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What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:38 pm
by Dallas
In the recent weeks, I have felt more alone than ever. I have an idea why, but I just can't accept it. For the past 5 years I have done the same thing over and over. Get up, go to school, come home then nothing. It's getting old, and I'm starting to hate my life. I don't want to live anymore, it seems I can't do anything with it. I regret everything that I have become and what I have done. I don't know why I feel like this, it's not like anything bad has happened. I see all of my friends doing things constantly because they have things my family doesn't. They grew up with money, while on the other hand every dollar that my parents made went to bills. I pray and read the Bible, and when I start to get into it, I come back to reality and realize how crappy my life is. I can't stand it anymore...

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:47 pm
by Seraph
I'm in a similar boat. I was especially in that place back when I posted this thread. I'm looking foward to when I graduate in winter so that my routine of the last 3 years can finally change.

But advice I'd offer is definitely keep praying. Also I've found that buying new music albums and learning to like new styles changes the way I look at things and adds some excitement to an otherwise monotonous routine. Maybe both of us need to learn how to expand our horizons and introduce new change into our lives.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:58 pm
by Reactionary
Dear Western colleagues, you're not alone. We stand united - together alone: :mrgreen: ... o1_500.jpg

OK, now for the serious part. I've noticed that this happens among the youth these days. Myself included. My impression is that the society just can't satisfy our intellectual, spiritual and emotional needs. What the present condition of this world offers to us young people, is so shallow - everything is about binge drinking, getting laid, wasting money, etc., etc. And to be realistic, many agree with that, it's just that they don't want to admit it - they fear being rejected by the society. Not everyone enjoys the idea of having one life and living it "to the fullest", some of us are honest with ourselves and aware that humans desire more than casual sex, alcohol or money to waste.

My suggestion? Find a hobby, find something you enjoy doing, and do it. Seraph mentioned music, I like it too, in fact I spend at least 2-3 hours a day listening to music. Most of the genres, from Romanticism to the 21st century. Learning history, philosophy, watching/playing sports (surely you like at least one sport, I like football or as you Americans call it, soccer :) ). Pick a foreign language to study, they are useful. Be successful at school or college - if you haven't chosen your field of study, make sure you pick the one you'll enjoy studying. Meet new people - you'll surely find those who you'll get on well with, and who share your values, especially if you're in a church.

There are possibilities. Maybe you're only feeling desperate at this moment - it's normal, hormones and stuff. Don't say that you don't want to live anymore, you don't really mean it. Work on yourself (mentally, physically, spiritually) and the results will come. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about - I've been through a similar situation. And guess what - I've learned something and I improved as a person. Seraph is right that "God-is-good" catchphrase is not the wisest to use. I'm not saying that God isn't good, but that we often misinterpret "good". Think of your current situation as an exam. Once you pass it, you'll be older, wiser and more experienced. We sometimes have to learn the hard way - the best proof is the fact that we were created here, and not directly in Heaven. Remember, however, that God won't place on us a burden that we won't be able to carry. Everything has a purpose - once we realize it, it's easier to fulfill it.

Good luck, Dallas.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:01 pm
by jlay
Well, the Bible says to rejoice in your sufferings. That may sound like a fine how do you do, but that is exactly what the Bible says. Christians today run from suffering. (me included)
Romans 5:3
James 1:2
2 Cor 12:10

As a young person I would often (and still do at times) get frustrated with the repitition of life. Same patterns, etc. Each day is a gift from God. Much of my outlook changed when I committed myself to ministering the word of God. For most of my life, my Christian walk was just that. Mine. Me, my, I. Everything revolved around me.

Dallas, I'd be curious to ask you what kind of service are you involved in? How are you serving the lord each week in your life? Be specific.

Often times I hear people asking for prayer for similar things. They want God to remove their sadness, or feelings of hopelessness. But I'm not sure that is a prayer I can or should agree with. If you are a son, and you are not where God would have you to be, then perhaps He loves you enough to use your circumstances to test you. Those really are the times that we grow. Or, perhaps you are exactly where God would have you to be, and content in all circumstances. (Phil. 4:12)

Often times I wish I could go back to that old college routine.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:51 pm
by Dallas
jlay wrote: Dallas, I'd be curious to ask you what kind of service are you involved in? How are you serving the lord each week in your life? Be specific.

Since I'm horrible at having one on one conversations in real life. I tend to witness over Facebook to my friends. I try to be a light of Christ as much as I can. I need to do it in real life though. I'm just too quite at some points.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:54 pm
by Dallas
Reactionary wrote: My suggestion? Find a hobby, find something you enjoy doing, and do it. Seraph mentioned music, I like it too, in fact I spend at least 2-3 hours a day listening to music. Most of the genres, from Romanticism to the 21st century. Learning history, philosophy, watching/playing sports (surely you like at least one sport, I like football or as you Americans call it, soccer :) ). Pick a foreign language to study, they are useful. Be successful at school or college - if you haven't chosen your field of study, make sure you pick the one you'll enjoy studying. Meet new people - you'll surely find those who you'll get on well with, and who share your values, especially if you're in a church.
I'm not a big fan of sports. I hate how much they get paid. Probably because I'm poor, but who knows? I would love to learn a new language. I want to learn Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. Or spanish. Are there any resources that are free to do so? I have no money. So I tend to get stuck in my room all day. Doing nothing.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:45 am
by 1over137
Dallas wrote: I'm not a big fan of sports. I hate how much they get paid. Probably because I'm poor, but who knows? I would love to learn a new language. I want to learn Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. Or spanish. Are there any resources that are free to do so? I have no money. So I tend to get stuck in my room all day. Doing nothing.
Are there any good (they do not have to be free) resources concerning learning Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew? I am also interested in learning those languages. I will buy the books in pair ;).

