Anyone hear strange sound's latey?
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:47 pm
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19:1)
Crazies are all over the place! I was on a beach in Virginia and was befriended by George, a man who believed in ''chemtrails''. George would point to the sky and shake his head at the chemtrails; I told him they were just high altitude clouds but he wanted to believe in his imaginary demons.RickD wrote:Crazy Canadians! I guess that's what happens when you're cooped up all winter, in the great white north, eh.
In English: "Chemtrails, unlike contrails, usually aren't formed as a result of condensation of water vapor behind airplane engines. Airplanes that give off chemtrails have special tanks on their wings, which spray aerosols, more or less of unknown origin, and for unknown reasons."Chemtrail-ovi, za razliku od contrail-ova, uglavnom ne nastaju kao produkt kondenzacije vodene pare iza avionskih motora. Avioni koji ispuštaju chemtrail-ove na krilima imaju posebne tankove iz kojih ispuštaju aerosoli, više-manje nepoznatog porijekla, i iz nepoznatih razloga.
Is that a picture of yourself, Paul?PaulSacramento wrote:
"I'm not saying it was aliens....PaulSacramento wrote:
Could it be that chemtrails are reincarnated contrails?Reactionary wrote:In English: "Chemtrails, unlike contrails, usually aren't formed as a result of condensation of water vapor behind airplane engines. Airplanes that give off chemtrails have special tanks on their wings, which spray aerosols, more or less of unknown origin, and for unknown reasons."
See?! Some of the chemicals probably entered through the ventilation, windows or whatever you keep open in the plane while flying!Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:I onced had fun making my very own chemtrails! Flying in very humid weather, I would pull the plane up sharply while at cruise speed and a trail of vapor would form on the upper side of the wingtip. I had a lot of fun doing this over and over but had to stop when my passenger vomited.