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nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:37 pm
by cubeus19
Hey everyone, for the past few weeks I've been trying to educate myself about end times prophecy as well as all of the stuff I keep hearing about as far as the nwo and the Illuminati. And as many of you already know there are all kinds of competing theories out there, the traditional Christian theories of satan's one world government (which is the ones I mostly adhere to) but there are also purely secular theories like the zeitguist theories plus I think there is even ones from muslims.

Specifically the ones I'm nervous about are the secular and islamic end times theories. Many of them specifically mention that modern day Israel is part of the Illuminati. They also like to mention something called Zionism as part of their conspiracy theories. And I know the Old Testament talks a lot about Mt. Zion and mentions Zion quite a bit. Is this something they directly link to just modern day Isreal or do they even claim that the Jewish people wanted to set up a one world (evil) government since the times of the Old Testament? They also like to mention how Israel apparently owns all of hollywood and most of or at least many of the larger corporations that run the financial world.

If there is any truth at all to their theories I shudder to think what the implications for God's existence and for Christianity being true would be. Now some I think who adhere to the Jewish nwo conspiracies are either Christians who hold to the idea of replacement theology or are either muslims or atheists.

And as you all can tell I really don't want their views to be true but what if they somehow turn out to be true? Now I'm the first to admit I don't have all the facts and trying to sort out any truth from all the fiction that is out there is next to impossible. Currently I'm still very much pro Christian and pro Israel like Gman and most here are. But I just hope there is no truth to these theories because if there is quite possibly I and most others on earth will be killed soon without any possibility of a afterlife (especially if the atheist or even muslin end times theories are true)

If anyone here knows about this stuff and knows how to refute it please help educate me more on these various views of the end times and or coming one world government. I'm feeling very confused and nervous about all this. :?

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:20 am
by B. W.
Here you go...

A brief quote from Wikipedia:

The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the Illuminati, with an initial membership of five, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. It was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons. The Illuminati's members took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges

from -
Therefore, any idea that this was a Jewish organization is in error...

The actual fact of how such organizations began can be simply illustrated for us today as – banking corporate warfare.

For a brief unbiased simple history of banking, see this Wiki link:

Here is my take on it summarized briefly as follows:

As the banking industry rose, there arose a banking war as well. Who control's the world’s money, controls the world. This goes back to the ideas of ancient Babylon – one world Government – think of Nimrod’s idea of conquering and then Assyrian, and then Nebuchadnezzar’s rule. The idea was golden – rule the entire world by all means of force. Financial force was the key – hence golden symbolizes Nebuchadnezzar’s reign: Golden dream of world domination of all people and resources under one man/ruling oligarchy.

The History of Banking in Wiki’s first paragraph mentions the Kingdoms symbolized in Nebuchadnezzar’s statue dream. Interesting is it not?

Whoever controls the banks, controls the world. In order to control all the banks, one must eliminate opposing banking systems. There was a Jewish man, Rothschild, who won over the English Banking system due to Napoleons defeat in 1815. The other banking systems then set themselves at war with that system, and it is interesting a rise in anti-Semitism arose as well.

Why? Rid the pagan banking systems of its opposition. Therefore, the anti-Semitic correlations that many conspiracy theories provide cover for one banking system to overthrow the other. Look at George Soros for example and his dream of one world order. So don’t buy into all the anti-Semitic cr*p out there. There is a banking war going on.

In the USA, there are still privet small banks that are not apart of this mess and they too are viewed as an opponents by the big top dogs. Add to the mix, the rise of the Asian banks – control mostly by China nowadays and then the Major Western Banks of Europe. You have USA major Banks as well, moles in each, seeking to control all the money of the world. The idea is control by Usury in its classical definition of controlling others by high interest rate and debt. It is interesting to note that historic Christianity opposed usury and still does. Also interesting is why Christianity is becoming a target as well these days and in the USA attacked repeatedly by infliction of a thousand small cuts.

Revelation 12:17

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:23 pm
by Gman
cubeus19 wrote:
Specifically the ones I'm nervous about are the secular and islamic end times theories. Many of them specifically mention that modern day Israel is part of the Illuminati. They also like to mention something called Zionism as part of their conspiracy theories. And I know the Old Testament talks a lot about Mt. Zion and mentions Zion quite a bit. Is this something they directly link to just modern day Isreal or do they even claim that the Jewish people wanted to set up a one world (evil) government since the times of the Old Testament? They also like to mention how Israel apparently owns all of hollywood and most of or at least many of the larger corporations that run the financial world.

If there is any truth at all to their theories I shudder to think what the implications for God's existence and for Christianity being true would be. Now some I think who adhere to the Jewish nwo conspiracies are either Christians who hold to the idea of replacement theology or are either muslims or atheists.

And as you all can tell I really don't want their views to be true but what if they somehow turn out to be true? Now I'm the first to admit I don't have all the facts and trying to sort out any truth from all the fiction that is out there is next to impossible. Currently I'm still very much pro Christian and pro Israel like Gman and most here are. But I just hope there is no truth to these theories because if there is quite possibly I and most others on earth will be killed soon without any possibility of a afterlife (especially if the atheist or even muslin end times theories are true)

If anyone here knows about this stuff and knows how to refute it please help educate me more on these various views of the end times and or coming one world government. I'm feeling very confused and nervous about all this. :?
Oh please... Believe me, these type of theories are bunk... :shakehead:

Don't listen to these conspirators.. Much of the UN is very much anti-zionist, anti-Israeli.. They hate it with a passion so it isn't any wonder they and others come up with these bogus ideas. Also for those who think Israel is rich, take a trip there sometime and see how most of the people live there. Many live below the poverty level since it is very expensive to live in Israel. Orthodox Jews live in slums too... I wouldn't let my dog live there....

