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Earthquakes during the last decade

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:07 am
Hello everyone, in regards to end times I've been hearing a lot of things within bible prophecy communities that in the past few decades especially this last decade there has been more earthquakes and more powerful/damaging earthquakes in recent years than in the past. I was curious if any of you all know of any official statistics on this as far as whether or not this is the case.

I just ask this because I know many bible prophecy teachers can be over the top sometimes and I just want to make sure they are not trying to exaggerate things. For instance, one of the big prophecy teachers I like to listen to on youtube quite often recently is Paul Begly, whom I think sometimes does over exaggerate things.

For instance he likes to give daily earthquake reports and many of the quakes he mentions are like 4.0 or even 3.0 quakes which are so slight in many cases that hardly anyone feels them. Many prophecy skeptics in response also point out that it is normal for the earth to create 4.0/3.0 ish earthquakes quite often since the earth is constantly moving.

But regardless, from what you all know is the earth still experiencing more earthquakes now than in the distant past? But anyways, thank you all for your time.

Re: Earthquakes during the last decade

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:13 pm
by digging
I believe something to note is that the word 'earthquake' in Jesus message of the end times does not only mean the earth being disturbed but the word can also refer to uprising within the body of humanity.


Re: Earthquakes during the last decade

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:40 am
by ChristYouKnowItAintEasy
digging wrote:I believe something to note is that the word 'earthquake' in Jesus message of the end times does not only mean the earth being disturbed but the word can also refer to uprising within the body of humanity.

Interresting. How and Why?