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Christ "living inside you" once becoming a Christian

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:55 pm
by cubeus19
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to figure something out. If Christ really lives inside of us like many pastors and (the bible?) says why isn't it that we say automatic sinlessness and moral perfection among believers? Also, do you think this talk about Christ living inside our hearts is almost like the catholic doctrine that says when catholics partake of their communion the wafer and wine they eat and drink literally turn into the blood and body of Christ when swallowed? Basically do you think it needs to be taken more figurative or taken literally? And if it's to be taken literally what about my first question above? Thanks.

Re: Christ "living inside you" once becoming a Christian

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:42 pm
by Tevko
I would think that "Christ living inside us" has to be taken in a figurative sense. Firstly because (to be overly obvious) no one is actually living inside us. I think when that term is used, it is supposed to portray the idea that the Holy Spirit is with us, moving us to become more like Christ as we actively pursue Him. God is looking for us to choose to believe in Him, and I feel that is an ongoing process, even after we make a conscious decision to trust in and accept Jesus Christ. Revelation 3:20