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:09 am
by PaulSacramento
When one tries to find happiness or meaning in things or in activities or in people, one is bound to either find it fleeting or not at all.
We must look into OURSELVES to find purpose, to find joy, to find happiness and when we do that we will see that there is joy and happiness and purpose all around us and it's always been there.
You seem to have many excuses for not doing things but is there any REASON for not doing them?
You mentioned you want to learn a new language but have no money, well...the library is free and they have tons of books and such to do just that.
May I quote something for you?

When we ask God for strength does He give us strength or the opportunity to be strong?
When we ask God for love, does He gives us love or the opportunity to be loved AND to love?
When we ask God for a purpose in life, does he give us that purpose or does He gives us life so that we have the opportunity to have A purpose?

This is not one of those "half full / half empty" crap, this is simply a polite suggestion for you to see that it is up to you to take what life has given and, with Christ's help ( and yes you need His help), make it what you need it to be.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:07 pm
by jlay
Dallas, there is more ways to serve than 'witnessing' per se. Something worth praying about, no?
I'll be praying for you bro. Remember you were created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He prepared beforehand that you may walk in them.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:16 pm
by narnia4
This sounds like something that a lot (most?) teenagers go through. I think you can take comfort in not being alone here, you aren't alone because-

1. God is with you.
2. You have family that loves you
3. Other people have gone through the same thing.

Prayer will help, as will reliance on God. In many cases, years after the fact a person will be able to see how invaluable tough experiences were in strengthening them.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:53 pm
by Gman
Dallas wrote:In the recent weeks, I have felt more alone than ever. I have an idea why, but I just can't accept it. For the past 5 years I have done the same thing over and over. Get up, go to school, come home then nothing. It's getting old, and I'm starting to hate my life. I don't want to live anymore, it seems I can't do anything with it. I regret everything that I have become and what I have done. I don't know why I feel like this, it's not like anything bad has happened. I see all of my friends doing things constantly because they have things my family doesn't. They grew up with money, while on the other hand every dollar that my parents made went to bills. I pray and read the Bible, and when I start to get into it, I come back to reality and realize how crappy my life is. I can't stand it anymore...
Dallas I wish I was younger like you... Don't blow this life.. Challenge yourself. Take on a new language like Hebrew and get involved in supporting Israel along with Christians and Jews. Plus you can live there for free!

And learn Hebrew for free..

Enjoy life... Thy kingdom come, God's will be done....

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:45 am
by Dallas
Gman wrote:
Dallas wrote:In the recent weeks, I have felt more alone than ever. I have an idea why, but I just can't accept it. For the past 5 years I have done the same thing over and over. Get up, go to school, come home then nothing. It's getting old, and I'm starting to hate my life. I don't want to live anymore, it seems I can't do anything with it. I regret everything that I have become and what I have done. I don't know why I feel like this, it's not like anything bad has happened. I see all of my friends doing things constantly because they have things my family doesn't. They grew up with money, while on the other hand every dollar that my parents made went to bills. I pray and read the Bible, and when I start to get into it, I come back to reality and realize how crappy my life is. I can't stand it anymore...
Dallas I wish I was younger like you... Don't blow this life.. Challenge yourself. Take on a new language like Hebrew and get involved in supporting Israel along with Christians and Jews. Plus you can live there for free!

And learn Hebrew for free..

Enjoy life... Thy kingdom come, God's will be done....
Thank you Gman. Once I get home, i'm going to dive deep into this :)

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:28 pm
by Gman
Dallas wrote:
Thank you Gman. Once I get home, i'm going to dive deep into this :)
Dallas. Thanks.. You won't regret it.. It's a huge task but it comes with many blessings.

Here is another way to promote Israel. Join AIPAC or CUFI.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:27 pm
by Mitzy
What about getting involved in a youth group? I have been in your shoes before. There were times when i was young that i would beg God to just take me because I felt that nobody here loved me even my own mother. At 16 i got a job and that helped some so I could have some spending money of my own. I have gone through a lot and I am only 29. I lost 3 babies and fell into depression really bad for a year then God kind of snapped me out of it somehow. i thinik this is how the devil attacks the young. He makes you feel like you are worthless and this is all there is to life. God didn't promise it would be easy here. Just hang in there and things will get better and try to get involved in a church. Even if you do not talk much just being around other Christians might help. I did not talk much for a long time but I made myself. You can do it life is worth living even though its hard.

Re: What Am I to do?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:21 pm
by Callisto
Dallas wrote:In the recent weeks, I have felt more alone than ever. I have an idea why, but I just can't accept it. For the past 5 years I have done the same thing over and over. Get up, go to school, come home then nothing. It's getting old, and I'm starting to hate my life. I don't want to live anymore, it seems I can't do anything with it. I regret everything that I have become and what I have done. I don't know why I feel like this, it's not like anything bad has happened.
This is exactly me. Except I'm going on to my sixth year of college, and I'm going to be doing graduate school in January and really don't want to but feel forced into it. :/ Society stresses me out and I don't want to do any of this. I have no control in anything. It's not that anything bad happened to me either, but I'm NOT HAPPY. Maybe I'll just take a semester off and then wait to see if I get matched to an internship in April. If I don't I think I'll just say "screw it" and take my dietetic technician exam and get paid less and such. I've had enough of school.
