, Italy, Jowett wrote that Peter was cast into a horrible prison called the Mamertine. For nine months, in absolute darkness, he endured monstrous torture manacled to a post. In spite of all the suffering Peter was subjected to, however, he converted his jailers, Processus, Martinianus, and forty-seven others.
Peter met his death at the hand of the Romans in Nero's circus, 67AD