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God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:09 pm
by Ivi
God said to Moses : "Don´t Kill." but why did He tell to the Izrael people to kill a lot of other nations . To kill babies, old people... well everyone.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:18 am
by B. W.
Ivi wrote:God said to Moses : "Don´t Kill." but why did He tell to the Izrael people to kill a lot of other nations . To kill babies, old people... well everyone.

It is interesting that many agnostics and atheist bring up this question.

If there is no God, what premise does such question lead? What answer would it lead if there was no God?

The answer would be:

Humanity is horribly flawed, always seeking to twist thing around in order to justify actions that refute any idea of the existence of a solid moral compass or moral accountability. Ultimate answer would be if there were no God – human beings are therefore not sweet innocent victims but rather consist of teaching the youngest their own destructive ways.

As for those who make out the ancient people of ancient Canaan sweet innocent victims do not know the historical, archeological facts that state that these groups were by no means sweat and innocent but absolutely perverse and taught these perversions to the very young. There is some truth behind behavior modification techniques.

God’s hand was set forth to protect his chosen people from such influences. You protect your own, would you not? Then why cannot God do so in order to bring in the Messiah Jesus at an appointed time to die a terrible death at the hands of humanity to stop this perversion, forgive, and reconcile a lost humanity. Many people try to cite God of wrong doing but how can he be wrong in sending Christ to reveal how human natures tendency to go after and seek to destroy Goodness? Especially God's Goodness...

What is the real premise for such questions as was posed?

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 9:38 am
by Ivi
God’s hand was set forth to protect his chosen people from such influences.

All right, I didn´t know that those people did such things, but still it seems strange that Bible describes God as someone unchangeable and when He once says Don´t kill it should stay like that forever...

But I have also one other question and it´s why did He choose one nation- Izrael ? I know the history, that He chose them because He promised Abraham that He will be with his children forever, but it seems like the Izrael people are his favorites and the others are enemies. But He created all of them.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:52 pm
by Gman
Ivi wrote:God said to Moses : "Don´t Kill." but why did He tell to the Izrael people to kill a lot of other nations . To kill babies, old people... well everyone.
Actually the correct context of this law was not to "murder" not killing itself. Killing was allowed by G-d only when all other avenues were exhausted. We can see this even today in our justice system when police carry guns and sometimes have to use them in order to protect the innocent. As for killing babies it's the only time you will see that in the Bible and particularly in the land of Israel and not anywhere else. Why? We are not too sure.. Some say that G-d knew how they were going grow up, others say that they were the offspring of a genetically altered race known as the nephilim, and others answer this way..

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:00 pm
by Gman
Also it should be noted.. G-d's land boundaries are only the country of Israel and not anywhere else.. Genesis 15:18-21. G-d doesn't say to conquer other nations this way, only preserve the state of Israel and these boundaries.. A very very small chunk of land but central to the continents.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:54 am
by B. W.
Gman wrote:Also it should be noted.. G-d's land boundaries are only the country of Israel and not anywhere else.. Genesis 15:18-21. G-d doesn't say to conquer other nations this way, only preserve the state of Israel and these boundaries.. A very very small chunk of land but central to the continents.
Gman, this is correct and not considered by many people who go into debate on such subject. What else is not considered is the atrocities committed by the ancient world on each other. Babylonian, Assyrian, for example. Or even Rome on Carthaginians…which were far greater on scale and size and intensity.

What do you think Gman? Anymore to add here?

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:54 am
by B. W.
One another note:

Also, what if God decided to stop such nations committing atrocities on other nations as well as its own people and young, using human agency – what then – would God be wrong doing this?

