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God sofetning hearts

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:41 pm
Hey everyone, I was wondering have any of you all have any testimonies of where you have asked God to help soften the hearts of people you were trying to reach or praying that God would reach them?'

Specifically I was wondering if you have ever seen God soften the hearts of any of today's hard hearted atheists. I mostly just want to know how much faith it would take on the part of the believer to move God to do such a difficult task.

Mostly I'm just feeling desperate and frustrated as far as serving God in today's overly secular culture. I personally don't feel like I can help persuade or even effectively argue with an atheist to get them to even consider coming to Christ.

And it's not because we don't have good arguments. We have fantastic arguments, I'm my opinion Christiany beats Atheism by leaps and bounds. That's why I'm a believer. I could easily tell people about all the top arguments and evidences for the God of the Bible.

But the problem is regardless of those facts, most unbelievers today don't want to hear it. They don't want any part of it. They are basically one with their atheism or whatever philosophy or religion they hold to.

Anymore I see my "witnessing record" to reflect Matthew 10:14. And anymore that's why I don't really focus much of my time trying to win today's westernized internet atheists and focus more of my attention on supporting foreign missions.

Do you think in order for God to win any of today's atheists He has to allow them to experience a lot of personal difficulties and hard times in order to humble them? What must us believers do to still be much of an effective witness to today's western culture? My only guess is to place a very big premium on apologetics which is obvious. But place an even bigger premium on prayer, and ask God to soften the hearts of atheists. Let me know what you all think. Thanks and GB.

Re: God sofetning hearts

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:06 am
by PaulSacramento
I believe that love conquers all.
I have seen the cycle of hate and violence and pain be broken ONLY by love.
God softens the hearts of those that love, are willing to love, have been exposed to love.
What people do with that "softened heart" is, of course, up to them.