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I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:59 pm
by Dallas
I've been talking to someone lately, and they've been going through a hard time. So, through all of this I'm trying to be a light of Christ. Trying to get her to give it up to God. That's not the problem. At the end of the school day, she busted up in tears, and I wanted to talk to her right then and there, and I didn't. I feel so guilty not talking to her. Now, I'm afraid she might Kill herself. I just got home to find out everything was deleted off her Facebook. I'm worried about her so much. What can I do? I don't have her number or anything. I'm so anxious typing this at the moment it's about to break me into tears. I'm asking God for guidance, I just pray it comes quick. Let His will be done though.

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:59 pm
by BavarianWheels
Dallas wrote:I've been talking to someone lately, and they've been going through a hard time. So, through all of this I'm trying to be a light of Christ. Trying to get her to give it up to God. That's not the problem. At the end of the school day, she busted up in tears, and I wanted to talk to her right then and there, and I didn't. I feel so guilty not talking to her. Now, I'm afraid she might Kill herself. I just got home to find out everything was deleted off her Facebook. I'm worried about her so much. What can I do? I don't have her number or anything. I'm so anxious typing this at the moment it's about to break me into tears. I'm asking God for guidance, I just pray it comes quick. Let His will be done though.
His will, will be done. Prayer may be your only hope at this point if you can't otherwise communicate with your friend. Take comfort in God knowing and working for the good...

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:41 pm
by Dallas
I might be exaggerating a little too much. I just don't want her to be upset anymore. We were going to start reading the Gospels tomorrow, but I don't know now. I plan to set her down tomorrow and talk to her. I'm praying she'll be there tomorrow, Lord Willing.

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:57 pm
by Dallas
Turns out my worst case scenario didn't come true. I need to work on my "What ifs?" Well, I guess this thread can be locked now, but I don't know. Uh... Thank you?

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:06 am
by Reactionary
Dallas wrote:I just don't want her to be upset anymore.
Female, huh? So, she's not the one you used to like not long ago? 8) Well done then, Dallas, you're making progress... if you know what I mean. y:D

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:32 am
by Dallas
Reactionary wrote:
Dallas wrote:I just don't want her to be upset anymore.
Female, huh? So, she's not the one you used to like not long ago? 8) Well done then, Dallas, you're making progress... if you know what I mean. y:D
Just a friend :). I over emphasied my fear though. Sorry about that.

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:39 pm
by CallMeDave
Dallas wrote:I've been talking to someone lately, and they've been going through a hard time. So, through all of this I'm trying to be a light of Christ. Trying to get her to give it up to God. That's not the problem. At the end of the school day, she busted up in tears, and I wanted to talk to her right then and there, and I didn't. I feel so guilty not talking to her. Now, I'm afraid she might Kill herself. I just got home to find out everything was deleted off her Facebook. I'm worried about her so much. What can I do? I don't have her number or anything. I'm so anxious typing this at the moment it's about to break me into tears. I'm asking God for guidance, I just pray it comes quick. Let His will be done though.

All you can do is be a friend to this gal. Keep close to her and be there in case she wants to open up and talk about her pain with you. Move in the power of God and not your own . Let the Holy Spirit guide you on what to need to try and force a conversation . No need to feel wrongful guilt over this either. Thats Satans ploy to get you to keep away from her by making you feel inadequate . Plan of spending time in her company so you can be available in case she is ready to talk it out. God will bless you for being a friend in concern.

Re: I'm worried about a friend!!!!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:58 am
by PaulSacramento
"God's will be done"..."God willing"...
Maybe God's will is for YOU to do something, eh?
Maybe the fact that you feel YOU need to do something is what "God is willing".
If I had a buck for every time I have heard a "God's will" as an excuse for doing nothing...