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:20 am
by Ivi
I know these thing about Izrael people ,history, explanation, but it is all seen from christian point of view. How do Christinas or any other religion know THE Truth about God who is much greater than we can imagine? Why does christianity( or any other religion) claim that they are right? How can they know so? They are ONLY people.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:06 pm
by PaulSacramento
Ivi wrote:I know these thing about Izrael people ,history, explanation, but it is all seen from christian point of view. How do Christinas or any other religion know THE Truth about God who is much greater than we can imagine? Why does christianity( or any other religion) claim that they are right? How can they know so? They are ONLY people.
How do people KNOW there is a God?
So much has been written on this, truly its hard to knwo where to start but I think Augustine said it best: We are made for God and we wil not find rest until we find God.
Oh we will substitute other things for God but none will compare and we will still KNOW something is missing ( even if we don't admit it to ourselves).
But even if we accept that there is a God, why the Christian one? right?
Well, a believer must find the answer to that himself, hence the personal relationship we have with God ( although only Christianity says we CAN have a personal relationship with God and by that I mean a deeply personal one).
For me it is the belief in Jesus Of Nazareth, that in Jesus we see God, that God become one of Us, to live and suffer with US.
A God that suffers with Us to heal us, that is something that, for ME, clicks, know what I mean?
Until I became a parent, I didn't get that by the way, it was through my kids that I found Christ and in Him found the answers to ALL my concerns about God.
So, for me, it had to be Christianity because NOTHING else would do.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:56 am
by BryanH
As for killing babies it's the only time you will see that in the Bible and particularly in the land of Israel and not anywhere else
So if it's only one time and if it takes place in Israel, it's ok. Got it.
As for those who make out the ancient people of ancient Canaan sweet innocent victims do not know the historical, archeological facts that state that these groups were by no means sweat and innocent but absolutely perverse and taught these perversions to the very young. There is some truth behind behavior modification techniques.
Dude, you are talking about murdering kids... Kids will behave as educated by their parents. If someone is to be guilty here, those were the parents and not the kids...

So let's summarise: there are historical, archeological facts that state that Canaans should have been slaughtered anyway. Sweet!!

P.S.: I have been here on this forum for a while and many times I have been told to use logic and reason by a lot of people here. Where is your logic and reason when you try to rationalize GENOCIDE just because it's written in the BIBLE?
So, a perfect GOD found the best solution: killing people. Right...

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:38 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Hi BryanH

Please watch this video

It covers all your objections.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:49 pm
by BryanH
I suppose that you watched the video as well:

Again,what he says is just a method of rationalizing and explaining an immoral course of action, even if it comes from God.

I will mention here what impressed me most of his speech:

1) God can take and give life as he sees fit. So practically God can kill you when ever he wants, it's his "right". Well, sorry, but I strongly disagree. Or if you agree with this issue, than I don't see the problem with Christian people being against abortion and infanticide.

2) If some children who were killed and "we don't know", they were better off dead and going to Heaven. Are you insane? He is explaining that children of Canaanites were living in a bad environment anyways and their death was something that just sent them to a better place.

===> And what about when God killed the first born of every Egyptian house when the Israelites were in Egypt?
Now, don't tell me that those kids were also corrupt and they were better off on the "other side".

But now let's do a little recap:

1 Samuel 15:3
Deut 2:34
Deut 3:6
Deut 20:16-18

It seems more than once to me... I know, I know. The children were better off on "the other side" rather than living in such depraved societies.
If God wanted to solve the problem with these depraved nations he could have done so in a more humane way and not by such violent acts.
It seems that in Egypt he found a more "humane way".

Again, this rationalizing of such violent and immoral actions saying that God knew what he was doing and he has the right to do it is the easy way out of anything.

Or maybe God never issued such commands. It was only the human mind who can come up with such "smart" ideas.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:09 am
by Danieltwotwenty
I can see you understood little of what Dr Craig said as everything you said he answered.

I agree with Dr Craig that God had sufficient moral reason to take lives, you don't have to agree that is your choice.

When God pours out his judgement at the end of days I am sure many millions of people will die including women and children.

God's judgement is always righteous whether it be now, in the future or from biblical times.


Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:05 am
by BryanH
I can see you understood little of what Dr Craig said as everything you said he answered.

I agree with Dr Craig that God had sufficient moral reason to take lives, you don't have to agree that is your choice.

When God pours out his judgement at the end of days I am sure many millions of people will die including women and children.

God's judgement is always righteous whether it be now, in the future or from biblical times.
Dan, no offense, but I understood very well what the guy said.

If you think that what God commanded/did several times (not once) is ok, well, then there is no point in debating about this.

Re: God said:,, Don´t kill"

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:16 am
by Danieltwotwenty
BryanH wrote:
I can see you understood little of what Dr Craig said as everything you said he answered.

I agree with Dr Craig that God had sufficient moral reason to take lives, you don't have to agree that is your choice.

When God pours out his judgement at the end of days I am sure many millions of people will die including women and children.

God's judgement is always righteous whether it be now, in the future or from biblical times.
Dan, no offense, but I understood very well what the guy said.

If you think that what God commanded/did several times (not once) is ok, well, then there is no point in debating about this.
Of course what God did is ok within his defined morality, I am not sure whose standard you are holding him too but if it is your own then well.............
