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John Lennox debates Gideon Rosen at Princeton

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:29 am
by Katabole
I watched this very thought provoking debate today, was posted on John Lennox's twitter account yesterday. Hope you all enjoy it.

Making Sense of Suffering: Atheist philosopher Gideon Rosen debates Christian professor John Lennox at Princeton University

Re: John Lennox debates Gideon Rosen at Princeton

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:15 am
by PaulSacramento
To me the issue of suffering is not as big as it used to be when I was younger.
I have noticed that humans are never more in the "image of God" than when there is suffering.
People will suffer alongside complete strangers on the other side of the world, they will move "heaven and earth" to help someone they don't even know, because that someone is suffering.
Was that not what God did? Did God not suffer alongside Us in Christ?
Suffering exists because of many things, but God "allows" it to exist because we are never more human AND divine then when there is suffering.
When we get together to help "cure" suffering, it is a glimpse of "heaven on earth", of God IN US.

Re: John Lennox debates Gideon Rosen at Princeton

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:44 am
by domokunrox
Love John Lennox.

In the end, the problem of suffering shows how badly people need Christ in their lives. Many times, we need to be careful with these people and think about Christ on the cross before we select our words. Not all people can handle that their suffering or the suffering of others is quite simply put special pleading. They're literally pleading that God should have done the logically impossible physical universe along with humanity without free will. There is no evidence or philosophical proofs at odds in any way with the existence of God. In particular, the Christian one.