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:39 am
by Jeast
cubeus19 wrote:Hey everyone, for the past few weeks I've been trying to educate myself about end times prophecy as well as all of the stuff I keep hearing about as far as the nwo and the Illuminati. And as many of you already know there are all kinds of competing theories out there, the traditional Christian theories of satan's one world government (which is the ones I mostly adhere to) but there are also purely secular theories like the zeitguist theories plus I think there is even ones from muslims.

Specifically the ones I'm nervous about are the secular and islamic end times theories. Many of them specifically mention that modern day Israel is part of the Illuminati. They also like to mention something called Zionism as part of their conspiracy theories. And I know the Old Testament talks a lot about Mt. Zion and mentions Zion quite a bit. Is this something they directly link to just modern day Isreal or do they even claim that the Jewish people wanted to set up a one world (evil) government since the times of the Old Testament? They also like to mention how Israel apparently owns all of hollywood and most of or at least many of the larger corporations that run the financial world.

If there is any truth at all to their theories I shudder to think what the implications for God's existence and for Christianity being true would be. Now some I think who adhere to the Jewish nwo conspiracies are either Christians who hold to the idea of replacement theology or are either muslims or atheists.

And as you all can tell I really don't want their views to be true but what if they somehow turn out to be true? Now I'm the first to admit I don't have all the facts and trying to sort out any truth from all the fiction that is out there is next to impossible. Currently I'm still very much pro Christian and pro Israel like Gman and most here are. But I just hope there is no truth to these theories because if there is quite possibly I and most others on earth will be killed soon without any possibility of a afterlife (especially if the atheist or even muslin end times theories are true)

If anyone here knows about this stuff and knows how to refute it please help educate me more on these various views of the end times and or coming one world government. I'm feeling very confused and nervous about all this. :?
You should definitely watch Doc Marquis' documentaries (free to watch on YT). He explains precisely what the Order of the Illuminati is trying to achieve (as he himself is an ex-Illuminati member).
All the names mentioned in the posts above pass the revue. They are very interesting documentaries.
I do not just believe everything I hear without studying a bit on the subject myself, but these documentaries really got me thinking...

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:01 pm
by cubeus19
You know, as i'm digging further and further into the stuff about the nwo, illuminati, freemasons, and conspiracy theorists whether it be popular ones like Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, or more off to the side ones like Doc Marquis, Fritz Springmeier or Bill Cooper (deceased), the more and more confused I am on the whole thing.

Because after spending hours reading articles, and watching or listening to all these guys, many of them have different stories on the whole thing. Also many of them don't even like or trust one another. And who's to say just because some of them or others like them who have been former freemasons, former satanists, former Illuminati members aren't lying and trying to deceive people even further?

In fact it's having a bad effect on me almost to the point to where I'm seeing myself get to the place where I won't believe anything anyone says including anything involving the Bible and God, because I get this temptation to think that I really live in a world where the only thing that goes on among human beings is lies. That all human beings do is tell lies to one another! Everything easily could be a lie!

And that may even include all pastors, all Christian teachers, and even all Christian apologists. And if that's the case than death really is a big mystery because then I'll have no idea what so ever as far as whether or not there is a God or what happens to us after we die if anything. I'm starting to feel very very sick and uneasy inside. I really hope if God really is real He will show up and straighten some of this confusion out.

Confusion and lies and what is really going to destroy the human race. You can count on it. I really don't know what else to say. Again, I'm feeling very very scared and sick inside right now. :crying:

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:37 am
by Seraph
Conspiracy theories are often based on nothing and are just people's wild imaginations being treated as fact. I feel that the Illuminati fall into this category.
Same with 9/11 Truth and all other secret One World Government theories.

My opinion. :egeek:

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:51 pm
Interesting topic, say Seraph, I was wondering, do you hold to some form of peterism? If so, which version, full or partial preterism? I say that because I'm going to start a new thread here in a while about something I found out regarding preterism and the afterlife.

Re: nwo theories and israel concerns

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:28 am
by Seraph
Not really, though I wouldn't rule it out. People like Puritan Lad have managed to make pretty compelling arguements for that view.
But as for non-preterist ideas, people have been claiming that the events of Revelations are coming true before our very eyes many times in the past and they usually get labelled things like "The Great Disappointment" by historians. I have a hard time accepting that there have been thousands of years since Jesus Christs death, and people have been anticipating the end ever since then, but THIS is the generation that will get to see it. Sure it's entirely possible but I'm probably not going to believe it is upon us because times are rough. I think when the Great Tribulation, the Millenium of Jesus' reign and/or the Rapture occur, it will be so obvious you don't need obscure theories.

The subject of the end times is very mysterious and I don't think anyone truely has the correct interpretation of it. My attitude is basically "we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out". :P