I'm having doubts about my salvation again
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:53 pm
I'm trying to figure out what I need to feel or get right in a sense to really have confidence that I actually have salvation.
One of the biggest worries I have is why do so many pastors who on one hand show lost people that there is nothing they can on their own to keep the law but once they get saved preach to them like they better do this and that, and keep from doing this or that sin in order to stay saved.
Now granted most don't come out and say that but they choose a sneaky way to say it such as they say to make sure you keep from sinning and do all the right things as evidence you have true saving faith. Isn't that just a sneaky way of saying that salvation really is by faith AND WORKS?
Plus I don't know how difficult it is for many of you, but even since coming to faith I still can't stop making mistakes. Even on good days when I don't commit hardly any physical sins, but I sin in my brain. In my view it's way more difficult to keep from sinning in your mind than it is acting out the sin. You know what I mean?
But getting back to the proper method of salvation, I'm going to lay out from the best of my ability from what I know my attempt to show you how I think a person gets truly saved, and let me know if this looks right enough to you. And this will be in the context of a "morally average or basically good LOST person" coming to Christ.
scene 1: (person a) Basically good lost person goes to church and hears about how morally good a person must be to enter heaven.
scene 2: person a learns that even their best efforts can't get them into heaven but learns that through trusting Christ they will be saved.
scene 3: person a prays and accepts Christ and starts believing that Christ will save them.
scene 4: Because the message of the cross, Christ's life and death, and the gift of salvation sinks deep into person a's mind and emotions they start and continue to gain such a love for Christ they start to love His commands and follows them much more and better and thus becomes an even better person morally than they were when they were lost.
Ok, now that I shown you all that, I want to focus on scene 4 a bit. Is that the proper mindset a believer should have? Because for me even while saved (as far as I know) I still find many of God's commands very difficult and very burdensome to do. I mean I know I should do them but in the situations I find myself I don't really understand. Like never be angry with anyone even in your thoughts. How can anyone a believer or non believer ever pull off such a task? Or by not lusting after a woman (if you are a man like me) How can anyone saved or unsaved pull that off the rest of their lives?
I really hope salvation doesn't work like a light switch where once someone truly receives salvation they become perfect and automatically live perfect lives. Because if that is the case than I'm certainly not saved.
And also if a person can lose his or her salvation where exactly is the tipping point? How "bad" does a former believer have to be in order to become unsaved again? Plus how about old people who develop memory and mental problems.
Or even formally healthy people who have a bad accident and severely injure their brains in such a way that they say and do things that on the surface look evil and sinful but at the same time those people can't control themselves? Do they go to hell because of their mental illness? I'm really having trouble with these issues. Please pray for me.
One of the biggest worries I have is why do so many pastors who on one hand show lost people that there is nothing they can on their own to keep the law but once they get saved preach to them like they better do this and that, and keep from doing this or that sin in order to stay saved.
Now granted most don't come out and say that but they choose a sneaky way to say it such as they say to make sure you keep from sinning and do all the right things as evidence you have true saving faith. Isn't that just a sneaky way of saying that salvation really is by faith AND WORKS?
Plus I don't know how difficult it is for many of you, but even since coming to faith I still can't stop making mistakes. Even on good days when I don't commit hardly any physical sins, but I sin in my brain. In my view it's way more difficult to keep from sinning in your mind than it is acting out the sin. You know what I mean?
But getting back to the proper method of salvation, I'm going to lay out from the best of my ability from what I know my attempt to show you how I think a person gets truly saved, and let me know if this looks right enough to you. And this will be in the context of a "morally average or basically good LOST person" coming to Christ.
scene 1: (person a) Basically good lost person goes to church and hears about how morally good a person must be to enter heaven.
scene 2: person a learns that even their best efforts can't get them into heaven but learns that through trusting Christ they will be saved.
scene 3: person a prays and accepts Christ and starts believing that Christ will save them.
scene 4: Because the message of the cross, Christ's life and death, and the gift of salvation sinks deep into person a's mind and emotions they start and continue to gain such a love for Christ they start to love His commands and follows them much more and better and thus becomes an even better person morally than they were when they were lost.
Ok, now that I shown you all that, I want to focus on scene 4 a bit. Is that the proper mindset a believer should have? Because for me even while saved (as far as I know) I still find many of God's commands very difficult and very burdensome to do. I mean I know I should do them but in the situations I find myself I don't really understand. Like never be angry with anyone even in your thoughts. How can anyone a believer or non believer ever pull off such a task? Or by not lusting after a woman (if you are a man like me) How can anyone saved or unsaved pull that off the rest of their lives?
I really hope salvation doesn't work like a light switch where once someone truly receives salvation they become perfect and automatically live perfect lives. Because if that is the case than I'm certainly not saved.
And also if a person can lose his or her salvation where exactly is the tipping point? How "bad" does a former believer have to be in order to become unsaved again? Plus how about old people who develop memory and mental problems.
Or even formally healthy people who have a bad accident and severely injure their brains in such a way that they say and do things that on the surface look evil and sinful but at the same time those people can't control themselves? Do they go to hell because of their mental illness? I'm really having trouble with these issues. Please pray for me.